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LFS Forum Musicians
(416 posts, started )
Musicians huh?
OK. How do you get a guitar player off your porch?
Pay for the pizza.

How do you know a drummer is at your door?
Cause they knock faster.

Techo performers really HATE their fans. You can tell cause all their music says Douche, Douche, Douche, Douche.

(currently drawing a D'Angelico semi hoping the end result will be them giving me a new axe)

Know what's dumber than becoming a musician? Becoming an artist.

Oh well, keep up the good work.
sorry if my mixes offended anyone, there once was an extra thread in here for djs/producers but i couldnt find it - so forum musicians was kind of the closest i could find to post some music i mixed.

while we are already at this point:

clubmoodvibes asked me to do a podcast for them
you can enjoy it on soundcloud, itunes and

Quote from reason0809 :sorry if my mixes offended anyone, there once was an extra thread in here for djs/producers but i couldnt find it - so forum musicians was kind of the closest i could find to post some music i mixed.

while we are already at this point:

clubmoodvibes asked me to do a podcast for them
you can enjoy it on soundcloud, itunes and


Nice i will follow on soundcloud with my music account
Quote from Racer Y :Musicians huh?
OK. How do you get a guitar player off your porch?
Pay for the pizza.

How do you know a drummer is at your door?
Cause they knock faster.

Techo performers really HATE their fans. You can tell cause all their music says Douche, Douche, Douche, Douche.

(currently drawing a D'Angelico semi hoping the end result will be them giving me a new axe)

Know what's dumber than becoming a musician? Becoming an artist.

Oh well, keep up the good work.

Are you sure it is not just someone trying to get your attention when you hear "douche, douche, douche" as it seems much more fitting. Your question "know whats dumber that becoming an musician", first possible answer is obviously being someone that say's "know whats dumber than becoming a musician" and not spelling techno correctly, the second is anyone that thinks the jokes you included to be funny Big grin
Quote from bishtop :Are you sure it is not just someone trying to get your attention when you hear "douche, douche, douche" as it seems much more fitting. Your question "know whats dumber that becoming an musician", first possible answer is obviously being someone that say's "know whats dumber than becoming a musician" and not spelling techno correctly, the second is anyone that thinks the jokes you included to be funny Big grin

I guess there's always gotta be an over-sensitive type in the bunch, huh?
Need a safe space?
Oh well you know what they say if you can't take a joke
Quote :well you did go to a music thread and post all negative towards the entire music industry.
also calling musicians and artists for dumb. which is somewhat a total discardment of creativity.

what did you expect when writing that in a music thread?

but okay. funny joke. haha !

this maybe?
but this was about equipment.
i dont think there is a DJ thread as such.
you can make one ?

Uhhh.... why else would I describe an artist being dummer than a musician?
Cause I screwed up and became one maybe? By the way I got those jokes from a drummer and a DJ - OK?

I don't really like to show stuff I haven't finished, but in this case......
Attached files
GUITAR SO FAR.pdf - 1.1 MB - 411 views
I don't like to get involved with all you mental conspiracy theory guys but racer y was just making a couple old jokes, you guys are wayy to sensitive...
So many here are too sensitive and Racer Y just threw around a basic joke. Goddamnit, how do you survive a day being so sensitive Big grin
Quote from MousemanLV :So many here are too sensitive and Racer Y just threw around a basic joke. Goddamnit, how do you survive a day being so sensitive Big grin

Well said Mouse....well said. Big grin
Quote from MousemanLV :So many here are too sensitive and Racer Y just threw around a basic joke. Goddamnit, how do you survive a day being so sensitive Big grin

It's what musicians do best:

Quote from Arnoldio :It's a cover, but self recorded and produced in its entirety.

Now that is how you cover a song Thumbs up
If you have dignity to your music, you wouldn't share it on soundcloud. 128kbps mp3 playback with no option to change it whatsoever.
Quote from CRAAACH :If you have dignity to your music, you wouldn't share it on soundcloud. 128kbps mp3 playback with no option to change it whatsoever.

There’s a download gate to hypeddit where you can download a lossless wav audio format at 1411kbits and 60mb filesize.
SoundCloud for artists is just as great as any other platform for streaming and promoting music. But thanks for your feedback about the track!
Quote from CRAAACH :If you have dignity to your music, you wouldn't share it on soundcloud. 128kbps mp3 playback with no option to change it whatsoever.

Big Eye go tell that to 95% of people who make music
Quote from johneysvk :Big Eye go tell that to 95% of people who make music

Welp, I'm trying to, by spreading the info here for e.g.

Quote from reason0809 :There’s a download gate to hypeddit where you can download a lossless wav audio format at 1411kbits and 60mb filesize.

Well, at least there's that, so appreciate it.

Quote from reason0809 :(...)But thanks for your feedback about the track!

Well, I won't listen to song if that would require me to go to soundcloud service. Althought, gotta admit that even if that wouldn't be the case, I still am unable to provide feedback as I'm unable to make new song discoveries, cuz reasons.

But honestly, if you're an music producer, listen to the song from DAW, than upload it on soundcloud and decided it sounds oll'right than something ain't right. They do dissastrous service to the music industry by refusing to update their preview codec, as than the only songs which sound good by this old encoding are songs where there's no much to encode: simple and monotone. And here goes another balance shift which starts defining pop songs: simple and monotone, cuz only those ones allow to focus on song instead of listening to codec distortions.

Haven't bothered to test yet, but I suspect soundcloud is also pushing it's creators unwillingly into loudness war, as their playback is always so loud and flat that I don't think it's even mp3 to blame here, they can do some processing here and there, mfs.

And it's not about makeing hi-fi audio an luxury option paywalled by artist, as there's an threashold where I if I'd been an musician, would not want the listeners of my song to have to bear throught such unpleasing quality, as they'll get false impression that the song is not good. Simply doing disservice to the song, just disrespectful to the creation. I get FLACs can be paywalled, but previews shouldn't remind us of early human recordings god damn it. Especially in 2023.

SoundCloud, service advertise as for music, has worse preview than YouTube! Whereby YouTube has ~130kbps Opus. Same goes for Spotify. Than no wonders only top100 hits on those platforms are some simple phone gingles, cuz only those ones sound good with the preview quality (althought, on Spotify you can at least pay premium for full mp3 experience, but still: why they limited themselfs to those mp3 streaming...)
Give it a rest, you’re way too overthinking this.
SoundCloud is working fine for me and as good as any other streaming service.
Quote from CRAAACH :...

The vast, vast majority of people who listen to music couldn't care less about about the bitrate and the quality of their music, as long as it isn't a distorted mess. If you are making music for 99.99...% of people, Soundcloud is fine. If you think anything other than that, you are a snob.

Saying people who upload their music to streaming services lack dignity is the stupidest thing I've heard all week, and Trump has been on trial this week...
As a YouTube consumer, I just use YT platform. There you can find various gems according to music. ( In a same manner as from SoundCloud for example, just different platform... and format )

I do use other platforms too though.
Oh, before I forget

Quote from CRAAACH :128kbps mp3 playback

This is false.

Quote from Soundcloud :If you upload a stereo file in a lossless format like WAV, FLAC, AIFF, or ALAC, we’ll transcode it in a high-quality format optimized for music streaming like AAC 256 kbps.

256kbps is equivalent to 320kbps mp3.

At least get your facts right before ruining and downtalking someones elses work in here.

Quote from UnknownMaster21 :As a YouTube consumer, I just use YT platform. There you can find various gems according to music. ( In a same manner as from SoundCloud for example, just different platform... and format )

I do use other platforms too though.

And thats the whole point of sharing music. It doesnt matter which platform its been uploaded to. The whole point is promoting yourself. I couldnt care less if its 256 or 320 kbps while listening as long as its not overdriven or distorted. If I find a cool track from other artists on either YT, Soundclouod, Spotify or wherever, and I actually want to buy it, I still can go to a record store around the corner and get the vinyl, or buy the original lossless files from bandcamp or other online record stores. I never went like "oh its been uploaded to Soundcloud, therefor the artists and his whole music sucks in general"
Quote from reason0809 :

And thats the whole point of sharing music. It doesnt matter which platform its been uploaded to. The whole point is promoting yourself. I couldnt care less if its 256 or 320 kbps while listening as long as its not overdriven or distorted. If I find a cool track from other artists on either YT, Soundclouod, Spotify or wherever, and I actually want to buy it, I still can go to a record store around the corner and get the vinyl, or buy the original lossless files from bandcamp or other online record stores. I never went like "oh its been uploaded to Soundcloud, therefor the artists and his whole music sucks in general"

Go checkup which format your browser actually starts playbacking from the site Wink
I couldn't care less

LFS Forum Musicians
(416 posts, started )