The online racing simulator
Steering wheel with only force feedback gets straightened even if not moving!
Happens in the newest update 0.6V!

My wheel is a Logitech G920 (but I think different wheels have the same problem, if I'm staying still in-game the steering wheel corrects itself into the 0 degrees position, and even if im moving I can feel a bit of unrealistic correcting while drifting on a slippery surface. Please fix, pretty unrealistic, and annoying. Smile

It's fine if the correcting happens when I bring up the menu and the FFB drops to 0, but remove the effects when FFB is active. If I later find out that this only happens because of something other than LFS, I will delete this comment.

Thank you.
Pretty sure its the game's fault. Can someone tell me how to install an earlier version of the game? I want to check if this happens there too.

If you cant help me this way, then please load up lfs if you have a wheel and make a ramp to jump off of. If you feel any force on your hand while in the air, please tell me, that means im not the only one with this promblem and 0.6V is at fault.

Yes, turns out it has effects in the air aswell, Im 100% sure there is no grip in the air. Smile

PS.: IT IS NOT AN ACCELERATION IT TURNS THE WHEEL AT A (virtually) CONSTANT SPEED, the force stops when the wheel is at 0 degrees, im guessing it was meant to be used when the game restarts so you dont start a race while the wheel is at 360.

pls help meh
** Best answer **
try turning the centering spring off in your wheel settings if possible
Yep, i kinda knew it was my fault, but the timing for the update was perfect, couldnt resist faulting the game Smile

THANK YOU! and sorry developers, you guys are good bois, you wouldnt make a mistake this big Big grin