The online racing simulator
Drag system
Hi everyone,

I like to release my dragaddon for LFSLapper.

Check in the attachments which one you need

  • -Be Sure you have the latest version of LFSLapper:
  • -Copy and Paste the 'DragSystem' folder into the Includes Folder. (\bin\default\includes)
  • -Open the "addonsused.LPR" file (\bin\default\includes\addonsused.LPR) and add the
following lines:

include( "./includes/DragSystem/Drag_Global.lpr");
include( "./includes/DragSystem/Drag_SetDect.lpr");
include( "./includes/DragSystem/Drag_BackSpawn.lpr");
include( "./includes/DragSystem/Drag_Finish.lpr");
include( "./includes/DragSystem/Drag_UserDetect.lpr");

  • -Type !dson/!dsoff to turn on/off the Dragsystem.
  • -Type !setdraglines(!dsl) to set the Stageline/Splitlines/Finishlines etc
  • -To activate the startline type !acstart , with !destart you can deactivate it.
The next option is not functional for demodrivers: SpawnBack option
Do you want to spawn your finished drivers back to a location? Type !setspawnpoints.
You need to add a Insim Circle to make this working.

Have Fun.


  • Up to 4 drivers. Can be set with a command ( 1 to 4 drivers)
  • Christmas lights
  • Finishboard (small one for 2 drivers, big one for 3/4 drivers)
  • Penalty detection (disqualified after finishing)
  • Splitspeeds in KM/H
  • Times(Seconds)
  • DragRatio (show your winningsratio)
  • Set Prestage/Staged/Splits/penaltyline/Finishline
  • Set Spawnpoints (spawn drivers back when finish)


  • Times in milliseconds. (Lapper Sourcecode need to be changed (New insimpacket))
  • Prestage line
  • Early start for specific user.
  • Differend Languages

NOTE: Addon updated for version or higher

Version 0.2

  • -Extra command for !setspawnpoints.(!ssp)
  • -Spawn/Spec line now used to spawn players back (if a spawnpoint has been set, otherwise the driver will be spectated)
  • -Dragline Nodes removed after turning off the dragsystem.
  • -Set Draglines nodes(!sdl) as a spectator
  • -Set Spawnpoints(!ssp) as a spectator
Version 0.3
  • -Prestage lights does work now
  • -PreStage lines didnt work.
Version 0.4
Fixed: (thanks to Yisc[NL])
  • -Removed some arguments on function CloseDragResults() in file 'Drag_Finish.lpr' at line 154 .
Attached images
Attached files - 11.9 KB - 506 views
Looking good! :-)
so good.

false/early start opt. ?
Thank you,

Your idea has been added in the todo/suggestion list.
Version 0.2 released: Small edits and fixes.
See first post.
Dragaddon updated for LFSLapper version
Check first post and the attachments which version you need.
Quote from Bass-Driver :Dragaddon updated for LFSLapper version
Check first post and the attachments which version you need.

Good Job !
(Chansonje) DELETED by Chansonje
Not work...
oke , what doesnt work.

-which version of lapper do you run.
-did you installed the script correctly?
-Which errors did you get. can be found inside the ERR files in bin/default/logs/
Quote from Bass-Driver :oke , what doesnt work.

-which version of lapper do you run.
-did you installed the script correctly?
-Which errors did you get. can be found inside the ERR files in bin/default/logs/

Look video
lapper 4.4
install correctly
Thanks for reporting the bug.
Bug is fixed, grab the new version in the first post.
Quote from Bass-Driver :Thanks for reporting the bug.
Bug is fixed, grab the new version in the first post.

Reset node is not work and bug light
P.s. Dont work open track. Only closed track?
Attached images
Reset node should work, only the number of the node does not disappear.
The drag system is only for closed track configs.

besides that, this dragaddon is outdated. Maybe, when i have time i will update it again.

btw i cant find the server: LSN EVENTS in the serverlist.
Quote from Bass-Driver :Reset node should work, only the number of the node does not disappear.
The drag system is only for closed track configs.

besides that, this dragaddon is outdated. Maybe, when i have time i will update it again.

btw i cant find the server: LSN EVENTS in the serverlist.

Nodes attached to insim circle? Or works only with the position of the car?
Need to do milliseconds for split 1 and 2
The coordinates of the nodes are a little bit not correct on the track.

I like your work very much. Finish it, it will be cool!
Attached images
LFS 2019-06-20 23-29-48.jpg
The system counts the cars that crossed a node ( prestageline / Stageline(actual startline))
So it doesnt matter if you stand on the right or left of the track. I know its not very well scripted. Actual its shit Tongue

More about nodes and zones in this topic:

At the moment the time is calculated and displayed in seconds. Some parts of the dragaddon need to be rewritten to display a more accurate time in milliseconds.

Anywa, thank you for being interested in the dragaddon. But i'm not motivated to work on any scripts or Lapper itself.
Quote from Bass-Driver :The system counts the cars that crossed a node ( prestageline / Stageline(actual startline))
So it doesnt matter if you stand on the right or left of the track. I know its not very well scripted. Actual its shit Tongue

More about nodes and zones in this topic:

At the moment the time is calculated and displayed in seconds. Some parts of the dragaddon need to be rewritten to display a more accurate time in milliseconds.

Anywa, thank you for being interested in the dragaddon. But i'm not motivated to work on any scripts or Lapper itself.

I will wait for the next updates... Thank You =)
I've found a bug in this addon.
When using command "!dsoff" or "!rds" the following error is logged:

Syntax error: Incorrect number of arguments at line #154 in function 'closedragresults' script aborted

The problem is in file 'Drag_Finish.lpr' at line 154 which is:

Sub CloseDragResults($keyflags,$id)

This line should be changed to:

Sub CloseDragResults()
lol, is this script still being used.

Thanks for the bug report.
This was a easy fix.

Check first post for the new version. version 0.4
It would be great a second version that works with the traffic lights of the track
60 ft
330 ft
1/8th mile
1000 ft splits

possible to load node info from text file or something? kinda sucks having to reset everything on server reload.
its possible, but i'm not sure if it works.

EDIT: Doesn't work, the zones/nodes will be set after setting them in the 'Set Lines' menu.

-Open Drag_Global.LPR
-Go to line: 105 - 111

-Replace the '-' into a node number
So it should look like this:$PreStageLineNode = "-"; >>> $PreStageLineNode = "5"; (number of node)
-Save the file and restart lapper.

The rest of the Drag Addon is outdated, when it becomes to timings and lines etc/
Feel free to change the drag addon.