The online racing simulator
Race Point System for black wood rallycross
hi all

so ive been doing some research on how to edit lfs lapper but im such a noob at this kind of thing and was wondering if someone would kindly help me out.

i want is a simple race points system and first one to 100,000 points wins the season. abit like the one demo rallycrosss servers like france pro crrash or fprs from back in the day. if anyone can do this ide gladly pay you for your efforts and any help would be greatly appreciated.

thanks in advance.
I can help you with that.
Let me know what you need.
Share as much information as possible, so I can get a clear picture what will be needed.
Quote from Yisc[NL :;1956149"]I can help you with that.
Let me know what you need.
Share as much information as possible, so I can get a clear picture what will be needed.

Awsome dude can you send me your email please?
Quote from sinanju :This is something done over 10 years ago by Tim NL.

Don't know if it needs updated, but probably would be better if re-written as a lapper add-on.

thanks for the info i think for now this could be good untill i get something better but one thing as im using mac i cant open the file or read it to put it onto my lfslapper.lpr? any ideas how to get around this? does anyone have a link to another file?
you can open .LPR files with any texteditor. Or you have to find some 3rd party application to open textfiles. .lpr in this case.

With a quick look on the web, you could try 'coderunner'.

some info.
Lapper Points system
I have converted the script made by Tim NL into a Lapper module and adjusted the code if needed (some functions he used, have been removed from Lapper).
Here's the new module, that has been tested by me, but needs the score of a couple of people to see if it is really working like it should.

Change the extension of the file to .lpr and add it to addonsused.lpr to be able to use it.

Credits to:

Tim NL - For creating the initial script
Bass-Driver - For making the code to show a toplist
Attached files
points_system.txt - 11.7 KB - 223 views
Changelog Points system V1.02

- Added code to give extra points to the player that drove the fastest lap of the race (Yisc[NL])
- Removed several lines of closeGlobalButton, since the button ID's that were closed were not in use (Yisc[NL])

Change the extension of the file to .lpr and add it to addonsused.lpr to be able to use it.

Credits to:

Tim NL - For creating the initial script
Bass-Driver - For making the code to show a toplist
Attached files
points_system.txt - 13.3 KB - 228 views
Points system V1.03
Changelog Points system V1.03

- Removed "$ps_max_points=10" from OnLapperStart as it no longer has a purpose
- Made the display of points earned dynamic
- Added option (only for admins) to delete all points related records from the database

Change the extension of the file to .lpr and add it to addonsused.lpr to be able to use it.
Attached files
points_system.txt - 14.1 KB - 208 views
Points system V1.04
Changelog Points system V1.04

-Added code to give one point for every completed lap
-Added code for a ranking system
-Added code to delete stored rank when using !delpoints command
-Added code to cap maximum number of points at 50000
-Added code to make rank visible when using !point and !rank command
-Fixed a bug in !point and !rank where Flagnear wasn't working

Change the extension of the file to .lpr and add it to addonsused.lpr to be able to use it.
Attached files
points_system.txt - 21.8 KB - 223 views
Points system V1.05
Changelog Points system V1.05

-Added code to send a global message when a player receives 1 point for completing a lap

Change the extension of the file to .lpr and add it to addonsused.lpr to be able to use it.
Attached files
points_system.txt - 22.1 KB - 192 views
Points system V1.06
Changelog Points system V1.06

-Changed points awarded to driver with fastest lap from 15 to 5

Change the extension of the file to .lpr and add it to addonsused.lpr to be able to use it.
Attached files
points_system.txt - 22.2 KB - 233 views
Points system V1.06b
Changelog Points system V1.06b

-The GlobalButton for fastest lap was still showing a value of 15 instead of 5, corrected that
-Removed ToNum from fastest lap function, as it was causing errors in the Lapper log

Change the extension of the file to .lpr and add it to addonsused.lpr to be able to use it.
Attached files
points_system.txt - 22.5 KB - 182 views