40/Driloniloni110/Drilon Ahmetaj/Kosova/FXO/Air Attack Newsroom racing
Quote from pittpulga :I would like to change my car for XRT. Is it possible?

Yes, it is. It will cost you all points earned to date, the moment you take to the track in the different car. If you understand and accept this, please post in the affirmative and we will commit your car change to the record.
Quote from dekojester :Yes, it is. It will cost you all points earned to date, the moment you take to the track in the different car. If you understand and accept this, please post in the affirmative and we will commit your car change to the record.

Ok, I understand and accept.
Quote from Spiiiky :33/spiiiky/Patrik Hlinka/Slovakia/RB4/Born To Race

picked car (TBA -> RB4)
12/markorester/Svilen Naydenov/Bulgaria/FXO
777/ biroot / Guillaume Lemasle /France / XRT / BMW
Signups lockout commenced for Round 3. Signups will reopen approx. 2 hours after event conclusion.
Quote from biroot :777/ biroot / Guillaume Lemasle /France / XRT / BMW

Sadly, you missed the entry deadline for this round by 8 minutes.

Also, number 777 is outside the available range. Please select an available number within the range (up to 99), after the entry lockout concludes.
Ok so i will doesn t do the champ.
Sry for 8min
Have a nice race guys and thx
Quote from biroot :Ok so i will doesn t do the champ.
Sry for 8min
Have a nice race guys and thx

You are permitted to enter the remaining rounds, if you adjust your number, I will process your entry for the remaining rounds.
no thx i will no race this champ
thx you
Round 3 lockout ended, signups and entry edits are open again.
08/S.Chanturia/Sandro Chanturia/FXO/noname
Quote from dekojester :Round 3 lockout ended, signups and entry edits are open again.

If me and Chanturia make a team, will we lose our earned points?
Quote from pittpulga :If me and Chanturia make a team, will we lose our earned points?

Your individual points will stay. If you had no team previously, your team points will start with the next round your participate in.
Quote from dekojester :Your individual points will stay. If you had no team previously, your team points will start with the next round your participate in.

then we want to make Team, i don`t know if this is right place but ill write here.

the skins will be uploaded in skin thread..
Signups lockout for Round 4 started. Ends two hours after meeting conclusion.
Entries open again following Round 4.
81/loukota/Pavel Loucký/Czech Republic/FXO/Viaduct Czech
60/turkishcan/Cem DALDA/Turkey/FXO

75/RKoots/Reno Kööts/Estonia/XRT/Air Attack Newsroom Racing
(BerdyGaming) DELETED by BerdyGaming
11/socalmini/Ben Smith/American/Fxo/Mini Racers
Quote from Jonathan Harp :76/Beluthar/Jonathan_Harp/United_States/xrt/Total_Discord_Racing(TDR)

Withdrawing sadly. Been fun racing everyone but I can no longer expect to make races with my current schedule as well as life throwing stuff at me. Good luck everyone and keep racing. You all are mad good drivers. Thanks for having me NDR and racers.
58/numbertwo/Zdravko Topolnjak/Croatia/RB4/Fragmaster
This thread is closed