Short Track Auto Racing League
2 years have been completed racing short tracks and this summer it's time for the 3rd try - competition so far has not been very strong,so this year league returns shortened and with some changes to hopefully improve the competition,while small prize money will be awarded to the best racers this season. The car for STARL will stay the same again - it's the front engined rear wheel drive XRT,delivering 247 horsepower from it's 2 liter turbocharged engine,while car's dry weight is just over 1200kg. XRT will stay as STARL official car as long as there is other car added to LFS lineup deemed to suit better for format of this league.
Changes this season will include departure of the most criticized (and ironically also league's most attended) round Dusty 300. Instead the shortened 3 round season will have two returning tracks and one brand new. Nominal distance of races has been reduced from 150 to 100 kilometers,reducing the race time below one hour. Season will kick off in South City,racing it's Sprint 1 configuration,which is also the longest circuit of the season with length just over 2 kilometers. STARL will use an open configuration solution for better pitlane and usage of South City's original garage area. 2nd round will visit the slowest course of the season - Lake Extended configuration run in reversed direction,this Rockingham configuration should be well known for RTFR regulars,but also they will have to adapt for racing in other direction. Season finale will be held at Aston,using the same configuration as last year - South. The course features two different tightening 180° turns and a chicane,which should be a great place for championship decisions as turn one of the track allows multiple fast lines through it.
STARL will be run in the same time as both last years - sunday evenings 19:30 CET / 17:30 UTC. Racelenght will variate between 45 and 55 minutes due different track average speed - the tight circuit of Rockingham is by far the slowest and will require few minutes under one hour to complete 100 kilometer distance.
Series schedule:
13.06.2021. Round 1 - City of Lions 100 (South City Sprint 1, 49 laps)
27.06.2021. Round 2 - Rockingham 100 (Rockingham Lake Extended Reversed, 77 laps)
11.07.2021. Round 3 - Aston 100 (Aston South, 53 laps)
* Layouts available as links/attachments
Each round will have a specific info and discussions thread in this forum section with all information of the round!
17:30 UTC / 19:30 CET / 20:30 EET - 20 minutes of qualifying
18:00 UTC / 20:00 CET / 21:00 EET - race start
* Given CET and EET times are current (summer) times! If you live outside CET or EET timezone,please always refer to UTC for correct time conversion!
Special notes on qualifying:
* If there are not enough drivers to fill the max allowed grid (40 cars),Drivers Championship top 10 drivers will be allowed to start from end of the grid if came late and missed qualifying - noone else will be allowed to start without qualifying. In round 1 this top 10 will be taken from last year's standings.
* To qualify for the race drivers have to set a laptime during qualifying session within 112% of best laptime of the qualifying session. This does not affect championship's top 10 drivers as they may start the race without qualifying or with laptime outside 112% of best laptime.
STARL Drivers Champion - awarded to a driver with the most points scored through all 3 rounds,including attendance bonus points
STARL Rookie of the Year - awarded to a driver,who hasn't started a single STARL race before this season (marked with (R) in standings sheets),with the most points scored through all 3 rounds,including attendance bonus points
STARL Teams Champion - awarded to a team with the most points scored through all 3 rounds (team will score finishing points from it's 2 highest finished drivers and all round bonus points)
STARL Nations Cup Winner - awarded to a nation with the most points scored through all 3 rounds (nation will score finishing points from it's 2 highest finished drivers and all round bonus points)
In all championships - in case of a tie,higher rated will be driver/team/nation with highest finishing position,if equal - it's amount,if equal - second highest position etc. If all finishing positions happen to be equal,higher rated will be selected using same system from qualifying results. If they also happen to be equal then as a tie-breaker will be used last round finishing position. In case a tied driver had a disqualification in one or more rounds,it counts as a primary rating lowering factor,when deciding tiebreak.
Drivers Championship best 3 drivers will be awarded with money prizes:
1st place - 40€
2nd place - 20€
3rd place - 10€
* money prizes will be payed out only via SEPA bank transfer (available only in Europe) or via PayPal!
* money prizes will be payed out at the end of season (after final standings are posted)
* money prize will be revoked if the earner has been banned from series
Points System:
Finishing points:
1st - 12 points
2nd - 10 points
3rd - 8 points
4th - 7 points
5th - 6 points
6th - 5 points
7th - 4 points
8th - 3 points
9th - 2 points
10th-40th - 1 point
In order to receive finishing points,driver must complete full 2/3 (66.67%) of race distance with single run!
Points reducement system:
*in case there are 6 or less participants in qualifying,race distance will be halved and points system changed.
1st - 6 points
2nd - 4 points
3rd - 3 points
4th - 2 points
5th and lower - 1 point
(points for more positions available just in case of late joins)
* also here completion of 2/3 (66.67%) from reduced race distance with single run is required to score finishing points!
Round bonus points:
Qualification win - 1 point (if qualifying time is equal,both/all will receive this bonus point)
Fastest lap in race - 1 point (if laptime is equal,both/all will receive this bonus point)
Championship bonus points:
Attendance in all 3 rounds - 2 points
Attendance in 2 rounds - 1 point
* Attendance counts if a driver has started the race (crossed the start/finish line on own power)
We will not make a mile long rule book that noone will read completely anyway,so we will rely on common sence of competitors to behave and follow the basic Rules of Clean Racing. There will not be an admin in server who will specifically observe drivers' behaviour during the race. If any incidents reported/protested,we will take individual approach to each of them to decide best resolution or punishment if needed.
Basic guidelines as a reminder:
> Blue flag - you may not deny/block a passing manouvre of laping car and try a repass right after it. Due to the nature of shorter tracks,traffic is expected more than in other leagues. This means drivers catching lapped cars should be patient and not demand immediate pulling aside,while drivers being caught should keep racing at normal pace and on normal line and yield at any proper lapping car's overtake manouvre. In qualification it means - stay off racing line and don't disturb drivers on hotlap.
> Shortcuts - 2 wheels on track at all times. Track is mostly marked by white lines,rumble strips or at least defined by paved surface,while also curbs count towards track. Overtaking outside track counts as illegal and will be penalized in case of protest.
> Pit exit - allthough there will be no mandatory pitstop in this league,pit exit lines will have to be respected! Everyone caught crossing pit exit lines with more than 2 wheels will receive 10 seconds penalty added to finish result.
> Chatting - it's not completely outruled,but still drivers are expected to concentrate on racing. In case of too much chatting while ignoring messages asking to cease chatting,a penalty may be given. In case of any abusive/offensive language a penalty will be given! Non competing observers may not use chat at all!
> Lags - if there are any connection issues,driver will be asked to improve (close internet using programs). If driver will be considered as dangerous due to unstable connection,he will not be allowed to participate.
> Button clutch - is forbidden! Manual clutch is allowed only in combination with H-Shifter. Everyone caught using it will be penalized for unsportsmanlike behaviour with increased penalty for every next offence.
> Hacks/cheats - if used,you will not race with us. Ever. As simple as that.
Possible penalties:
> WARNING - any minor infraction that needs to be noted without penalty. Warned driver might receive bigger penalty for other infractions.
> 10s added to finish time - minor infractions,like illegal passing,pit exit line violation,chat misconduct.
> 30s added to finish time - medium infractions like causing avoidable incident[s] without serious consequences or unsportsmanlike behaviour,illegal passing.
> 1 lap penalty - medium infractions like causing avoidable incident[s] with consequences to other drivers (like affecting damage,multiple position loss) or unsportsmanlike behaviour.
> Disqualification for 1 or more rounds - heavy infractions,multiple incidents,unsportsmanlike behaviour. After serving disqualification,driver will automatically carry a "warning" for the rest of season.
> Series exclusion (including ban for any other events run under Race Green Events control) - serious infractions like intentional/revenge wrecking,event sabotage and any other malicious act.
Signing up:
In order to compete in STARL 2021,you have to visit STARL 2021 Signups thread and fill the registration form.
Miscellaneous info:
We will not use any numbers,skin requirements or official names in our league.
Sign-up tracking and all the standings will be found in STARL 2021 spreadsheet.
Signed-up drivers will receive server information and password at least 24h before round start (usually in saturday European time) via PM on this forum! Make sure you have enabled PM receiving! Server will be online without password until then.
Series will be run using the latest stable version of LFS (currently 0.6V).
All information above can be changed,if so,there will be a notification posted about it!
League server: STARL

Join us,good luck in series and have fun!