Best thing I have ever done was to quit evenings, so I get up early, really early and that has improved my health more than anything.
I like LFS, it is only online game I play and I have joined some servers at mornings and sure enough there are some racing to be had, but it would be certainly interesting to see if there are people who would be willing to try morning sessions.
I rented a server too, but haven't setup Airio yet as I lack experience, but I would like to find bunch of people who would like to give a go for 9am EST race at some weekend.
FOX, XRG, BLGP and SO Long are my interest, but maybe I manage to learn other tracks too, I am rather new.
This game is great as pings of 400ms of other racers seem to be just fine, there is only minor lagging, online code is so good, which really enables me to race with ppl from Brazil etc. if I race at 3-4am that is
I like LFS, it is only online game I play and I have joined some servers at mornings and sure enough there are some racing to be had, but it would be certainly interesting to see if there are people who would be willing to try morning sessions.
I rented a server too, but haven't setup Airio yet as I lack experience, but I would like to find bunch of people who would like to give a go for 9am EST race at some weekend.
FOX, XRG, BLGP and SO Long are my interest, but maybe I manage to learn other tracks too, I am rather new.
This game is great as pings of 400ms of other racers seem to be just fine, there is only minor lagging, online code is so good, which really enables me to race with ppl from Brazil etc. if I race at 3-4am that is