So the last few times I had the sims running, I got a few black screens.
People were in the race pods trying to race at the time, so I was too flustered trying to get it back up and running for them before they asked for their $ back, to collect or rename the replays.
Usually it would just recover, sometimes really fast, and sometimes it took a couple minutes.
One time the first black screen of the day caused the sims to all run at about 40fps (it is capped at 60fps in settings), it then black screened a few more times that day, recovering at 40fps each time. One of these times it black screened and did NOT recover. I had to reboot the entire setup to get it working again.
I checked temps, and I do not believe it was due to an overheating GPU, as I don't think it went over 80, unless the temp sensor is bad. I replaced the PC CASE fans anyway with new noctua fans, and added a few more.
Just a little worried that it is happening more frequently on the main host computer lately.
I am trying to get a monthly/weekly tournament league started for local racers.
With entry fees and prizes to motivate payment of those entry fees.
If I can get some regular "league" players maybe this is another way I can afford to keep dong this. I would like to do another one ONLINE, but I fear for people cheating to win the prizes.
Events are still being rained out left and right... I can go a week with no rain, then ON THE HOUR the scheduled event is suppose to start it starts POURING until the event is suppose to end... then a week of no rain again!!! -- I guess someone is telling me to do something else for money. I will be renting out a local wedding reception facility on the off days, to do my own tournament events.
I need to find more events to do. I previously mentioned 3 BIG events coming up.
The one for a magazine/tv show failed, they just stopped responding and ignored all contact after saying they were interested in it. OH well it RAINED hard toward the end of that event and canceled out their main event drag race, so I am glad I wasn't there to get rained on, AGAIN.
Another for a car-show-event group was RAINED OUT, but they had a rain day, and since they paid me to be there, I was giving races for free, so it was the busiest event I have done yet, all 8 seats were full almost the entire event. I almost passed out from heat, sun, work, etc... The problem was, their rain day was on the same day as another event I was scheduled to do, however it RAINED on the event I had to skip, so I guess I snuck around the rain that day and got 1 good event in.
The 3rd event, is in 2 weeks, and while they keep saying they are interested, they have yet to confirm or make any setup plans. So I do not know if they will pay me to give free races, or if I will have to charge $ to make it worth it to be there.
I have an inquiry pending for a corporate party event in Chicago, however they want it to be NASCAR themed, and LFS does not do NASCAR, aside from putting nascar skins on the cars. Maybe they will change to F1 theme
It is also in NOVEMBER, which means there is potential for ice on the roads on a 1000 mile round trip with a trailer, so this one might not happen.
So the last few times I had the sims running, I got a few black screens.
People were in the race pods trying to race at the time, so I was too flustered trying to get it back up and running for them before they asked for their $ back, to collect or rename the replays.
Usually it would just recover, sometimes really fast, and sometimes it took a couple minutes.
One time the first black screen of the day caused the sims to all run at about 40fps (it is capped at 60fps in settings), it then black screened a few more times that day, recovering at 40fps each time. One of these times it black screened and did NOT recover. I had to reboot the entire setup to get it working again.
I checked temps, and I do not believe it was due to an overheating GPU, as I don't think it went over 80, unless the temp sensor is bad. I replaced the PC CASE fans anyway with new noctua fans, and added a few more.
Just a little worried that it is happening more frequently on the main host computer lately.
I am trying to get a monthly/weekly tournament league started for local racers.
With entry fees and prizes to motivate payment of those entry fees.
If I can get some regular "league" players maybe this is another way I can afford to keep dong this. I would like to do another one ONLINE, but I fear for people cheating to win the prizes.
Events are still being rained out left and right... I can go a week with no rain, then ON THE HOUR the scheduled event is suppose to start it starts POURING until the event is suppose to end... then a week of no rain again!!! -- I guess someone is telling me to do something else for money. I will be renting out a local wedding reception facility on the off days, to do my own tournament events.
I need to find more events to do. I previously mentioned 3 BIG events coming up.
The one for a magazine/tv show failed, they just stopped responding and ignored all contact after saying they were interested in it. OH well it RAINED hard toward the end of that event and canceled out their main event drag race, so I am glad I wasn't there to get rained on, AGAIN.
Another for a car-show-event group was RAINED OUT, but they had a rain day, and since they paid me to be there, I was giving races for free, so it was the busiest event I have done yet, all 8 seats were full almost the entire event. I almost passed out from heat, sun, work, etc... The problem was, their rain day was on the same day as another event I was scheduled to do, however it RAINED on the event I had to skip, so I guess I snuck around the rain that day and got 1 good event in.
The 3rd event, is in 2 weeks, and while they keep saying they are interested, they have yet to confirm or make any setup plans. So I do not know if they will pay me to give free races, or if I will have to charge $ to make it worth it to be there.
I have an inquiry pending for a corporate party event in Chicago, however they want it to be NASCAR themed, and LFS does not do NASCAR, aside from putting nascar skins on the cars. Maybe they will change to F1 theme