The online racing simulator
Serverslots, SPECTATOR slots, Spectator password, etc.
Hey Scawen,

During our last endurance event we bumped into several problems by being limited with server slots. We couldn't for one have reserve drivers, or, drivers about to take over on the server at the same time as the currently driving one, due to running out of server slots clearly.

Now I understand it to some degree as bandwith and max cars on track should be taken into account.

Now I had an idea on how you, could possibly make a new slot system, so that not just drivers, but also league staff, spotters, spectators, etc have their own place on the server and not disturb the race or driver slots.

1. Spectator slots
- Spectator slots should give anyone with or without password (depending on how you set it up or want it) access to spectate inside the server, but without the physical ability to be there. A bit like the Steam/CSGO GOTV system, you connect to a relay, a bit like LFS remote, but you are actually in the server, able to use the different camera's, custom cams and aswell as view different cars and tyres etc, etc.

Basically anything a current spectator can do, but without the ability to join and without taking a driver slot.

2. Admin-specator slots
- Admin-spectator slots, should give the same as above, BUT with a semi-physical prescence on the server, use admin commands, chat, etc. But again, not able to join in with a car thus not taking a driver slot
- This could benefit streamers/broadcasters like Sim Broadcasts, as well as race direction and stewarding during live events.

3. Spectator slots 2.0
- With spectator slots as an option, you can allow much more people to watch any race, or pickup race as they please, this can be a lot of fun when u just want to watch races like now on AA Multiclass, I really enjoy watching these races, or maybe I want to spectate a non-broadcasted league race of my teammate.
- Give spectators the option to save the replay of what they've seen just like we can now with a driver slot.

This should really benefit a lot of aspects in LFS league racing and even fun racing.
If simple increase of server slots can't be done now,maybe is it possible to create a relay client? Not sure if from devs side or even community's side,but the idea is that this relay client connects to a server (takes one slot) and relays all the position packets via it's own server to all connections to it - everyone can connect to the relay server,follow the race from whichever point they want like normally spectating. Even chat could be possible,but nothing has any effect on actual server,or via admin pass it could be possible like in the 2nd point of original suggestion.
There is the option to reserve admin slots, for the rest i think it's a great idea Smile
#4 - gu3st
Didn't someone create a relay client forever ago which basically took the temp.mpr and sliced it and then sent it over the wire and then the client would basically receive that temp.mpr and play it as soon as stuff came in?