VOB mods are not supported by the developers but we provide this forum section to allow people to discuss and share them.
Some rules must be followed:
Always be aware and weary of what you download and install. VOB mods do not come as an executable, so if you see one it's not a mod.
VOB mods are mostly comprised of files that will replace original asset files of LFS. You are therefore advised to have a backup copy of your LFS folder so you can always roll back.
Live for Speed assume no responsibility for the contents of any files - linked externally or uploaded to this website - in this forum section and use of said files is at your own risk.
Any attachments or links that breach the rules as stated above may be reported and will be removed.
Some rules must be followed:
- Demo racers may only share or modify demo cars
- Only licensed racers may share or modify cars that require an S1/S2/S3 license
- Online servers for modded cars must use /modified=yes and require a password
- Mods that allow cheating on public servers are not allowed
Always be aware and weary of what you download and install. VOB mods do not come as an executable, so if you see one it's not a mod.
VOB mods are mostly comprised of files that will replace original asset files of LFS. You are therefore advised to have a backup copy of your LFS folder so you can always roll back.
Live for Speed assume no responsibility for the contents of any files - linked externally or uploaded to this website - in this forum section and use of said files is at your own risk.
Any attachments or links that breach the rules as stated above may be reported and will be removed.