The online racing simulator
#1 - krin
Round 13 protest topic
Topic open for 24hours.
Car #66 Race 2 Lap 1. Just after turn 7. Replay time: 1.27
Car: 86
Race: 1
Lap: 12
Turn: 5 and 6
Replay time: 14:05 -> 14:25

Hitting other car and rejoining dangerously.
Race 1, Lap 5. 6 minutes and 8 seconds on replay, car #420
Report on Car #33 for totaly ramming my rear
Race : 2
Lap : 2
Corner : Braking zone before the last chicane
Car: 24.
Race: Qualify.
Lap: fist out lap and start of fist hotlap.
Turn: 8 -> 2
Replay time: 1:10 -> 1:50

Staying to close during outlap, Overtaking under line up, crashes me (49) in T1.
Report against TRR Classik.
Race1 Lap 13
Report on Car #06 for lifting at all, and crash into my rear
Race : 1
Lap : 1
Corner : Long left (T5)
Timestamp : 1:10.0
Car: #420
Lap: 1
Race: 1
Basically dumped me into the wall
Report against car #50 for braking late and sending car ahead (#47) into grass.

Race: 2
Lap: 1
Corner: last chicane
Timestamp 1:30
Nr 96
Timestamp 4 minutes
Qualifying,from 3m20 in MPR.
44 keeps ignoring blue flag and moves off raceline at the very last moment,where you don't expect it anymore - impossible to focus on clean lap if driver has to guess when some ignorant driver will finally move aside on his outlap.
Quote from Bilcrossfoto :Report on Car #06 for lifting at all, and crash into my rear
Race : 1
Lap : 1
Corner : Long left (T5)
Timestamp : 1:10.0

right ok. im going to defend myself because this is just petty report.

1. i am not a robot with alien reaction times and could not slow as fast as you did for pedro spinning and i did lift off the power expecting you to just touch pedros car and continue going. This is known as the constantina effect of cars been so close to each other, being lap 1 and all.
Even if i didnt hit your car you were still going to hit pedro and probably been sent flying away with his mega ping.
Quote from Franky.S :right ok. im going to defend myself because this is just petty report.

1. i am not a robot with alien reaction times and could not slow as fast as you did for pedro spinning and i did lift off the power expecting you to just touch pedros car and continue going. This is known as the constantina effect of cars been so close to each other, being lap 1 and all.
Even if i didnt hit your car you were still going to hit pedro and probably been sent flying away with his mega ping.

I think my report is really clear and deserve a penalty. Since you have no reaction of braking, only thing you do is hold in the clutch.. What does that help with? You don't try to stear away. You aim for my rear.

If you watch my onboard you could see how to drive around a messy corner.. You don't go 70% throttle around a corner where things could happend.. You left foot brake and try to keep it safe.
End of this now. Let the stewards take this...
"If you watch my onboard you could see how to drive around a messy corner.. You don't go 70% throttle around a corner where things could happend.. You left foot brake and try to keep it safe."

lol coming from the cleanest and most fair racer in the league of course.
this is just an a racing incident, you were going to hit paulo anyway and the only reason i followed you was because there was cars on my inside. and yes i wasnt braking around a fast corner (omg please ban me from league) but if u open your eyes you can see i am certainly not full power. I lifted so many times going into the corner because i didnt want the dirty of your car. You make it sound like i did it on purpose too, strange giving the fact i let you through the corner before, and not doing a stupid dive that you would of done and taking both us out.
Quote from Franky.S :"If you watch my onboard you could see how to drive around a messy corner.. You don't go 70% throttle around a corner where things could happend.. You left foot brake and try to keep it safe."

lol coming from the cleanest and most fair racer in the league of course.
this is just an a racing incident, you were going to hit paulo anyway and the only reason i followed you was because there was cars on my inside. and yes i wasnt braking around a fast corner (omg please ban me from league) but if u open your eyes you can see i am certainly not full power. I lifted so many times going into the corner because i didnt want the dirty of your car. You make it sound like i did it on purpose too, strange giving the fact i let you through the corner before, and not doing a stupid dive that you would of done and taking both us out.

This is the last message i type here.. If you want to talk more about this, contact me in privat chat on discord...

Okey? So how i am as a driver has anything about you hitting me in the rear? I am just saying that instead of lifting you could have tryed to brake..
Yes i would had hitted him, but i would not needed to pit for that little hit i would have had. I report it because i don't feel it fair that you could go right into my rear without braking. If you had braked i would not even toughted about reporting, but you focused more about clutching and lifting the throttle then try to avoid it.

What would have happend without you behind me has really nothing to do with you hitting me for the reason i typed above.

Please keep this Forum Thread clean now.. And let the stewards decide what's it worth
Protest against car #63s driving among fastest cars after being lapped, race1:

lap 2: last corners, involved in 3-car crash with leaders
lap 3 T1: prevents #04 from taking optimal line, nearly turns in front of #35, slowing both down
lap 6 oval: blocks racing line
lap 6 T1: blocks racing line
lap 9: overtakes and slows down car in p8
lap 13 sc1: passes #83, blocks racing line for #83, #86
lap 14 sc3: blocks racing line of #83 3 times, blocks #49

throughout the race, pressures cars #35, #55, #83, spins multiple times and prevents faster cars from taking racing line when returning on track
#18 - TJbr
Report against car #11.
Race: 1
Lap: 10
Timestamp 14:00

Backmarker doing more than 1 lap with high damaged car and very slow speed, loses control and causes colision into 2nd place driver, ruining his race.
Quote from TJbr :Report against car #11.
Race: 1
Lap: 10
Timestamp 14:00

Backmarker doing more than 1 lap with high damaged car and very slow speed, loses control and causes colision into 2nd place driver, ruining his race.

Was going low speed, so faster cars could pass me easier and safer (which didnt happen). Saw him in the mirrors that he went a bit wider in the corner (at least thats what i saw then) and went into grass to give him more room, but slicks+grass isn't a good combo. I knew he was going to approach me soon, so I gave him space on that corner, because its wider and with lower speeds.
This thread is closed