1º: a huge problem is a easy way of lfspro have to hacking the game, turkey and south america and i think africa too, comes to "cracked" version 0.6T because they works online but i dont know if they can unlock the s3
2º : the most famous youtubers about LFS here in Brazil say in your videos "lfs has no content to pay this certain value" or scream in facebook groups the game has dead
so a big part of brazilians follow this bad idea, barely get close to the forum (dont ask me why)
£18 here is like a 120R$ this cost a same value of Resident Evil 3 (recently released)
basically it costs a little expensive
a big part of brazilian community have less 17 years, aparently they dont work to buy games like this, and they dont understand how it can help the devs
and is very difficult to buy the game here, have some problems with payment
not all brazilians have "international credit card" to buy the game and the other way to get the game is paypal, unfortunally THEY restrict our currency, we only can pay BRL to BRL
can we do anything to help us brazilians buy the game?
a reliable person for resale lfs here
I believe that people would be more excited when they finish or update what is to come
if you can get someone to resell the game, it may give some result
it's risky to say something
nothing i said is for the bad of the game, i think they will understand me, its just what i think