The online racing simulator
Round 1 unofficial results


If you want to make a protest,please include all neccesary information.
Quote :Session:
Lap/MPR time:
Involved drivers:
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Deadline for protests - monday,20:00 UTC

* Race MPR compressed due forum file size limitation of 16MB
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VERL2019-R1q.mpr - 6.4 MB - 421 views
Meh... I dont have Fred time to report... Nice -,-
Round 1 official results

V8 Racing League spreadsheets

(browse for various championships and single round results)

[FFM]ˆNumber - receives 10 seconds penalty added to his finish time for pit entry line violation.
13.Firssen - receives 10 seconds penalty added to his finish time for pit entry line violation.
C.Midget - receives a WARNING for too much chatting! Even if chatting is not forbidden in our league,extensive and unnecessary use of binds draws too much attention away from racing.
13.Matthew - receives a WARNING for low racing standarts. Every driver should be prepared enough to be able to keep his car under control for at least multiple laps in row.

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This round went into VERL history as the most attended in history - a total of 27 drivers qualified for the race,which is 1 more than previous most - round 1 of 2017 series at South City. Unfortunatelly the grid size record (from the same round) was not broken as 2 of the qualifyers did not start this race. More drivers on track usually brings more troubles - there were plenty of contacts between cars during first lap (and following unnecessary complaints about them in chat),but no actual protests were filed - no incident drew enough attention for organization side to be ruled as anything else than racing incident (protests required for incidents to be analysed more closely).

One tradition was kept alive for the 4th year in row - A.Wiśniewski again won the 1st round of the series,allthough probably this was the most difficult one of these 4 opening round wins. He qualified 2nd,but used his outside starting position to prepare lead taking overtake on the outside of 1st non-oval turn. Even if he was passed couple times for short distance and had a close follower for first 3/4 of the race,the 2016 series champion led every single lap of the race and scored another race win for his achievements. Series newcomer and winner's countryman Dzban also passed the polesitter early in 1st lap while starting from 2nd row and kept the intrigue for race win alive,but got involved into incident (involving also race leader) and spun the car - he still saved his race position and finished 2nd. Polesitter Kamikas kept the 3rd position for the rest of the race after being passed in 1st lap and converted it into another podium finish for himself. Top 5 was completed by Oliver in 4th place and series rookie Gábor in 5th.

After round 1 the standing are of course the same as race results,only the points gap is what makes difference - A.Wiśniewski has 2 points gap over Dzban,while Kamikas trails by 5. Dzban is currently leading rookie standings by 8 points over Gábor.

Most represented team Medrecers-MLG Patronus is also on top of the teams standings after round 1,but not only by drivers count alone - all 3 drivers finished withing best 9,best 2 scored 34 points which is 14 more than single driver team of 2nd place finisher DV1 TRITON Racing,Fragmaster is 3rd another 2 points behind. Defending teams champions TC Racing was represented by a single driver,who scored just a single point putting them in 11th position currently. With 2 drivers from same nation finishing 1st and 2nd,there are no doubts about current nations cup leader - Poland is 23 points ahead of single driver nation Estonia,Germany is 3rd with 3 points gap from 2nd. The previously dominating nation Finland was represented by a single driver in this race,who didn't even start the race putting the 4 time nations champions in 20th place.

2 weeks break between rounds 1 and 2,which is enough time to prepare for only custom track of the season - the Aston Classic Challenge will be run on the fusion of Aston Club and Aston National configurations named Aston Sprint 2. The course in 4.8 kilometers long and will make the race of round two 42 laps long. Despite featuring only turns known from original configurations,some addaption to the course will be required,especially when setting up the car.
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Quote from dzban :Here's my onboard from last round, I'll be streaming next rounds also.

You dropped your microphone? Big grin

By the way, I have a question about how do we judge...

If I report somebody for switching his side of the road more than once while defending, how much of penalty can that yeild (and I'm talking about the case where somebody could do it multiple times during the race, though with different people)?

And do we have to have full car or half of the car parallel to have right for room into turn?

Also, on the A21 track (round 2), we have this long back straight full of bends... Does each bend refresh your right to change the side of the road on defence?


I watched R1 replay and I am kinda disappointed that nobody report anyone.. Next race, probably, less people come, AND more of those who come gonna get mad af Big grin

If you guys don't start reporting this stuff, I feel like I gonna go and do it myself Dead banana
Quote from vitaly_m :You dropped your microphone? Big grin

By the way, I have a question about how do we judge...

On blocking it's pretty clear in almost every racing series, goes similar like "The
driver may choose to protect his or her line so long as it is not considered blocking. Blocking is defined as two (2) consecutive line changes to “protect his/her line”.

You're right about blocking Uhmm Moving more than once (weaving) is not cool and it loses you speed...

On the right amount of overlap, it varies between leagues, type of car and official adjudication, but the most used (or indirectly adopted) rule is the B-pillar rule - if the nose of the car is not alongside or past the B-pillar of the car, "the leading car may resume its racing line without fear of contact."

In road legal or GT cars that would be at the door handle/rear door frame or basically the driver's seat; in open wheelers it is slightly more open to how you view it but it would theoretically be between the helmet area and the airbox.

So if the car is not fully alongside till that said point the car in front has right to the corner and can decide if the overtaker deserves to be given room to the corner.

You can see this when you go onboard with me versus Botev, where he pokes only his nose or front winf inside and I shut the door firmly in his face. If a car was around the vicinity of the B-pillar space would be given proceeding the initial defensive maneuver.

Again, this is a mix of the general racing conduct and my interpretation of the vague side of the overtaking etiquette - some drivers may be kinder and more fair while others may be more decisive and aggressive (think Jenson Button - Kevin Magnussen)
Not sure from which destruction series comes such door handle rules etc,here it is simple - if a passing car has a run (either from draft or just better run off corner) and manages to put even a front wing beside his rival,he has a right for a line. Weaving (to break draft) until then might feel ugly,but usually it brings disadvantage to the weaver as Nova said. I hope that explains your question.
LFSW name: markorester
In-game name: Fantom
Full team name:
Nation: Bulgaria
Round 2 info
V8 Racing League 2019
Round 2

Sunday,20th October
17:30 UTC / 19:30 CET / 20:30 EET

Last season's opener round Aston Classic Challenge is the 2nd round in this year's schedule and it features very classic parts of Aston,but slightly differently mixed. The custom course of the track starts as a Aston Club with it's 1st hairpin and tricky chicane,but then switches over to Aston National path by turning left to 1st of the 2 hairpins,which lead out to bent backstretch. Configuration features few tricky slow turns and also few where you might need some downforce,while the long backstretch is a clear invitation to reduce it - setting up the car will be important to find the right balance between speed and cornering.

Even if just 1 round is done,it's already one quarter worth in chase for the championship. A.Wiśniewski has won 4 latest seasons' 1st rounds - but he has only a single championship title. This is a clear indication that nothing is over,while A.Wiśniewski has a very good shot to become the very first repeated champion of a league hosted by Race Green Events. Both teams and nations standings have a distinctive leader - this is the right time for the competition to step up and start to challenge current leaders!

Round info:
Track: Aston Sprint 2 (AS2X-A21)
Laps: 42
Previous winners: v\A.Wiśniewski (2018; 2016), [SR] S.Litmanen (2015)

Server info and password will be PM'ed saturday to all entrants,until then server remains publically accessible:
V8 Racing League
Server is now passworded and password has been sent to all entrants via PM.

If someone hasn't received it due some mistake,please give a notification!

Signups are still open until 10 minutes before qualifying start! New signups will receive PM with password at some point during saturday/sunday.
LFSW name: AzyerGames
In-game name: AS™| Azyer
Full team name: Air Attack
Nation: GB
LFSW name: Rejekt
In-game name: B2R Rejekt
Full team name: Born To Race
Nation: Finland
LFSW name: berdygaming
In-game name: AS™| Berdy
Full team name: Air Attack
Nation: Bulgaria
Round 2 unofficial results


If you want to make a protest,please include all neccesary information.
Quote :Session:
Lap/MPR time:
Involved drivers:
Description of incident:

Deadline for protests - monday,20:00 UTC
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VERL2019-R2r.mpr - 14.3 MB - 513 views
VERL2019-R2q.mpr - 5 MB - 429 views
I was enjoying my race fighting with the car to keep it on the black but unfortunatelly I have lost with internet connection :/
Round 2 official results

V8 Racing League spreadsheets

(browse for various championships and single round results)

AS™| Azyer - receives a WARNING for low racing standarts. Every driver should be prepared enough to be able to keep his car under control for at least multiple laps in row.

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A total of 20 drivers qualified for round 2 of this season,one of them did not take his place on grid meaning 19 drivers will challenge the custom Aston configuration for 42 laps - 10 of them completed the challenge of full race distance. There were a total of 3 oficial lead changes between 2 drivers,so there was plenty of action in the race for the win too!

The winner of round 1 qualified 1st by setting a fastest lap just 1 hundreth of a second faster than his countryman Dzban,who eventually in race was able to find way past the polesitter - Dzban led the last 35 laps of 42 to cross the finish line as race winner for the first time in VERL. Oliver gained 2 positions during the race to finish 2nd which is repeated best finish result in VERL for the german driver. Altsu had also fair amount of position changes during the race,3rd place finish for him,another addition to his handfull of podium finishes. Polesitter A.Wiśniewski proved himself of being fastest by setting fastest lap also during the race,but few mistakes set him back to 4th place in final results,top5 was closed by bulgarian driver Fantom - repeated best result.

There is no change in top of the table in one aspect - a driver from Poland is still leading standings,but there is a change - Dzban has now passed his countryman and now enjoys 4 points advantage over A.Wiśniewski,3rd is Oliver another 5 points back. These 3 are now considered as main candidates for the title after half of the season - 4th place Kamikas is still within striking distance (17 points),but that might be a hard job to challenge the leading trio,no other drivers are within max round points gap of 22. The series leader Dzban is also rookie of the league,so he also leads this chart - his main rival for the title is brazilian Pedro 23 points behind.

Medrecers-MLG Patronus kept their perfomance on same level as in 1st round - 31 points scored in round 2,no other team is close to them in any round. DV1 TRITON Racing is already 25 points behind and has only a single driver (current drivers standings leader),Fragmaster have dropped in their performance,but kept their 3rd position in teams standings. No activity from defending champions here. In nations cup Poland does the same as Finland did in their best seasons - dominating and only not scoring few points from maximum possible. Germany currently is 2nd,but already 43 points behind,defenfing champions Finland after empty round 1 now earned plenty of points,but chances to defend the title are slim with 47 points gap and only 2 rounds ahead.

VERL now has 3 weeks break between 2 halves of the season - round 3 is scheduled for 10th november to avoid clash with the chauffeur of hyper modern and almost self driving cars "racing" event hosted by FIA. South City will await VERL racers with the Town Course configuration - 3.1 kilometers of concrete/armco canyon offering plenty of different turns and twists. This round will decide who's in and who's out of racing for the title in final round at Westhill.
Important - during this weekend daylight saving time will end in Europe,even if the starting times of VERL will stay the same for europeans,UTC time will be changed - everyone living in a country not changing time between previous and next round should doublecheck their time difference to make sure not to miss racing!
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I think Azyer is pretty much over lfs standards at the moment.
He is the standards. He should 100% protest the warning
Round 3 info
V8 Racing League 2019
Round 3

Sunday,10th November
18:30 UTC / 19:30 CET / 20:30 EET

After the "big" break of 3 weeks,the VERL action is back with racing in urban environment. The temporary street course at South City adds special challenge to already challenging series vehicle,the Town Course configuration features a wide variety of turns from fast kinks and bends to a very slow hairpin with downhill breaking. A lap is just over 3 kilometers long and requires 64 of them to complete VERL's nominal distance of 200 kilometers,while lap can be completed in just over 1 minute.

Half of the season in complete and it means that what could be done until now,can be done in remaining rounds - if standings leader was able to gain 4 points,his rival can gain the same on him. 3rd round will be very deciding - currently everyone is eligible to win the championship (of course majority of them just theoretically),after this round the amount of eligible title candidates will shrink to minimum,everyone else will be just racing for better position. This round will also decide weather anyone will be able to challenge leaders in both teams and nations standings or the current leaders will wrap the title up with 1 round to spare.

Round info:
Track: South City Town Course (SO5)
Laps: 64
Previous winners: Botsi (2018), v\A.Wiśniewski (2017), CoRe S.Souders (2016), [SR] S.Litmanen (2015)

Server info and password will be PM'ed saturday to all entrants,until then server remains publically accessible:
V8 Racing League
Server is now passworded and password has been sent to all entrants via PM.

If someone hasn't received it due some mistake,please give a notification!

Signups are still open until 10 minutes before qualifying start (no exeptions even for special people who can't bother about event earlier than 5min before start)! New signups will receive PM with password at some point during saturday/sunday.
Round 3 unofficial results


If you want to make a protest,please include all neccesary information.
Quote :Session:
Lap/MPR time:
Involved drivers:
Description of incident:

Deadline for protests - monday,20:00 UTC
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VERL2019-R3q.mpr - 3.8 MB - 372 views
VERL2019-R3r.mpr - 13.1 MB - 435 views
I remember struggling with tyre wear at the end during this race 3 years ago. I'm hugely impressed Altsu managed the same no-stop strategy while running 0.26 seconds quicker per lap than I did!
Quote from Forbin :I remember struggling with tyre wear at the end during this race 3 years ago. I'm hugely impressed Altsu managed the same no-stop strategy while running 0.26 seconds quicker per lap than I did!

Don't want to spoil Rony's report but some people popped their tyres Shrug
Round 3 official results

V8 Racing League spreadsheets

(browse for various championships and single round results)

South City as always posted it's challenge for V8 Racing League drivers - the ever narrowing canyon of armcos and concrete walls has always been tough on drivers. 14 drivers returned to VERL action after season half time break,11 of the completed the race and scored valuable points towards championship standings,rest retired leaving few points untaken. As mentioned in post above,some drivers could not keep their tyres alive for full 200 kilometers distance.

And one of them was the championship leader Dzban,who proved to be fastest in the sunday's race,but his rear left tyre went flat with over a lap to go - Dzban worked hard to keep the car intact until the finish without pitting for a replacement tyre. During the process he was overtaken by Altsu,who scored his 1st win since his rookie season in 2016 where he won the final round. V.Minnakhmetov finished 3rd,which is his 2nd podium finish in VERL - he finished 2nd in the inaugural VERL race in 2015. Top5 was completed by 2 baltic drivers - Rony in 4th position,Simox in 5th.

Since 2 of the 3 main candidates for the VERL 2019 drivers title were not attending this round,it was an "easy" ride to the championship glory for the standings leader Dzban as he increased his lead over closest rivals from 4 to 24 points and with this gap he already clinches the VERL 2019 drivers champion award with one round to spare. There are 2 closest rivals with tied points - Altsu and A.Wiśniewski,where the finn is ahead due tiebreaker (better 2nd best position),while Kamikas and Oliver are still close enough to challenge for 2nd position in final standings. Due the fact that the newly crowned champion is also series rookie,also this award has been decided,currently 2nd best rookie is Simox 33 points behind.

The only overall title yet to decide is teams championship - Medrecers-MLG Patronus currently leads DV1 TRITON Racing by 20 points,no other teams can theoretically win this title. Teho Motorsports and Fragmaster can still apply for 2nd place (both need to field at least 2nd car in final round to do so),but most likely will decide 3rd position between them. With drivers championship also the Nations cup has been decided - the mighty Finland has been pushed off the throne after 4 years of reigning the league,new ruling nation is Poland,which secures this title with 1 round still to go. Finland is now 2nd and still has to secure this position from potential threat by Estonia and Germany.

One more round is still ahead - the traditional season finale at Westhill,allthough without much intrigue. This year the International configuration in normal directio will be used,and that for the 1st time since the 1st ever VERL race back in 2015. Allthough drastically changed with a major update,Westhill international still is a fast flowing racetrack featuring a lot of fast turns,mixed with few slower ones. A lap is 5.75km long and to complete 200km nominal distance 35 laps are to be completed.

Quote from vitaly_m :Don't want to spoil Rony's report

No spoiling possible here - everyone is free to share their experience from the race while race replay is publically accessible. It's even better to read about it from other perspective,so any other race reports are welcome!
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This thread is closed