The online racing simulator
Bad Servers
(37 posts, closed, started )

I'm from DSR and the one who banned him. Would I do it again? Heck yes! Demo servers are nuts and an admin can go insane trying to keep the place in order. We pay for it ourselves to create a healthy racing environment, promote good sportsmanship and give LFS a good name to encourage people to buy S2. We are not trained professionals and don't have hours to debate and justify our actions. Mistakes are made (we are human), people get sad.. but that's life. Plenty of other servers one can go to.. and a ban on demo is not infinite so a ray of light does exist to come back.

Personally, I ban many many people everyday because I have zero tolerance for idiotic behavior. A race is very delicate and hazardous driving can ruin it for all the clean racers. I don't ban slow drivers if they are respectful, courteous and don't obstruct oncoming drivers.

Every admin has a different level of tolerance, perception, etc but we trust them completely and know they had a valid reason to do what they did. Trust keeps us in unison.

Hop on in when u get the chance!!
Well said my friend.
Quote from Albieg :I have a certain experience of the demo scene, and I can assure you that the server involved is a very good example of careful administration.

I say this since I applied for that team, although I privately retired my application for personal reasons the same day, and I will never reapply.

Let me get this right. You say the server is OK yet for private reasons you cancelled your application and would never reapply.

What i'm guessing is that they either did something to you like ban you from their server, they denied your application and your keeping it private so that you still have a 'for' argument.

For as in for and against btw. I couldn't think of anything else.
The reasons for which I canceled my application are not public but are well known to DSR members. It had nothing to do with them, and it has nothing to do with you. I've given Lebaron the option to fully disclose those reasons publicly, but it's definitely none of your business. I said that just to state I have no interest in defending DSR, apart for the fact that I like their server and the way they behave.
Now, think of something else. There are so many personal reasons for which you can cancel an application that it seems you want to reduce thousands of possibilities to what you think. May I suggest your fantasy is both limited and out of place, especially when you express things that could tarnish my reputation or DSR's without having a clue? Chill, please, and mind your business.
#30 - Gunn
Now we begin to see why naming "bad" servers is a bad idea.
There's no doubt "bad servers" is a bad idea for a topic. What makes a server good or bad are the racers. If these good clean racers come back, it's because they admire/trust the admins and/or like the server management policy. So usually a full server with clean racers over a sustained period of time speaks for itself. Hence someone who defames such a server is actually misleading the community. Don't get me wrong. DSR isn't utopia or 100% crash sometimes we miss the crashers because we're too busy chatting away about philosophy, politics, racing, sex, etc..

Oh yeah and he retracted his application for personal reasons, keeps u guessing huh? He's a real cool cat!
lmao... better, lmeow
*hands Tikkie flame shield*
Tikkie, for several reasons (that I won't discuss here or elsewhere) your remark about me and DSR isn't true.
You know what I think about several persons and these thoughts are far from being private, but I don't like being used as a trojan horse for a personal attack, especially if truth differs from what you say.
I didn't disclose the names of the people involved in that ugly joke (and by the way I remember that you didn't consider that to be so ugly). I reported what happened to Lebaron and I had private apologies on behalf of DSR from him; I refused them because he didn't need to apologise for something that didn't involve DSR members. In fact, a DSR member asked the persons involved to stop that. I've got the replay to testify that, but I won't certainly put it here.
You're generally an easy going fellow, but digging up dirt and throwing it in the face of someone for some kind of grudge that isn't directly related to me doesn't make sense, especially in this forum where naming and shaming is not fashionable, or shouldn't be.
Can i just say what a stupid and pointless topic so far all i see is nigel who has got a problem because he is banned from redline (which of corse is ever full and popular) and some other guys having a dig at dsr (which is always full and popular) these arnt bad servers just sad bitter gits who mess around crash and break rules then moan and start saying they are bad servers ... grow up and stop crying about getting banned
I don't see "Because it breaks FFB steering wheels" as a sole reason for a rule on any server.
#37 - SamH
Tom, apart from pure spam, your last post can serve to do nothing but agitate MORE trouble on a thread that had run its course and, if left alone, would have quietly rested in peace.

This thread is closed.
This thread is closed

Bad Servers
(37 posts, closed, started )