The online racing simulator
LFS freezes if I join ( immediately after it has been (re)started

So I found a bug which happens at least on hosts rented on this site. I tested this on 0.6V. Server which was tested is Sport Racing Team-Finland. Because I don't own that server, I can't see activity/log from that server.

My friend who is owner of that host decided to stop that server while I was connected there. When he did that, I was, as it should be, immediately timed out from that server. However, when he started that server again on that site, I immediately joined that server again. This time, LFS displayed "Connect timed out"-message. After that, I immediately tried to join that server again. This time it worked and I get to join on lobby, but after that, my LFS completely freezes.

When LFS freezes, it will increase that lag amount (or what do you call it?) to 32 in UDP. However, after that, it stays on that number. If I try to press any button on lobby screen, nothing happens. My connection also never seems to time out, so I'm basically just staying on lobby screen permanently. What do I also mean by freezing is that if I try to close LFS.exe, LFS then just displays black screen with lag bars on left bottom side of screen permanently. Therefore, LFS.exe doesn't close automatically.

The only way to close LFS.exe is by via task manager. I've attached couple screenshots (one displaying black screen and one from lobby) and deb.txt-file. Note that the lag bars are different in those screenshots because I took that Lobby-screenshot about 1 hour later, which means that it's possible to reproduce this bug.

I should mention that my friend pressed that Start-button immediately after restarting server is possible (there's that 1 minute period where restarting server is not possible). I also should mention, that I tried this several times and it happened every time if I were fast enough. I also noted that you don't need to be on the server during that moment when host owner shuts down that server.

Way to reproduce this:

So, here's a possible way to reproduce this bug. I'm not sure does this apply only to servers rented on or on all servers. This is however, easier, to reproduce on hosts rented on this site.

1) Make sure you or someone else stops that server (on That player doesn't need to connect to that server at that moment.
2) Immediately after restarting server is possible on, restart that server.
3) Immediately after pressing start-button, make sure that you or another player joins to that server
4) That player will then receive message "Connect timed out". After that message is displayed, that player shuold immediately try joining that server again
5) This time, player will connect that server and sees lobby, but LFS freezes completely after that.

tl;dr: join server immediately after (re)starting it (on On first time, it doesn't let you join that server and when you immediately try to rejoin, it works, but LFS freezes completely after that
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deb.txt - 1.3 KB - 129 views