V8 Racing League 2021 - signups

In order to compete in VERL 2021,you have to fill the registration form below,providing all needed information (in case of no team to represent,leave empty):
Quote :LFSW name:
In-game name:
Full team name:

Here's my sign-up as an example:

LFSW name: Eclipsed
In-game name: RG^Rony
Full team name: Race Green Autosports
Nation: Latvia

Important: In case there are any changes to sign-up details,please quote your edited post in a new one with a note about changes!

To avoid very late sign-ups and their tracking,signups will be closed 10 minutes before start of a round!
Signups will be reopened after the round is complete and closed permanently 10 minutes before round 4.
LFSW name: matrxs
In-game name: RG^Dzidoris
Full team name: Race Green Autosports
Nation: Lithuania
LFSW name: gemini 95
In-game name: [MRc] gemini95
Full team name: Master Race car
Nation: Finland
#4 - Bzzyq
LFSW name: bzzyq
In-game name: [MRc] Atian
Full team name: Master Race car
Nation: Poland
LFSW name: fatalunfair
In-game name: [FM]^Fatass
Full team name: Fragmaster
Nation: Finland
LFSW name: MandulAA
In-game name: RG^Mandula
Full team name: Race Green Autosports
Nation: Hungary
LFSW name: thehemuli_
In-game name: ZFRL•Thehemuli
Full team name: Zafiralis
Nation: Finland
LFSW name: Viperakecske
In-game name: S1DUS*GáboR
Full team name: Team S1DUS
Nation: Hungary
LFSW name: xpablousky
In-game name:[MRc]xpablousky
Full team name: Master Race car
Nation: Argentina
LFSW name: PitlaneRacer
In-game name: PitlaneRacer
Full team name:
Nation: Lithuania
#11 - jkat
LFSW name: jkat
In-game name: [WCL] J.A.Katila
Full team name: World Class Lions
Nation: Finland
LFSW name: BeIleBoy
In-game name: [MRc] Zesty
Full team name: Master Race Car
Nation: Malaysia
LFSW name: donidsi
In-game name: Iron|Doni
Full team name: Iron Club
Nation: Finland
LFSW name: Kid222
In-game name: SBTV Kid
Full team name: Simbroadcasts TV
Nation: Czechia
LFSW name: teppari
In-game name: [WCL] T.Soini
Full team name: World Class Lions
Nation: Finland
LFSW name: redbot_
In-game name: RG^RedBoT
Full team name: Race Green Autosports
Nation: India
LFSW name: thegamer23
In-game name: RG^LORENZO
Full team name: Race Green Autosports
Nation: Italy
LFSW name: nikopdr
In-game name: S1DUS*uNite
Full team name: Team S1DUS
Nation: Finland
LFSW name: htunsal
In-game name: [MRc]Talhanberg
Full team name: Master Race Car
Nation: Turkey
LFSW name: numbertwo
In-game name: [FM]^Number
Full team name: Fragmaster
Nation: Croatia
LFSW name: PedroXDBR
In-game name: [MRc] PedroBR
Full team name: Master Race car
Nation: Brazil
(tmehlinger) DELETED by tmehlinger : misread the time slot
LFSW name: Facu23
In-game name: Kr/ Young
Full team name: Kind Runners
Nation: Argentina
LFSW name:zahnpastaschaf
In-game name:zahnpastaschaf
Full team name:
LFSW name: guimoreira13
In-game name: AS™|Gui
Full team name: AirAttack LFS Team
Nation: Brazil
(MattGod) DELETED by MattGod
LFSW name: cocom36
In-game name: GUMIIICOCOM
Full team name: GUM GARAGE
Nation: FRANCE
This thread is closed