Every fourth tuesday we (Rony and Race Green Events) bring an extended fun
race for everybody who just wants to race! The event will be held on free tuesday alternating between normal Rony's Tuesday's Fun Race.
It's a free event, no sign ups needed, everyone who wants to take part can
come to server until end of qualifying and join!
Information about combination of car and track will be posted in a seperate thread in this forum section at least 5 days before event,usually in wednesday or thursday. The combination will be chosen by previous race's winner following simple priciples (see below).
The qualification will be 60 minutes long,while the race will be calculated to minimum laps that exceed 1 hour and 15 minutes lenght. To add little strategic touch,in the XL version there will be a mandatory pitstop with minimum lenght of 10 seconds,which can be made at any point of the race except on final lap (default LFS ruling applies).
Race will be held on a server named "Ronys Tuesdays Fun Race", which will be online at least 24h before event with next combo,currently server is online 24/7. 1 hour before qualifying,server will be password protected to keep not knowing crowded server jumpers at bay,password will always be the same: green
Also this event has it's rating system and statistics, spreadsheets of these can be found in THIS LINK, all previous winners and rating top10 drivers will have a chance to join race even without qualification if there still are empty starting places (all others must put a qualification time in order to be allowed start at race - wildcard entries might be allowed).
Event times:
18:00 UTC / 19:00 CET / 20:00 EET - 60 minutes qualifying
19:10 UTC / 20:10 CET / 21:10 EET - Race start
* During sunlight savings time in Europe the UTC time will be changed 1 hour earlier to keep the event in same time in area of main userbase Europe (accordingly 17:00 UTC for qualifying).
Car and track combination choice principles:
* Winner cannot pick a car used in previous 5 events.
* Winner cannot pick a car from same car class used in previous 2 events.
* Winner cannot pick track environment used in previous 2 events.
* Winner cannot pick any mod car if mod cars have been used in last 2 events in row.
* Winner has to pick the combination within 1 week from race finish. The choice has to be submitted either in server after the race or via PM here on lfs.net or via Discord.
Combination must a proper one - no slick tyre car unpaved track combo will be accepted or fast race cars on karting tracks. Custom configurations are allowed as long as they're deemed to fit the RGE racing standarts. Mod cars have to be in usable quality - if an untested mod is selected,organization will check it first before accepting the choice.
To avoid the event turn into "one man show",noone will be allowed to pick combo twice in row and more than 2 times during calendar year. In case someone wins the 2nd race in row,the combo selection will be given to 2nd place finisher and that as long until there is a new winner. Same applies to 2nd place finisher if he finishes 2nd 2 times in row with same winner or even wins,the choice will be given further.
Car classes:
STD - UF1,XFG,XRG and mod cars deemed to fit in this class (cars with road tyres below performance level of 170hp/ton)
PL200 - FXO,RB4,XRT and mod cars deemed to fit in this class (cars with road tyres with performance level between 170-250hp/ton)
PL300 - FZ5,LX4,LX6,RAC and mod cars deemed to fit in this class (cars with road tyres above performance level of 250hp/ton)
NGT - UFR,XFR and mod cars deemed to fit in this class (saloon cars with slick tyres with low power)
GTR - FXR,FZR,XRR and mod cars deemed to fit in this class (saloon cars with slick tyres with high power)
SS - BF1,FBM,FO8,FOX,MRT and mod cars deemed to fit in this class (open wheel single seaters)
P/SC - mod cars deemed to fit in this class (Open cockpit cars like prototypes and sportscars)
SUV+T - mod cars deemed to fit in this class (Heavy cars like SUVs and trucks - will be properly tested before accepting)
* though this is just a fun race, so rule book won't be as long as race distance itself, but everyone should follow basic car-racing rules (like rules of clean racing) and keep sportsmanship in mind, so everyone can have clean racing fun in this event!
- Respect BLUE FLAG - you may not interfere passing maneuver of lapping car! In qualification - you may not disturb passing car in any way.
- Be careful at YELLOW FLAG - slow down if necesary, be ready to avoid crashed cars. Crashed drivers must make sure that their return to racing won't cause other incidents.
- No shortcutting in any way. 2 wheels must be on track every time. Usually there will be a layout to prevent shortcutting - if so,moving objects (like posts,tyrestacks,bales) should not be touched for legal lap.
- Don't cross the pitline with more than 2 wheels and make way for cars racing at full speed. Failing to comply with this rule will award the racer with 10s penalty.
- Be careful while racing, avoid any contacts with other cars. No crashing, ramming or any other unsportsmanlike behavior at any time. When racing closed wheels type car,bumpdrafting will be tolerated,but incidents caused by bumpdrafting will be treated as intentional contact.
- Drivers with high and/or unstable ping will be asked to leave if not improving it.
- No voting for restart/qualification/end race after qualification start (unless command is given to vote for start).
- Chatting during race is not forbidden, but pressing binds and (especially - unnesecary) texting too often can result in penalty.
- Not racing observers (including drivers who already have retired) may not use chat at all during race session. Visitors ignoring warnings will be banned from server with LFS's default 12h ban.
- This is specifically an individual event - every driver has to drive himself,no driver swaps are allowed.
Pitting rules:
Race requires a minimum time spent in pitstall of 10 seconds. That can be done either with single pitstop of sum of multiple pitstops. Driver who has spent less time will receive penalty time added to his finish time,which will be calculated by tripling the missing time to complete neccesary minimum time and adding additional 5 seconds. Drivers failing to pit at all will receive 1 minute penalty added to finish time (10s*3 + additional 30s).
In case you have any protests (crashing,blocking etc.) against somebody,please post them in round's thread or in our Discord server in "Report incident channel" as soon as possible (best - right after race)! All protests will be reviewed and reckless drivers will be banned for futher events to keep clean and fair racing!
In case you timed out, crashed, run out of fuel and you have completed full 50% of race distance with single run, please spectate and don't join again - replay will be analized with LFSstats and you will be added to final results! If you did rejoin in such situation, but still want to be added to results, you will have to inform event admins in server or post request in this thread.
Good luck and have fun!