GT2 Challenge 2020: Round 2 Pre-Qualifying
Pre-Qualifying for Round 2 of the 2020 GT2 Challenge takes place Wednesday, 13 May 2020 through Friday, 15 May 2020. It will start at 18:00 UTC on the start date, and end at 18:00 UTC on the end date.

For Round 2, all drivers outside of the top 10 in the Driver's Championship are required to set a time in pre-qualifying.

The top 28 overall will be advanced to the round proper on Saturday; Those who Pre-Qualify 29th, 30th, or 31st must be on "Active Standby" and ready to race on short notice.

During Pre-Qualifying: Unlimited laps, fastest lap counts. Drafting permitted, Bumpdrafting NOT ALLOWED. NO Restrictions on Shift+P/Shift+S.

Server Information and Password will be sent to drivers required to pre-qualify sometime in the next 24 hours.
Laps will be recorded by insim/Airio in the server yup? So the 2 days of Pre-Qual will be OTOT
Yes, we have an Airio exclusively for the prequal, and we run prequal on a separate server to leave the main server open for regular practice
So actual we are just a few hours in front of Pre-Qualifiy, I have seen the server so it is already prepared.

But I do not have got a information with password so far ..
I also received no information despite OP says: "Server Information and Password will be sent to drivers required to pre-qualify sometime in the next 24 hours." and I have submitted both signup request and car skin.
Same here, but I think Deko is just collating stuff, it should be out soon.