New LFS Version 0.6V
(207 posts, started )
Quote from IsaacPrice :Once you're done giving life advice nobody asked for, can you remove the ability to use handbrake in default mode in the race cars (like you did already in FO8 and FOX years ago) so that this update doesn't push the meta driving style in league racing towards something even more unrealistic? Or, do you not see this as an issue?

No, that won't be possible.

Maybe if you go out for a walk / run / ride you'll calm down a bit.

It's the best thing for the physical and mental health.
Let me explain some things, for the XRT (pre-update) with a gripped-up setup this car was almost impossible to spin, you could happily fall asleep at high angles, now after the update that's changed especially for me using the wheel. Now the rotation does not confuse me at all, I use the 900 since assetto days that is not a big deal there is barely any difference, Since the XRT was always 720, there was no purpose for 900 degrees, although I could even drift the XRT with 900 with some compensation.

Now I am happy to receive updates but this one affects the car at high angle at the max lock area, comparing to before, now it seems way to easy to spin almost like the extended steering lock for the xrt once spoke about is actually needed to compensate and remain a decent drift car.
Hmmm... I have the feeling the atmosphere in this thread spiralled out of control. Can we somehow set the clock back to when it was released? Of course I know this is not possible... Not at this stage at least.
Anyways I'm looking forward to the fun new opportunities and creative solutions this patch will bring. Already some interesting leagues popped up, I hope they will succeed even when novelty wears off.

About this "potential exploit" with the handbrakes... I think it might be a similar situation to the buttonclutch, that there is a feature of the game, that is used by people it was not designed for to gain an advantage in league racing. If there were more information about the driver settings available via InSim (best about both) I guess server owners and league organisers could find solutions how to takle these in competetive environments.
Please stop with giving advice to people you don't know the backgroud of @scawen. We're here to enjoy a game which we like to play. We can have our opinions and if they are different from yours it's not because we are staying 24/7 inside of our houses. So don't make a fool of yourself and keep it on topic. And yh I know you changed a lot for the community and you're salty because not all people didn't test the test patch. But at the end of the day we players are your customers, so talk with a bit more respect against them.

Thanks and peace out Smile
Quote from Scawen :No, that won't be possible.

Maybe if you go out for a walk / run / ride you'll calm down a bit.

It's the best thing for the physical and mental health.

Maybe you should go out and fix lfs
Quote from Scawen :No, that won't be possible.

Maybe if you go out for a walk / run / ride you'll calm down a bit.

It's the best thing for the physical and mental health.

Well, thanks for your reply I guess. Lol. My mental health is just fine, hopefully you are able to overcome whatever it is you are going through atm Smile
Quote from rik97 :But at the end of the day we players are your customers, so talk with a bit more respect against them.

Respect is the way I developed this patch:

- Public test patch
- Full transparency
- Descriptions of all changes, with reasons
- Repeated invitations to people to please test
- Attempt to solve every problem and accomodate as many requests as possible

What is not respect:

- A very small number of users who couldn't be bothered to test, coming here very shortly after the test patching process has finished, and telling me I've done something wrong.

NOTE: There isn't anything actually wrong. It's more like a few members playing 'bait the dev' for no reason.
Quote from rik97 :you're salty because not all people didn't test the test patch.


I'm saying people shouldn't complain because they want something different, if they didn't participate in the development stage.
Quote from Scawen :Respect is the way I developed this patch:

- Public test patch
- Full transparency
- Descriptions of all changes, with reasons
- Repeated invitations to people to please test
- Attempt to solve every problem and accomodate as many requests as possible

What is not respect:

- A very small number of users who couldn't be bothered to test, coming here very shortly after the test patching process has finished, and telling me I've done something wrong.

NOTE: There isn't anything actually wrong. It's more like a few members playing 'bait the dev' for no reason.

LFS is pretty small community, I think it's understandable that things would be missed during the test patch phase. I think most of the league racing community has been busy racing GT2C, and in my case I've been busy racing iRacing every weekend.

So, while it's unfortunate something was missed in the test patch phase, I don't really understand why you are being so stubborn. For sure there are people trying to troll you in this thread, but personally I'm just genuinely annoyed by the way you talk about mental health and am not afraid to show that while giving my feedback.

In the end, if you cross your arms and say "it's too late, deal with it" then in the end its you who loses out, as you miss an opportunity to improve your product and make yourself look bad to the community that you need to support you if you want to continue making a living in the long term
Thanks but when I am attacked by random people for no reason, I am genuinely concerned about their mental state. I'm not a whipping boy for people's personal problems.

As for talking about mental health, I've experienced serious depression in the past and I know for a fact that getting out and enjoying nature as much as possible is a great help. I am genuinely concerned about people staying indoors during lockdown and seriously suggest they get outside. It's not a joke that people need exercise. Without it, gradually the brain and body deteriorate.

There was a thorough and lengthy test patching process where people were invited to give feedback. If people with a special interest have a problem with one of the slightly adjusted features, then it really is too late and the correct advice is, next time, participate in the test patch stage.

If there was an actual bug or serious issue, then I'd have to spend more time away from the real development and start working on 0.6W. But there isn't such a problem. There are a few tiny changes that a very small number of people are worried about. It's a real storm in a teacup.
Hey wizard,write a book
Quote from THE WIZARD DK :try me.
/w ds or go to my profile to see if my mileage is too low to say that too !

THE WIZARD DK's profile page is not visible to you.

Damn, i can't roast you now Smile
Quote from Scawen :Thanks but when I am attacked by random people for no reason, I am genuinely concerned about their mental state. I'm not a whipping boy for people's personal problems.

As for talking about mental health, I've experienced serious depression in the past and I know for a fact that getting out and enjoying nature as much as possible is a great help. I am genuinely concerned about people staying indoors during lockdown and seriously suggest they get outside. It's not a joke that people need exercise. Without it, gradually the brain and body deteriorate.

There was a thorough and lengthy test patching process where people were invited to give feedback. If people with a special interest have a problem with one of the slightly adjusted features, then it really is too late and the correct advice is, next time, participate in the test patch stage.

If there was an actual bug or serious issue, then I'd have to spend more time away from the real development and start working on 0.6W. But there isn't such a problem. There are a few tiny changes that a very small number of people are worried about. It's a real storm in a teacup.

Kinda disagree. Check Newton. One of the two smartest people of all time and he was at home cranking equations mostly. It's all about what you do with your time in quarantine. You can come out better, or more stupid.

People here aren't your enemies wanting to trigger you for no reason, they all like LFS and care about it, well maybe some care about their hotlaps, but most care about the game and that's why they're here. And that's why I am gonna share my opinion.

He's got a point about braking pressure, such a system was in F1, Hakkinen was using it. A second, small brake pedal. It was banned.

Brake pressure adjustment is good for drifters, but racers will use this to their advantage, to get the nose to turn in, changing handbrake pressure as they see fit. This is a nice challenge but not realistic. Get the front to turn in just the right way with a push of a button. Racers in real life don't do that. You changed steering rotations for more realism. Does handbrake driving provide mote or less realism? I think it should've been specific to "Alternative" and default should've been left alone. That way drifters still get what they want.

I think the problem is you like doing things in a very structural, in your own "proper" way. There's nothing stopping you from uploading a little patch that fixes this, (neither is anything wrong with that, my steam games keep updating all the time with little patches) but then you're gonna think it must be "0.6V1.5" or something, and you just don't want that. You like seeing 0.6V clean which is, just a number of a version and tbh totally meaningless.

And you know not all issues come out during patch testing, and not everyone is supposed to do patch testing. Why don't you try a less structured approach? Like, release an official version, if people come flooding, pointing out an actual problem like they did here about 2 things after the official release, release another official version. My ACC is 1.7.3 or something. Two days ago it was 1.7.2, a day before 1.7.1. It's all fine.
:Ddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd ( EDIT: Thanks for this thread. Was entertaining to read. Thank you )
Quote from THE WIZARD DK :you didnt make the see me :/

aaah. you blocked me so that makes perfectly sense you cant!


wait, what? i never blocked anyone afaik
maybe you blocked me?

yea i know its offtopic,
it's in everyone's own privacy settings

i can only stand by what Isac is saying here. Its very poor way of handling things, washing hands with "people not taking part in...", were they notified anyway? Perhapse a notification on the multiplayer page "hey, we're testing something, we'd like you to have a look <click here>" would have avoided these imo ridiculous postings. As part of the translators guild, i do get glimses of potential incomming changes but i cant jump on a 3 day notice to verify a potential gamebreaker is intended to be added to the sim.
@Scawen, you probably missed my post in the thread where you announced the intent to make small changes, ill remind you that back in time when LFS was in its strongest, the MAJORITY of the people racing then were begging for simple solutions that were overlooked (considering the GTR balancing). These things were nothing compared to what we're pushing back and forth here.
Quote from ZanZi :i can only stand by what Isac is saying here. Its very poor way of handling things, washing hands with "people not taking part in...", were they notified anyway? Perhapse a notification on the multiplayer page "hey, we're testing something, we'd like you to have a look <click here>" would have avoided these imo ridiculous postings. As part of the translators guild, i do get glimses of potential incomming changes but i cant jump on a 3 day notice to verify a potential gamebreaker is intended to be added to the sim.
@Scawen, you probably missed my post in the thread where you announced the intent to make small changes, ill remind you that back in time when LFS was in its strongest, the MAJORITY of the people racing then were begging for simple solutions that were overlooked (considering the GTR balancing). These things were nothing compared to what we're pushing back and forth here.

Good thing there was no gamebreaker introduced in this version. What 3 day notice do you mean? The test patch was live for almost a month. And as far as I know the changes in this version are requested from people that still play a lot on here.

Anyway, something different from all the complaints: I had great fun with some FXR rallycross racing, and XRR drifitng the other day. Looks weird because of the huge angles haha.
I thought we were getting past it but maybe not.

Quote from ZanZi :i cant jump on a 3 day notice to verify a potential gamebreaker is intended to be added to the sim.

I don't know which thing you are talking about. I haven't heard of such a thing.

Quote from ZanZi :@Scawen, you probably missed my post in the thread where you announced the intent to make small changes, ill remind you that back in time when LFS was in its strongest, the MAJORITY of the people racing then were begging for simple solutions that were overlooked (considering the GTR balancing). These things were nothing compared to what we're pushing back and forth here.

Going back into history with vague comments is kind of irrelevant.

There are thousands of things that could have been done differently at any stage, which didn't get done or prioritised for any number of reasons. That doesn't really have any bearing on people getting worked up about tiny changes they didn't test in a recent update.

I'll say it again: There was opportunity, invitation, notification to test these things. If people didn't do it, and they don't like a tiny little change that happened, it's not reasonable for them to come here and whinge. There is no bug, just people exaggerating problems. It's quite pathetic.

EDIT: Unsubscribing from thread now. Thanks for the positive feedback. I'm really pleased the update is working very well, as intended!
Thanks for the new update and racing possibilities it brings. XFR / UFR RallyX is a lot of fun! Hope some one can set up a server Wink
Thanks for the updates. Especially the increased packets and prediction improvements.

Exploiting the handbrake was always possible using axis handbrake or a slow button control rate. So in a way, the adjustable handbrake power isn’t much different than allowing button control rate adjustments. It helps people who don’t have the hardware to appropriately simulate the controls of a car. I’m sure Scawen would have made the change if the issue was raised before, but I don’t think any developer would release another update back to back for anything but a game breaking bug.

As for hotlaps, hopefully they become increasingly irrelevant as the sim models more environment variables and/if the cars become more customizable.
I dont understand why everyone is so aggro.

Some nice stuff was done with this patch - for me personally i like that now you can change tyre compounds without having to repair the car. I like that there is bug fixed in F12 menu about tyre pressures. I like that FFB settings are better now, i already used U12 patch that had them made. I like that something was done with improving the look of game on streams and while spectating, while also trying to improve collision with high ping, both valuable things to work on.

Id rather see some buggy kerbs fixed (dont tell me its physics, i know) than some other stuff, but thats just my personal opinion. Some people probably dont care about pitstop fix on compound change and love that they can use road super on GTRs.

Keep up the good work. And we will keep up racing and organising races. Both Fragmaster servers are on new version, but we will keep racing as it was until now, without road tyres on our Fox Friday races. So most of changes wont be felt, except that our South American friends will have a bit easier life racing.
I really hope in future updates handbrake power setting will be only be able to set in drift configurations, not in all cars. That really ruins realistic feel, unless on new version with new tyre physics handbrake will work how it should work.. Now this handbrake power changing makes something like in f1 that mclaren had back in day 3rd brake pedal, to help you with some stuff.

Edit. And hope in future update R4. option that now is there for. MRT/FBM/FOX will be gone, some reacted harshly(can blame corona a bit), but yes its really not needed for those cars as those tyres are really not usable for anything more than a hotlap in hotlap mode, and that ruins the experience of it a bit. Yes we noticed it too late, but hope in future it can be fixed.

New LFS Version 0.6V
(207 posts, started )