The online racing simulator
lfs-career: Single player career mode!
Dear racers,

I've been fiddling around to create something new for LFS; lfs-career.
This software utilises the InSim protocol and lets you configure a single player career with multiple seasons. Each season consists of multiple races.

Download it here: ... ain/

Prerequisites: You must have java installed

Getting started
  1. Extract the file to a location of your liking.
  2. Change the path "C:\LFS\data\setups" in config.edn to the data/setups folder of your installation location (if necessary).
  3. Launch Live For Speed, choose single player and type "/insim 29999"
  4. Start lfs-career by running "java -jar lfs-career-v0.1.0.jar" (in a command prompt)
When you see the following; "Type exit, quit or stop to quit lfs-career Connected with LFS S3 / 0.6U (insim-version 8)"
you know that lfs-career is running and succesfully connected to LFS. Fasten your seatbelts!

Ingame commands
In game you can start a career with "!career road", take part in a season by typing "!season uf1-sprint" and load a track, grid & race settings by typing "!race".

You can configure your own career, have a look at "careers/road.edn" for an annotated example.

It's very simple, but some things might work different then you'd expect. Please let me know what you think/miss or if you find any bugs. Leave a reply or file an issue on Github.

For more info, take a look at the Readme: ... areer/blob/main/

Thanks in advance!
Stan AKA Boer Tarrel
I'll compile the Java jar soon, that way it will be easier for windows users to run lfs-career with Java.
Will give this a try, thank you
Cool! Please let me know if you can get it started. Take a look at the file "how_to_run_java" to see the command for running the Java jar. Otherwise, the clojure command should work.

I've got a list of things i'd like to add;
  • Better feedback (points, season standings, etc etc)
  • Season requirements (currently you only need to finish all races in a season, no points or season result needed to unlock new cars/seasons)
  • 'Graphical' interface with buttons (shift+i)
  • Configuration of AI difficulty
  • Variable AI difficulty during race
  • More realistic qualify behaviour (AI entering pits and rejoining)
  • Specify race distance (currently you can only specify n laps)
  • Make it easier to run the program
#5 - BeNoM
This is very cool, looking forward to seeing how this progresses. Great work mate.
Java jar file (Van Sterberkt) DELETED by Van Sterberkt : This was way to difficult lol
Please try it out, test it! You'll probably break it, let me know what you encounter and what you'd like to see improved.

Thanks in advance!
Edited original post
I've simplified the onboarding, it should be *pretty* easy to get it started now. Edited the original first post in this thread. :-)
If there's anyone who'd like to try it out, please do so! Wave

I'd be grateful forever if you can give me some feedback or improvements suggestions! Cheerio

Omg omg omg
I do all the steps above, it didn't work.

Also i don't quite understand what the step 2 mean. I just rename it to config.edn, copy to my lfs folder, and change the setup dir. Is this correct ?
Hey Bowst,

I left the lfs-career folder intact (name and contents) and dropped it into the LFS root folder - but it doesn't matter where the folder is.. And rename the config file as mentioned.

Give the full path to the java file when you call it (the java command line given).

I got it working yesterday (on Ubuntu), but haven't really played with it yet...

Quote from bowst :I do all the steps above, it didn't work.

Also i don't quite understand what the step 2 mean. I just rename it to config.edn, copy to my lfs folder, and change the setup dir. Is this correct ?

Thanks for your reply!

Let me clarify: You can simply rename the "config.edn.example" to "config.edn". Leave it in the same place where the java file is. (in the directory where you've extracted the zipfile).
Then open the file with a simple text editor (notepad for example) and change the path ("C:\path\to\lfs\data\setups") to the data/setups path of your LFS install. For example: "C:\LFS\data\setups"

The file should look like this:
{:setup-dir "C:\LFS\data\setups"}

I've changed the zipfile, it simply contains a file called "config.edn" with a sensible default path. You don't need to edit it when you installed LFS in the default install location (on Windows).
Quote from mattt :Hey Bowst,

I left the lfs-career folder intact (name and contents) and dropped it into the LFS root folder - but it doesn't matter where the folder is.. And rename the config file as mentioned.

Give the full path to the java file when you call it (the java command line given).

I got it working yesterday (on Ubuntu), but haven't really played with it yet...


Indeed Mattt! Thanks
Try to run it from cmd but it return with this error :

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.RuntimeException: Unsupported escape character: \L
at clojure.lang.Util.runtimeException(
at clojure.lang.EdnReader$StringReader.invoke(
at clojure.lang.EdnReader.readDelimitedList(
at clojure.lang.EdnReader$MapReader.invoke(
at clojure.lang.EdnReader.readString(
at clojure.edn$read_string.invokeStatic(edn.clj:46)
at clojure.edn$read_string.invokeStatic(edn.clj:37)
at clojure.edn$read_string.invoke(edn.clj:37)
at lfs_career.core$get_config.invokeStatic(core.clj:35)
at lfs_career.core$get_config.invoke(core.clj:34)
at lfs_career.core$_main.invokeStatic(core.clj:202)
at lfs_career.core$_main.invoke(core.clj:201)
at clojure.lang.AFn.applyToHelper(
at clojure.lang.AFn.applyTo(
at lfs_career.core.main(Unknown Source)
Hey again Bowst,

Sooooorta a guess, but you've probably gotten the path wrong - the one mentioned in the config file (path to LFS).

If I'm right, you've probably either not used the c: in c:\LFS..., or perhaps accidentally placed a space between the : and the \

@bowst Looks like there's a typo or something in your `config.edn` file.
Can you post the contents of the file here?

Note that, I've changed the config file in the download zip, so you can download it again. Should work out of the box now for the default windows installation location.
LFS installed in default location. I don't change anything in config file.
Attached files - 241 B - 559 views
Thanks for uploading @bowst. I've attached another config file, can you try this? Simply replace your config.edn file with the one in the attached zip.
Attached files - 543 B - 560 views
Quote from Van Sterberkt :Thanks for uploading @bowst. I've attached another config file, can you try this? Simply replace your config.edn file with the one in the attached zip.

This new config file works for me, Thanks. But a new problem occurs ...

When i type "!career road" command, it only return with "Unknown career, try:". I can't join any races with any car at all.
The program looks for files in the folder "careers". It looks like there are no career config files found in there. Maybe you didn't extract the zipfile completely?
Hi, This program looks great.
Is it still relevant? Is there a new version compatible with the mod system?
Hi Avraham, Cool that you like it!
Mods should work right away, but i've not tested this yet. Atm there is no config/careers that use Mods. But you could add career config yourself if you want.

There have been some changes in InSim that i didn't include yet in this the lfs-career program, i'll try address that.

I'd expect it to work though, because InSim has some backwards compatibility.

Please, give it a try and if you run into problems, please let me know. I will try to help you out!
Hi Van Sterberkt Smile,

Thank you for your answer.
I will try to test this as soon as possible. A career mode is really what this game lacks, second only to a competitive AI.

I think the slow AI did not contribute to the success of your program. But thanks to the Mod system that's changing.

I really hope that your program will work with modified cars, it opens up huge prospects for the future.