I for one don't like Firefox at all, because:
-still incompatible with many pages, simply doesn't load some things(found three in two days)
-crashes frequently when using Acrobat Reader(I experienced this also when using Linux with Mozzilla, so it's a probably bug in the Mozzilla side of it
-loads very slowly for the first time
-not any faster than IE on a 512/128 connection, and probably slower on more complex pages(tested it with a stopwatch

-have to download tons of plugins, to make it work decently
-when I download those plugins, and my context menu grows big, i can't see the top of it in 800x600 reso., that's really great

-when it crashes it wipes out the whole cache, so it gets even slower for the next couple of days
-I just don't have any security problems with IE, because I don't go to porn and cracking pages that often, and I have Kaspersky installed, which checks everything realtime while browsing. And as Firefox gains popularity, hackers will started playing with it anyway.
I personally use Maxthon, a browser based on IE. Some features:
-tabbed browsing
-built in RSS
-brutal ad-killer(can be switched off with one click)
-mouse gesture
-auto collapsable side bars
-if it were to crash accidently(never does), it reloads every tab automatically, which were opened before the death
-you can start off your browsing the next day where you left off before
-undo function for tab closure
-based on IE, so much more compatible and stable than Firefox Bugzilla
-loads fast
-tons of plugins are available
-and much much more, that I haven't even discovered in two months
And all these are built in, you don't have screw around with plugins. I've only downloaded two things for it so far: a plugin which enhanced the context searching capabilities( now it's even better than FF), and a Firefox skin.
Personally I think all this love towards Firefox is fueled by the hate towards Microsoft, not by some rational decision.