The online racing simulator
This is Crashmaaas !!! - the X-mas derby event 2019

Got some rage after a race?
Are you mad to someone?
Want to put your anger on someone to see his car upside down?
Want to release some steam while racing?
Or you are just naturally aggressive driver but all events too soft for you?

Well,here is your solution,because
This is CRASHMAAAS !!!
the X-mas derby event 2019
Thursday, 26th december, 18:00 UTC / 19:00 CET / 20:00 EET

8 years in row the virtual car junkyards in Jamaica were extra filled after the 26th december,this year will not be different as for the 9th time - Race [un]Green Events presents: the chance to take your 140 horsepower rear wheel drive XR GT and don't feel sorry if you happen to destroy it - because this is an event where you have a risk to get your car finished before crossing the finish line. The event will have only few basic rules regarding behaviour on track,otherwise - feel free to impress your opponents physically,divebombing and P.I.T. maneuvers more than welcome! Event will consist from different parts - qualifying,where each driver just sets his laptimes to decide starting places,heats,where the fight starts to get physical for the chance for final,the final,where best will be decided and a bonus run,where everyone will get a final chance to let out rage on masses!

The event starts 18:00 UTC / 19:00 CET / 20:00 EET with hotlap qualifying,everyone who wants to take part,should be in server before the start of it,but arrival deadline is 20 minutes after start of qualifying (it's the minimum lenght of it),everyone who comes later will be able just to watch and take part only in bonus run - noone without qualifying will be allowed to take part in main event.

We said a farewell to the old Fern Bay last year,but some places are just too hard to leave,so we're back again at the same place and same track! The classic layout in it's 3rd revision will be used once again - time and devs' activity will show if for last time or not.

(click to see bigger image)
The track surface is 99% grass (not that the 1% of tarmac would make much difference anyway),one lap is 330 meters long and width variates from 10 to 20 meters and it even has a slight elevation! Layout file can be found as attachment from one of previous year's threads and in server,feel free to have practice runs to be familiar with track or just store the layout for own needs.

Now some information about the parts of this event:


The hotlap qualifying will be used here. Every driver will have 1 outlap and 2 timed hotlaps,the best lap counts as per standart LFS qualifying. The order will be decided by connection list - from top to bottom,late joiners will have a chance for their run after initial order. Each driver will receive 2 simple commands from race administration:
[drivername] - join - driver joins and stops his car right before entry of track (right before the yellow line)
[drivername] - go! - driver enters the track for his qualifying run
Everyone else is expected to stay in spectators until called for his run! To speed up things,we will run 2 cars on track at same time. Track is just over 20 seconds long,this means cars will have around 10 seconds between them,so noone should disturb other driver normally. But in case someone spins and loses a lot of speed,he is expected to allow other driver to pass in case he is near behind!
Qualifying will determine starting order for most of runs!

Heats will be 10 laps long and will be used to determine drivers eligible for the final. Heat run amount and levels (as semifinal or quarterfinal) will depend from number of drivers taking part,but every heat will be run with no more than 8 drivers,best 2 finishers atomatically qualifies for next level (final or semifinal),except the last chance run where more drivers could start if needed and it will be just 6 laps long!
For example - if there are 13-24 drivers,all will be divided into 3 heats (from qualifying results - 1st in heat 1,2nd - heat 2,3rd - heat 3,4th - heat 3,5th - heat 2,6th - heat 1,7th - heat 1,etc). Best 2 from each heat qualifies for final,the rest will run in last chance run for remaining 4 postions in final.
If there are more than 24 drivers,the first round of heats will determine best 18 to take part in semifinal heats which will be run just like in example.

NOTE - before leaving unhappy after first failure,it's worth to remember that everyone will have 2 chances to qualify for next round! So if you fail to make next round during your quarter- or semifinal heat,you'll have another chance in relegation/last chance run!

The final:
The final is the run where the event official winner will be decided - it will be 20 laps long and only best 10 drivers through qualifying and heats will be able to fight for bragging rights! The starting order will be decided partially from heats and qualifying - for example if there were 3 heats,all 3 heat winners will start from top 3 places,order for that will be determined by qualifying results,all 3 heat 2nd place finishers will take 4th-6th places on start with same ordering,last chance run qualifyers will be ordered just by qualifying results.

The Bonus run:
It's the ultimate carnage - everyone in server will be able to take part in this 20 lap run,the best part - starting order will be random,so you could only blame LFS randomizer for a bad starting position. As usually bonus run will have some new layout additions,some a bit experimental,some pretty much classic,some might put you out of race,some will help you to put others out.

Even this is a almost rule-free event on track while racing,the event format asks some tough admining,so everyone is expected to behave in server and follow admin's instuctions and these guide lines:

Starting of a run:

...was a quite tricky stuff in earlier events,but since LFS v0.6H there is an option to create custom grid. This means everyone will be simply gridded in default formation - 1st position is on left side,2nd in middle and 3rd - on right side of each row.
Make sure you don't jump the start as LFS will either give you DT/SG penalty or even spectate you - penalty will be replaced by 1 lap penalty,while spectate will mean that your heat is over!

Racing rules:
Everyone is expected to follow clean racing rules... Yeah,right... This is crashmaaas! There are only these basic rules:
1. No wrong way driving - just anti-clockwise direction on track! In case you get spun heading wrong way,driver is expected to turn his car to right direction on full steering lock or reverse and make the J-turn.
2. No standing on track or massive slowing down - exept the car is in undrivable condition/position,in that case feel free to leave your car as an extra obstacle for others and hope for someone's help.
3. No disturbing on non-finished drivers after finishing himself.
4. No rejoining during run - if the car is undriveable,rolled or outside the track,the run is over!
5. Have fun! (also a mandatory rule Tongue)

NOTE: After having some incidents in previous years,special attention on rule #3! If you finish your run,you may not interfere others in any way! Serious infractions will lead to disqualification. Let's keep it cool and fair for everyone!

Server behaviour rules:
  • follow the instructions of admins
  • no spamming in chat (few known spammers might be quickly kicked if they don't behave)
  • no insulting others in any way (other than crashing them while in a official run)
  • join only when allowed
  • no voting for restart/end/qualification
Server is online for practice:
> > > Server name: This is Crashmaaas !!! pass=5mashIT

In case someone needs a setup,here's what the winner of 2014 and track record owner posted:
Quote from mbutcher :Anyone who wants a proven setup, here's the one I always use:

For refference how everything looked in previous events,here are links to threads and videos from previous years:
2011 - winner: Keff`s
2012 - winner: CG™» Litrololol
2013 - winner: K.Jaunzemis#11
2014 - winner: *‹[TC]›Pete‹
2015 - winner: S M.Kapal
2016 - winner: [GRT]LRK-racer /1
2017 - winner: [SR] Adebayor
2018 - winner: Dzidoris

(video made by Litro)

(video made by Gutholz)

(video made by Litro)

The event will not require any sign-ups,but everyone joining server will be expected to have red the rules and information about event format above and follow them!
Feel free to post your interest to take part in this so everyone will know how many drivers (or even - if between them personal rivals) can be expected!

See you on track and have fun!
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#2 - Racon
Omg omg omg Nod Thumbs up
server isnt up anymore
For some reason server had lost connection to masterserver,restarted it and now it's working fine.

So the 9th annual event has been finished! There were 28 participants today,which meant we needed quarterfinals again,which did not happen in last 2 years. There were few confused visitors who had very little clue about event format,there were some random joiners who just wanted to drive no matter what. And there were organizers mistakes. Face -> palm And unfortunatelly no Niki's to ban. Shrug But what's the most important - there was fun for both drivers and observers,there were hard battles and drama,also in final. But at the end - there is one winner! But not a new one,which is...something new. Looking Full results as always - later! Whenever I will have time and patience to get them together.
All MPRs attached!
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Did Kappowww win again?
It was close one, congratz to winner
Quote from nikopdr :you won, congratulations

I wish. Boxing day is always busy for me these days.
I managed to get into the finals and I recorded it. This time in correct thread.

Official results

The 9th running of this event brought us the first returning winner! Unlike past 2 years,the attendance rised up few notches,so we could not avoid using the 3-level system - the event was almost 3 hours long with all the runs and sum up breaks. A total of 28 drivers took part in this year's event,10 worst were filtered out in quarterfinals to reach original 18 driver semifinals,another 8 were dropped out for 10 driver final. Between them were 3 "outsiders" - drivers who qualified outside top10,while best 2 qualifyers ended their event in Last chance run.

The Crashmas regular and 2016 winner LRK-Racer had a straight through run to final - he qualified directly in both levels to start from front row in final. After battles with 2 different lithuanians and major physical disputes with lapped cars,he still led more than half laps of the final and what's most important - he won the tactical battle in final lap to cross the finish line as first 2-time winner of this event. The lithuanian first time participant Trespasser was in a good situation to take the winner's glory to Lithuania for 2nd year in row,but probably the lack of experience in such events was the disadvantage to lose the final lap battle and finish 2nd. Trespasser had to go to final in the longest way possible - he finished 3rd in both quarterfinal and semifinal heats,while he finished in top2 in both relegation runs,which also meant that he had to start final from 3rd row. Trespasser also clocked the fastest laptime during this year's event - in the final he set a laptime of 20.26 seconds. The last step of the honorary podium was taken by czech regular Michal - allthough 3rd place is 1 position lower than last year's achievement. Michal has already a lot of experience in this event,also in finals - this year he finished 2nd in both levels thus advancing directly and started the final from 2nd row.

Bonus run this year featured few challenging layout additions again and surprised many with track direction change. Only 8 drivers completed half of the distance,proving that race in the unfamiliar track was a true survival again,aggressive drivers all around just doubled the challenge. Fastest of them all was Simox,however he could not stop the bashing after finishing himself and violated one of 4 actual racing rules of this event - 1 lap penalty and lost win,he still was classified 2nd. The winner's glory was passed to Unite (who however also earned a DQ in LCR for wrong way driving - shame on you!),who survived well his Pokemon car during the usual Bonus run mess.

As always there were some drivers joining randomly and few who had no clue about event format (luckily most of them were still behaving with joining),but with exeption of 2 penalties and organizer switching 2 drivers in QF results,the event went relativelly well. There is still a wish from organisation side to revive the MayDay MayHam in 1st may (this year it would fall in friday),but there are no promises about event actually happening. Otherwise we can wonder if this was the final run in the old Bullring or will there be another one? There aren't that much tracks to update anymore,but we haven't seen anything how the Fern Bay will look like after the big update. But - 26th december 2020 will be the date of the decade event of "This is Crashmaaas !!!",we just don't know where exactly it will take place.

Feel free to share your experience and emotions during the event and let's hope for a winner's speach!

Don't forget about Race Green Event's other hosted events,now much easier to find due new the forum subsection - thanks to LFS devs for that! Almost every tuesday RTFR (some might go for a double header by joining TRR event after that - event timing allows to do that),while sunday's are our league time - already this sunday the 9th season of AWS will start,around may the 2nd season of STARL is planned and early in autumn - VERL. There are ideas of other longer events between them,let's see if they make the way from my head into this virtual racing world...
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Cheers for hosting, it was a fun event Big grin

I still have no idea how the scoring works Confused
Quote from o000o :I still have no idea how the scoring works Confused

Well,I was not answering until now hoping that someone else will reply to this as I don't know what went wrong with explanation in info post. Not sure if I can explain other way as that post or full results tables,but I'll try...
I see you're british,football must be well known for you,so I will compare to playoff system of let's say FA Cup. We start with quarterfinals,but we're not playing 1v1 but as you noticed - 5 to 6 cars in each heat. Best 2 like the winner in football match advances to semifinal,rest have lost their match. Since there are more losers than winners,the losers get one more chance in the relegation run to earn a place in semifinal,but due the fact there were so many of them,2 such runs were made where 4 best advanced for semifinal,rest were out of competition for win. In the semifinal the same system again - best 2 advances to final,rest have another relegation run (under different name - last chance run - for obvious reasons). And the final is again not 1v1 but with 10 participants - the winner of the final run is the cup winner. Bonus run is just an addition for fun,has nothing to do with winning actual crashmas event.
I hope that brought a bit more light in the dark alley... Shrug
Quote from o000o :I still have no idea how the scoring works Confused

I will try to explain visually.

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