Hello Lapperusers,
Here is a small Beta update for the upcoming version.
NOTE #1, The events in LFSLapper.lpr has been changed.
NOTE #2, LFS 0.6V is required
See the summary of changes below.
Here is a small Beta update for the upcoming version.
NOTE #1, The events in LFSLapper.lpr has been changed.
NOTE #2, LFS 0.6V is required
See the summary of changes below.
|Changes from to Beta #11
1: New PlayerVar: "CarConfig"
// Configuration (Config byte)
// UF1 / LX4 / LX6 : 0 = DEFAULT / 1 = OPEN ROOF
// XRR / FZR : 0 = DEFAULT / 1 = DRIFT / RX
// FXR : 0 = DEFAULT / 1 = RX
2: New PlayerVar: "FrontWheelAdj" When Alternate setup config has been chosen.
Tyre width reduction (front)
3: New PlayerVar: "RearWheelAdj" When Alternate setup config has been chosen.
Tyre width reduction (rear)
4: New event: OnBlueFlag();
$userName = Player were the blueflag is ment for
$userNameBehind = faster Player behind $userName
$Time = Time of flag
5: New event: OnYellowFlag();
$userName = Player that is causing the yellowflag
$State = Yellowflag 1 or 0 (on/off)
$Time = Time of flag
6: New PlayerVar: "Fuel" Display the fuel amount in percent "%" After player left the pit.
IF /showfuel=yes ELSE value = -1
7: New PlayerVar: "PitFuel" Display the fuel amount in percent "%" that is being add during a pitstop.
IF /showfuel=yes ELSE value = -1
1: Maxlaptime that will be stored to the database have been increased from 30 to 90 minutes, for really long layouts.
2: [TEST] Record ID of Grip/Drift Database will now be shown in DumpVar(); for certain Car/track requests.
$list = GetListTop( getConfigVar( DefaultTopCar ), 0, 0 );
IF ( getConfigVar( DefaultTopCar ) == "XFG" )
dumpVar ( $list );
3: PlayerVar: "Fuel" : remaining fuel percent "%", will set when acrossing a split or completing a lap.
4: [Discord] Set multiple channels for sending texts to LFSLapper:
-open MyInc.LPR
You are allowed to set 5 channels, seperate them with a comma ",". see example below.
-$DiscordChannelReceive = "0000000000,0000000000,0000000000";
5: [Discord] Changed $DiscordUName to $UName.
6: [Discord] Added $UNameID into OnReceiveDiscordMessage():
7: [Discord] Event OnReceiveDiscordMessage()
-Number of arguments has been changed: OnReceiveDiscordMessage($ChannelID,$ChannelName,$UNameID,$UName,$Text)
1: Wrong amount of arguments send to Event: OnPlayerSelectCar
2: Performance issues due to windows updates.
Removed some functions: Thread.Sleep(); this functions seems to malfunction on some PC's
3: Lappercrash when clicking on one of the layouts in the layoutlist.
4: Layoutlist didnt load the layout files properly into the list.
5: Lappercrash when a player using the JoinRequest function while being retired on the track.
1: Event OnPlayerFlags();