Hello everyone.
Here a small LFSLapper update with a new Discord feature.
Here a small LFSLapper update with a new Discord feature.
|Changes from to | Discord feature Update/Fix
1: New function: SendDiscordEmbed(); #Create and send Discord Embed
#DiscordChannel to receive this embed.
$Channel = "";
#Set Title/Description and color of the discord embed
$Title = "Embed Title";
$Desc = "Embed Description";
#Prefix must contain '0x' Followed by 6 chars 0-9 and A-F
$Color = "0xFF0000"; #RED
#Field Values
## Use %nf% to create a new field. (Add %nf% to $FieldValue and $FieldInline aswell) ##
$FieldTitle = "Field_01 Title"; #Title of the Field
$FieldValue = "Field_01 Value"; #Value of the Field
$FieldInline = "True"; #Use 'True' or 'False' to set Inline Fields.
#Use %nf% to add a footer image URL !! Not an local(pc) image.
$Footer = "LFSLapper Footer: ".GetLapperVar("ShortTime");
#Small Image URL on the right side of the Embed box.
$ThumbnailUrl = "";
#The Entire EmbedBox will fit to the same size as the ImageUrl.
$ImageUrl = "";
#Function to send Discord Embed
1: Couldn't use '\n' in discord messages