The online racing simulator
abusive actions from admins
(56 posts, started )
abusive actions from admins
hi all, i was playing in a city driving (again, i posted about problems in this style game, i think that style game is bringing many problems between racers ), when i see that there arent cops and robbers only, there are medics and firemen... so i think that always there are few cops and i do a comment not offensive about it: ''its cops and robbers... and now there are medics and firemen? now we will see a car of the army... lool'' something like that if i remember well... and last, they kick me, so i enter again and say what admin mature do that, for a comment not offensive... i say that to 1 of the admins (there were 2, but i dont know who of both did it).

he didnt want fix the problem speaking, he thought that he did all right. last im banned. that made me so angry... its incredible, i dunno what happen with some licensed racers, in this case an admin. i wanted only a sorry from him, nothing more, but he banned me... ok, very well, that he do when he has a problem... i cant understand it (cases like those happens in action games like hidden & dangerous 2 or america's army, in those games maybe its normal, but here...), but now how can i fix the problem if im banned and i cant speak with him?

its when i come here to post it. this never happened, now it happen constantly and i see that admins are constantly kicking people without fix it speaking (it happens in that server... named CityDriving Cops & Robbers). if he/they read this post, i hope a sorry from him/them, only this and i'll forget it. i think many people will think that im the bad because its the 2nd time that i post about this... but what can i do?

i hope not have to write more post like this, its the sad part of the games. thx all for read my post.

Don't expect mature behaviour on Oval servers, Drift servers, or Cops 'n Robbers servers. One of the facts of LFS.
come on mate dont cry about it simple change the server or create your own c&r server. People will join for sure. Btw. most of these so called admins are just bored kidz without any clue on how to behave and more important how to act as an admin.
#4 - Tomi
servers are private and obey to their own rules/morality/way of life/laws . Just remember the name of this server and avoid it in the future if you don't like it.

An run your own server if no one fit your taste
#5 - RaVeR
Quote from MAGGOT : Drift servers

Please don't tar us all with the same brush... all the drift servers I play in seem to be just as mature as racing servers
#6 - CSU1
I don't understand this C&R stuff anyway, anytime I see a C&R server I go on and crash everyone and everything i can and listen to them little baby's cry
@tomi. so little post count. so many wise words. tomipedia.
#8 - kompa
Hmm what if servers could be tagged as invisible?
#9 - joen
Quote from CSU1 :I don't understand this C&R stuff anyway, anytime I see a C&R server I go on and crash everyone and everything i can and listen to them little baby's cry

Seriously, I don't understand C&R too, LFS is about racing to me. But ruining other people's fun really isn't cool. So just do what you like to do, and let others do what they want to.
#10 - CSU1
Quote from joen :Seriously, I don't understand C&R too. LFS is about racing to me, but ruining other people's fun really isn't cool. So just do what you like to do, and let others do what they want to.

true, ...... a well
An admin isn't necessarily a person of responsibility, but a person of power.

Usually this power is used in a good way, but with some people that power goes straight to their heads. The "It's my server and i'll do what i want" mentality will never trully leave us, all youo can do is let these people carry on with thier narrow minded, and often selfish attitudes. We need to simply let nature take it's course, if the servers die on their arses due to lack of popularity, then so be it. if they increase their popularity, there's obviously enough people out there thinking on the same wavelength.
#12 - Tomi
Quote from Captain Slow :@tomi. so little post count. so many wise words. tomipedia.

So little post count, but I'm a veteran in the simracing world (I played my first racing game 20 years ago and my first real sim was Indianapolis 500). I have also organised (or just helped) several simracing championship and "work" in my freetime for the first and bigger country wide simracing federation in the world (the FFSCA or Fédération Française de Simulation de Courses Automobiles, born as early as 2001 when GPL and nascar from papyrus were the only decent and online capable racing sims).

I don't post much here because I play a lot of sims and and I am a moderator of our federation's forum. It's already a big job to follow everything.

Sadly, LFS isn't the favorite sim in our organisation (only one running championship). I think the lack of licenced cars+tracks and modding capabilities doesn't help.
@tomi, dont worry i wasnt getting at you.
You hit the Police Officer, go to Spectate for 24 Hours! ...
I got kicked off a server for voting to restart.

When I got back on I called the admin a Nazi ******* and I got banned. Where's the justice?
illepall grow up dude illepall
Quote from southamptonfc :When I got back on I called the admin a Nazi ******* and I got banned. Where's the justice?

Right there is the justice...illepall
#18 - SamH
Quote from Theafro :An admin isn't necessarily a person of responsibility, but a person of power.

Totally true, and important to remember.

If you don't like the way an admin runs a server, stay off it. You have no right to complain publicly about how they do their stuff. It's their hardware and their bandwidth, and it's not your position to call it right or wrong.

If you don't like a server, keep out of it. Don't moan about it here.. what could we do about it? Vote with your feet, and never return to it.. but don't complain here about it, and be caught the next day playing there because that's just gonna get peoples' backs up for wasting threadspace.
Quote from southamptonfc :I got kicked off a server for voting to restart.

When I got back on I called the admin a Nazi ******* and I got banned. Where's the justice?

You deserved that ban.
#20 - SamH
Quote from southamptonfc :When I got back on I called the admin a Nazi ******* and I got banned. Where's the justice?

Quote from zeugnimod :Right there is the justice...illepall

Quote from BigDave2967 :You deserved that ban.

southamptonfc, I agree with zeug and Dave. You totally deserve a ban, if that's what you did. The only thing I can think is that you DONT understand the implications of the word you used. I hope that's the case, because that's fixable.
Quote from SamH : The only thing I can think is that you DONT understand the implications of the word you used. I hope that's the case, because that's fixable.

If you mean a power abusing, intollerant of desent dictatorship then yes I understand. Hey, at least I didn't call him Mel Gibson!
Quote from 510N3D :come on mate dont cry about it simple change the server or create your own c&r server.

its easy to say, but the matter isnt ''ok i change server and i'll forget it'' when he kick you without a good reason and ban you, because it isnt respect. its matter of principles, of dignity. so i cant forget it without speak it. i think if it happened to you, you would do the same, come again and say ''what was that? whats the problem with me?'' thats the thing that everybody would do in my case, because that wasnt fair. and open my own server... i cant, problems with my router.... its typical with routers.

the people must think first what are they going to do because in front of the person that they dont respect through the pc, they will not able to do the same. the players that we know through internet, still being human persons, like everyone.

i still being banned from the server, i tried it again, just now. 19:30 (the time in spain, they banned me about 16:00)
Quote from FlyingSam :its easy to say, but the matter isnt ''ok i change server and i'll forget it'' when he kick you without a good reason and ban you, because it isnt respect. its matter of principles, of dignity. so i cant forget it without speak it. i think if it happened to you, you would do the same, come again and say ''what was that? whats the problem with me?'' thats the thing that everybody would do in my case, because that wasnt fair. and open my own server... i cant, problems with my router.... its typical with routers.

the people must think first what are they going to do because in front of the person that they dont respect through the pc, they will not able to do the same. the players that we know through internet, still being human persons, like everyone.

i still being banned from the server, i tried it again, just now.

All i mean is, dont take this hole thing to serious ok. You cant expect a overall level of behavior from everybody. Sure its easy to say, but to do so is another thing. It should be that easy, well in most cases, it is, but somehow theres a barrier to handle if you know what i mean.

So many differences between Nations and how to act & interact. And it seems to be some kind of rude sometimes but for some guys this is the normal way to walk.
Some people are just to young and may think the internet is "fantasy land" and they can act like "beeing from a parallel universe".

+There are also many total idiots around, not even in real life.:P

I had many problems because of that i think, but im learning and i see some parallels here and i just want to say dont make the same misstakes i have made ok (or still doing without even knowing this maybe ). Get over it as fast as possible thats what i can advice here.

Deal with it or quit it

Quote from RaVeR :Please don't tar us all with the same brush... all the drift servers I play in seem to be just as mature as racing servers

Sorry, I've only got two brushes, and one never gets used. That only leaves the one brush with which to tar all.

I'll agree that there most likely are mature drift servers. Same goes for C&R, and Ovals. It's the bad ones seem to be everywhere, and the good ones all tucked away and hard to find... Either that or there's just not enough praise on these forums so you never hear about them

Ah well.. I'm happy with my one un-tarred-never-used brush and my normal racing anyways
Quote from southamptonfc :If you mean a power abusing, intollerant of desent dictatorship then yes I understand. Hey, at least I didn't call him Mel Gibson!

The admins have every right to do what they want on there server. They could ban every single LFS user and there's nothing you or I can do about it.

They pay for the server they can do what ever they want.

I can't understand why people moan about it. It's not like it's the only server on the list and at the end of the day the servers are not run by the devs. They are run by who ever pays for them so if your not happy with going by how others want to work there servers rent/buy your own.

*Rant over*, so whos going to start tomorrows "I was banned for..." topic


abusive actions from admins
(56 posts, started )