The online racing simulator
GT2 Challenge 2021: Signups

GT2 Challenge 2021 - Signups

To enter the GT2 Challenge 2021, make a post here giving your requested car number, LFS licence name, real name, nationality, chosen car, team name (if representing a team), discord ID (the number after your username, so we can group you in our Discord). Separate each field with a /, no space between the text of the field and the /. Example:

1/dekojester/Jonathan Palmer/USA/FZR/New Dimension Racing/0000

Any number 2-99 is free for selection. Number 1 is reserved for last season's champion, Joni Katila (jsrk)

Signups are open NOW, and will close at 16:30 UTC on the Saturday prior to each round, and not open again until two hours after event conclusion.

Licence Requirements for Drivers

No NDR Licence Grade limitation.
You will need an S2 LFS License to participate in all rounds except Round 2, which requires S3.

Entries are tracked in the attached PDF. This PDF is updated at least once daily.

Numbers highlighted in orange are conflicted, and that entrant needs to chance their number. They have been directly notified.

You are strongly encouraged to join our Discord.
Attached files
EntryList_Season.pdf - 175 KB - 363 views
54/deusvultmydudes/Niko Biličić/Croatia/XRR/Master Race Car/#4103
87/nikopdr/Niko Puntola/FIN/FZR/TBA/xxxx
43/MandulAA/Dániel Balla/HUN/XRR/Race Green Autosports/5087
33/spiiiky/Patrik Hlinka/SVK/XRR/Born To Race/0637
46/BorislavB/Borislav Botev/BUL/XRR/Fast And Crazy SimSports/4399
17/TimDC/Tim De Cnodder/Belgium/FZR/Master Race Car/#9301
74/StepanYL/Stepan Lyazer/Russian Federation/XRR/Master race car/#6561
14/markantonio/Gustas Pucėta/Lithuania/XRR/GlobalGaming Racing/3052
9/Laipnieks/Andrejs Laipnieks/Latvia/XRR/Procrastination Motorsports/8271
88/microspecv/Sean Lee/Singapore/XRR/Air Attack Newsroom/8952
25/Ayoub2016/Ayoub ELHANNOUNI/Morocco/FZR/Born To Race/8118
#13 - Sn1p
58/Sn1p/Matīss Linde/Latvia/XRR/Procrastination Motorsports/3591
99/f1 mainiac/Bozhidar Velinov/Bulgaria/XRR/World Class Lions/4281
2/IsaacPrice/Isaac Price/UK/XRR/Chad Esports/6779
#16 - jsrk
1/jsrk/Joni Katila/Finland/XRR/World Class Lions/9572
#17 - jkat
4/jkat/Jari Katila/Finland/XRR/World Class Lions/7555
66/racon/Jamie Tresidder/UK/FXR/PiranMOTO/4072
86/cathal50cc/Cathal Croarkin/Ireland/FZR/Born To Race/8086
#20 - RLeb
59/rleb/Reg LeBlanc/Canada/XRR/Angry Angus Racing/0793
27/redbot_/Jefin Jacob/India/FXR/Race Green Autosports/4540
#22 - Laoz
57/laoz/Simas Tautkevičius/LT/XRR/Pixle Air Attack Racing/9047
75/rkoots/Reno Kööts/Estonia/XRR/Air Attack Newsroom/2424
23/viperakecske/Gábor Gyüre/Hungary/FZR/Team S1DUS/5655
34/Sobis/Karolis Motiejuitis/Lithuania/XRR/Last Lap Motorsports/6905
This thread is closed