By using the old CMX-importer plugin for blender 2.62 by Bogey Jammer: I have managed to get the new interior for GT cars and also update all other cars. I had to fix some UV and make some new materials for this. The Issues from my previous file with the windows and tires are also gone!
The blend file is made in Blender 2.9 and is made for Cycles.
The blend files are basically ready to render.
Mirror 1:
The obj files named something like bf1export1.obj are the unedited ones from the CMX-importer plugin
The obj files named BF1-2021-OBJ.obj are the ones I have edited. I recommend using these.
The blend files are ready to be used for rendering with blender. There is HDRI lighting and a shadow plane added. There is also one basic camera added.
Example Renders:

Rendering Tutorial: TBA
Post Issues and Questions here!
The blend file is made in Blender 2.9 and is made for Cycles.
The blend files are basically ready to render.
Mirror 1:
The obj files named something like bf1export1.obj are the unedited ones from the CMX-importer plugin
The obj files named BF1-2021-OBJ.obj are the ones I have edited. I recommend using these.
The blend files are ready to be used for rendering with blender. There is HDRI lighting and a shadow plane added. There is also one basic camera added.
Example Renders:
Rendering Tutorial: TBA
Post Issues and Questions here!