The online racing simulator
#1 - Mic0z
Do people still play this game?

I'm contemplating about getting this game as I've played before on a friends account and loved it.

But my question is, do people still play this game as it was very popular when I last played it. If not, why?

Quote from Mic0z :Hi,

But my question is, do people still play this game as it was very popular when I last played it. If not, why?


As far as I know this game is not as popular like in previous days. Reason? You should search for information in forum, before asking, mainly it's popularity decreases because of slow development.
Quote from Mic0z :Hi,

I'm contemplating about getting this game as I've played before on a friends account and loved it.

But my question is, do people still play this game as it was very popular when I last played it. If not, why?


Yes, we still play.

If you are asking if its worth buying, I will say NO.

LFS WAS a great simulator and was highly worth the money, however, if you want to never be able to connect to your host due to DDoS attacks or wish to be bullied by thughish teams who act like they own LFS and spoil the game for peaceful and innocent players, then this is right up your street. You can enjoy the frustration of being disconnected, told where and when you will play, told who you will ban and unban and generally get ignored by the developers when you complain.

In short, people still play, but I have to wonder how long it will be before you only see one selfish teams server in the list? Go buy it, enjoy, I know everyone else is.
Well the DDoS situation should be mostly resolved, although ultimately there's nobody to blame for DDoS' other than the persons responsible for the DDoSing. Their reasoning is unknown and it happens randomly, however hopefully the effects won't be as severe now.

It's predicted that a certain group of LFSers, ones that enjoy leisurely driving around race tracks are the persons responsible for these actions, but no one knows for sure. There's a lot of kiddie drama around the DDoSing, which isn't all that interesting.

As for thugish teams.. there are a few teams that are made up of twats, or have a few arrogant douchebags on their roster, but I think that there's an equal amount of normal, rational people as well. Like everything, there's always kind people and then there are the twats.
At the end of the day, even if there is a slow development and stupid kids some close racing in some good leagues (NDR/genR...) and/or good public server (cargame,...) makes those £25 always worth. Plus most of the community is full of nice guys, yeah idiots are always screaming louder although being a minority.
Public racing is pretty okay i would say. I'm mostly racing on cargame servers and in evenings it gets pretty full

LFS might not be quite so active as it was in the peak days, but it is very much alive and kicking
#7 - Be2K
there aren't many public servers left with good combos but if you interested in some Racing leagues, you should buy it. But as mentioned before, LFS is no longer as popular as it was in 2006.

The slow Development, non-conversation politic etc isn't good for lfs. Most of good old racers has left LFS already
Do we still play it....YES !!! Check my Sign up date and still here

Is it still popular....YES...Not as much but you can still find full servers and good combo's. and my own server does random combo's to name a couple of S2 servers. You cannot even get Blackwood Rev on Demo.

Is it worth Buying....Of Course....Give me another Sim as good as LFS that is Value for Money for what is costs and the content you get

<------ Sign Up date here

I just drive randomnly every now and then, because I think physcis and force feedback are still the best ever, however, the lack of content in the last several years have made this awesome physcis and FF pretty useless. Ok, you have them, and now what? I've been racing the same cars and tracks for 10 years...
But I understand how Scawen wants it to be, so I entertain myself with other activities or games hoping that sooner or later a big update will come.. is just a matter of time.
there are still servers being played but not as many. i find that myself or another team member race on one of our s2 servers it isnt long til the server has 8+ other racers on there. if was to compare to demo servers then there usually isnt as many on the s2 servers as there is on our demo.

is it worth it? my answer is for the price yes. just to experience what there is and have as much fun as can get
Just bought it recently, was worth every cent!
It was worth buying years ago and iv'e gotten my money worth. Would i buy again without previous experience? Only if i try it first on s2 somehow.
Yes, people still play this game. There's always some activity throughout 24/7, especially on evenings
2020 update. still worth buying. Still plenty of leagues to join. I few of my friends bought it and they'd agree. As far as players go they're actually seemingly nice outside of demo lobbies. They've all been very respectful to me. Cant thank them enough.
Yep, still playing, also sometimes I am playing this game
Not so much to do during the lockdown Smile
( DELETED by Scawen : rubbish post
(gu3st) DELETED by Scawen : a reply to a rubbish post that is now deleted
ah censorship on the rise again, how unexpected.
#17 - 5tag
Dude there were like 3 good reasons to delete your post, and now you're whining about it? Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

You brought so much enjoyment to the community when that server was running... shame you're merely a bitter forum goblin now. Shoo!
Quote from Mic0z :Hi,

I'm contemplating about getting this game as I've played before on a friends account and loved it.

But my question is, do people still play this game as it was very popular when I last played it. If not, why?


don't bother with the S3, buy the S2 if you're after a license
Quote from :ah censorship on the rise again, how unexpected.

Don't post racist vitriol and your posts won't get deleted.
...SO we not gonna address that gu3st and dawesdust_12 is the same person?
Quote from TheNoobisonFire :...SO we not gonna address that gu3st and dawesdust_12 is the same person?

Why should we? I thought it's obvious... Shrug
But why he is no longer welcome here?
Some 2015 stuff I actually don't remember but he got gamershot by scawen for it.
And it's water under the fridge at this point. Hence why this account, which also used to be banned, is not.
Quote from gu3st :And it's water under the fridge at this point. Hence why this account, which also used to be banned, is not.

Youve reminded me I need to clean around and under mine. bbl