nice warnings and stop & go, fantastic
here are some lovely exhibits :
1) sprint hlinka
what else can i do when he decides to miss his braking point, slide into middle of the road, and then brake check me when i'm midway committed through a going to the inside? and then I get a warning for him turning into me when i'm already 80% past his b pillar? right, okay. I'll brake check people next race then, since that seems fine to do. talk me out of that.
2) feature niko

moves under braking to cover me, making me swing wide at last moment. fine. then drives himself shallower than a plate, understeers straight on in the grass, and I catch his rear fender, and we interlock bodies like lego; I get a warning for this shit? Sure, he gets a penalty for blocking, but for his own line choice making him run into me , really? OK.
3) feature katila

i'm sorry, where's the 1-car width? does the kerb count or am I that fat? I'm right at the b-pillar so its not that i'm sticking my fingernail in. My car is there, and I pulled up mostly in time to make the corner. I get a warning and penalty for this?
Right. I get it. On the day where I am fighting Botsi for the championship and trying not to drive like an ****, people block weave and do dumb shit, shit that I get called out for. And I get the warnings, OK.
for 5 rounds i get up and stay woke on coffee till 2am+ just to entertain and give some rubbing and hard racing for the viewers and on the day where I'm trying not to drive dumb i'm the one that gets shit on.
"oh you should just be passive and let people by to stay safe" - what joy and excitement is that, i dont stay up late to play second fiddle. Or maybe I don't know what I'm talking about at 3 in the morning. Maybe @bozz can vouch for the racing I gave him in the sprint. i dunno. Or maybe I should have just let him past. I don't know either.
side note : i'm sleepy and pissed to hell, so if i wake up in the morning all calm again I'm sorry for my driving/behaviour/speech, yeah i shouldn't even appeal for this i guess since it's over already, congrats botsi