The online racing simulator
56th RTFR XL

A reminder - server will be password protected 1 hour before qualifying start to keep not knowing crowded server jumpers out of way,pass will be always the same: green

Pitting rules:

Race requires a minimum time spent in pitstall of 10 seconds. That can be done either with single pitstop or sum of multiple pitstops. Driver who has spent less time will receive penalty time added to his finish time,which will be calculated by tripling the missing time to complete neccesary minimum time and adding additional 5 seconds. Drivers failing to pit at all will receive 1 minute penalty added to finish time (10s*3 + additional 30s).

Some historic stats:
Last race won by: S1DUS*uNite
Last LX4 race won by: Lacko (42nd RTFR XL - FE Green)
Most LX4 race wins: 3 races,3 different winners (2 different countries)
Last Blackwood race won by: Lacko (43rd RTFR XL - XRT @ BL Historic Reversed)
Most Blackwood race wins: Lacko - 2 wins (Hungary & Finland - 2 wins)
Current rating leader: S1DUS*R.Kardol (+28 points)

2021 standings after 7 of 12 races:
S1DUS*R.Kardol - 171
[WCL] True Alpha - 155
S1DUS*uNite - 148
Event rating and other statistics

Server link: Ronys Tuesdays Fun Race
Race Green Discord:
Attached images
Official results



Race statistics / Event rating and other statistics (will be updated during the week)

After the big farce 4 weeks ago,this RTFR XL edition finished without a single penalty - obviously drivers were dealing with other challenges. The longest ever course in the XL series was used with a car tricky to race,therefor it's not surprising that the 56th RTFR XL had the lowest attendance of this year. Still,the attendees had plenty of fun tackling the challenge and had some on track battles as a bonus.

Gábor was the first one to break 5 minutes 10 seconds laptime mark in his last lap of qualifying and scored his 3rd pole position in RTFR XL. But during the race the said laptime mark was beaten plenty of times - even if Gábor could not secure fastest lap of the race,he saved his car in running condition to cross the finish line as a leader and score his 2nd RTFR XL racewin,adding also 8th top5 finish to his achievements. Unite did take the fastest lap honor (his 3rd) during the race,but late race phase charge was not enough to take the win - 2nd place finish for the finn,11th top5 overall. Mandula spoiled the S1dus party and stole the last podium finish,which is his new best finish result and 5th top5 finish. Current standings and rating leader R.Kardol finished 4th and scored his 23rd top5 finish,but Rony regained his 5th place just in final lap to keep the tie for most top5 finishes with R.Kardol alive.

With 10+km track and laptime over 5 minutes this race featured the lowest lapcount in RTFR XL history - 8 laps less than previous lowest count.

He's finally back - T.Soini is the clockpitter of the race after a break,this time his work free pitstop was 10.14 seconds long. There were 3 shorter pitstops,but all of them refuelled the car.

2 hosting team's members gained 5 positions between start and finish - better of them is Mandula as he finished higher.

Goes to all 6 drivers who finished the full race distance without repairing the car.

VOD at Youtube:

In next RTFR XL in 4 weeks we'll switch to differently challenging combo - we'll race the fastest aids free car Formula V8 on quite standard track at Kyoto - the National configuration. But already next week normal RTFR will return with one of the road legal cars - that will be another challenging combo. And as for more future plans - day before next RTFR XL is currently set to be the season opener for VERL,which means if everything goes as planned,Race Green Events will host 2 FO8 races in 2 following days!
Attached images
Quote from Eclipsed :
He's finally back - T.Soini is the clockpitter of the race after a break,this time his work free pitstop was 10.14 seconds long. There were 3 shorter pitstops,but all of them refuelled the car.

Well, I missed an opportunity there.. At least I'll know for myself that I made fastest stop "manually" (refuelling was ~5s) ;D I wasn't planning to finish anyway, so no idea why did I refuel