The online racing simulator
The custom shaders thread
(194 posts, started )
Sorry for being offtopic, But someone got really pissed.

AymanHilal does have a S2 account named Iceman121. He just wanted to buy a S3 licenses for the 'AymanHilal' account. He's now trying to unban his account. Not sure if thats gonna work Smile

Heres a link with a post from him aswell.

The reason why he wont post with his S2 account, is because he hates the Iceman121 accountname. Dont know why he choises for this name anyway.

Well on the otherside, i can blame you guys for banning him from this forum.
So guys, do not start a conversation about this, within this topic.

Thank you
Quote from nacim :Well except the fact that you use a cracked LFS (or at least someone else's license), I'd say it's the depth of field that's enabled. Use SHIFT+F2 and Uncheck Depth-of-Field.

I also uploaded a ReShade preset without the Depth-of-Field, download

Quote from BeNoM :Yes, you ask for help on the official forum of a game that you use a cracked copy of.

My fault for using my demo account.
I was planning to buy S3 on it and ditch this account due to its abhorrent name i chose long ago.

My mistake for uploading such pictures.

Close this topic about cracked users, move on to shaders.
Quote from iceman121 :My fault for using my demo account.
I was planning to buy S3 on it and ditch this account due to its abhorrent name i chose long ago.

My mistake for uploading such pictures.

Close this topic about cracked users, move on to shaders.

Sorry mate, wasn't aware of all of that.
Does the new preset I uploaded fixed the blur you got on the menu or no?
Quote from THE WIZARD DK :i may need your help again Nacim to get rid of tree shadows that aint there(the trees arent there). for snowmod ? and desert.. sssh Smile

try the mod and goto westhill. you soon see what i mean.

I'm sorry but I don't think I'll have time to work on that, I started working and it's taking all my time now :/
*Bump* i finaly found what causes it to fail online you won't guess it probably but the thing is... the insim makes the mxao not work (probably mainly the buttons or text in them)
to fix it you will probably need to edit the dll file, since i'm a complete noob at these things, i hope you will be able to use this for fix of that Smile

edit#1 interestingly it wokrs for like a 0.1 sec and then fails perhaps the insim sends reguests faster tahtn the insim or block it ?
edit#2 or may it be that there is some sort of anti aliasing to insim text :o ?
Quote :ReShade exposes an automated and generic way to access both frame color and depth information (latter is automatically disabled during multiplayer to prevent exploitation) and all the tools to make it happen.


It will blink because ReShade disable the depth buffer each time it detects network activity, so at each packet LFS sends/receive. We can't do anything about it, except not using MXAO and Depth of Field in multiplayer.
There's an unblocker though, isn't there?
Quote from asyed :There's an unblocker though, isn't there?

I have no idea Shrug

PATCH 0.6R10 (and R11) HOTFIX:

For those who use 0.6R10 and noticed the broken shaders, I just made a quick hotfix. I don't know if I broken things, but I'll wait for offical release of the graphical update to do a proper patch for all of it.

I can't see your screenshot. Are you sure you made it public?
"For those who use 0.6R10 and noticed the broken shaders, I just made a quick hotfix. I don't know if I broken things, but I'll wait for offical release of the graphical update to do a proper patch for all of it."

Mod is compatible with 0.6t?
Yup, tried it and seems fine Wink
Been working on some shaders for some time... I had to lower the brightness of the texture and then boost it up again within World2.psh with the only problem - sky's quality dropped... so this is the result (for version 0.6U): Big grin

Remember to turn on the Post-processing shader in-game.
Blackwood clear sky only and Rockingham all weathers.

Screenshots are taken with ReShade - with an experimental settings which are too messy to upload or use. Big grin

Now I'm working on a new sky texture (a sunny one Big grin):

Attached files - 4.8 MB - 2301 views

what shader editor is that?Thanks.
I like it @Evolution,

IMO could do with a bit less specularity + saturation and toned down bloom (not toned down too much of course)
Thanks! Working on it!

Default sky:

New sky:

I really like the reflection of the clouds on the car... but I can't fix the quality problem. Frown
GGX car paint
Hello everyone !

I had this shader experiment laying on my computer for a while now, today I decided to continue it a bit and I'm satisfied with the result for now. Smile

It's a new car shader based that started as a PBR experiment.
Quite hard to fit a nice lighting in a PS 2.0 shader. The base version was already nicer than the standard LFS shader IMO, but i found a small trick to add some pop to the shader, by computing a cheap base coat specular highlight on the vertex shader and integrating to the rest of the lighting, giving the paint that two coat look (base + clear coats).

I think there is still some margin to improve the rendering, by fixing the energy conservation between the two layers and doing more stuff on the vertex shader), I can do that if you guys are interested in it)

Screenshots (EDIT: I just realised that I took the 3 shoots with the same car colour, well played Dead banana)

Comparisons in 'attached images' section (sorted like this: default LFS, base version, base + simple two coats)
Attached images
Attached files - 5 KB - 1607 views
@nacim, is it possible to boost the reflections without decreasing the brightness of the texture? I tried, but didn't succeed.

I don't think it is possible, as the sky doesn't have its own shader pass.

But is it really a problem ? You boosted the reflection and now you have the indoor lighting reflecting brighter than the sky, which is far from realist as the sky is at least 100 times brigher than any indoor light.

Attached images
Quote from nacim :You boosted the reflection and now you have the indoor lighting reflecting brighter than the sky, which is far from realist as the sky is at least 100 times brigher than any indoor light.

That actually is a good point... I need to do some research about it. Smile


Maybe it is because of the auto exposure of the camera?

EDIT №2:

Quote from Evolution_R :Maybe it is because of the auto exposure of the camera?

Yep, the tunnel one the outdoor is over-exposed as the camera exposed for the indoor light range.

The screeenshots in your EDIT are better but now IMO your car is overexposed compared to the environement, especially the sky in the reflection compared to the sky in the frame.

I get what you are looking to create (the pop and bright shine of the car paint in outdoor light) but is not really possible to have it without proper HDR rendering.
Nice find, thanks, I was wondering if I should do myself a custom build like that recently Big grin

The custom shaders thread
(194 posts, started )