Hello everyone,
one question that is on my mind for a couple of years now, is the amount of data needed to create race tracks. The current gold standard for racing simulations is the terrestrial laserscanning, which provides a quick technique to aquire large amounts of geometrical (and radiometrical) data at a very high accuracy. This comes at the cost of big data sets and a complex work flow to filter and clear the data to the customers needs. At this point the real work for the developers of digital models as used in racing games really only starts. A slightly less complex solution would be the use of UAV photogrammetry supplemented by terrestrial photogrammetry, which also creates large point clouds but is faster while slightly less accurate. Still both approaches need trained professionals and come with several challanges concerning among others the stable reference frames needed to create a correct representation of the real world structures. Both photogrammetry and laserscanning can be used complementary.
Due to the effort involved with both techniques, they might become expensive. However geodata sources are in fact more and more available, if at a very reduced information density. Some sources are even open to the public without any additional costs involved. With the view from my personal bubble I think that the following data sources might also be a good starting point for the development of race tracks with a basis on real life data.
Airborne Laserscanning provides elevation data over large areas. Unlike laserscanned racetracks with millions of points, the public data only provides 4 to 10 points per square meter with an irregular distribution and an accuracy of 30cm in position and 15cm in height. The point clouds are however processed to give rasterized data with 1m spacings across large landscapes as digital terrain models or digital elevation models. These are low-pass filtered representations of the real terrains. While it is too little in terms of accuracy and points to replicate the real-life appearance, it gives a good generalized representation of the topography in relative high detail. These data sets are provided in .csv ASCII files (terrain models) or in LAS-files and LAZ-archives (point clouds).
Especially when combined with digital orthophotos (especially true-orthophotos) from flight campaigns, they give a good impression of how the world looks. Orthophotos can be obtained in .jp2 format or as an online service via OGC-WMS standard.
For buildings especially 3D building models in the LOD2. LOD2 are untextured, where is LOD3 are textured 3D models in the CityGML format, sometimes also provided as an OGC-WFS service.

The German state of North Rhine-Westphalia provide several datasets in open data under the so-called Data licence Germany - Zero - Version 2.0, which allows commercial of these data sets, so their use as a basis for an own commercial product is allowed (and encouraged). I put the links below, however they are in German.
terrain model: https://www.bezreg-koeln.nrw.de/brk_internet/geobasis/hoehenmodelle/digitale_gelaendemodelle/gelaendemodell/index.html
building models: https://www.bezreg-koeln.nrw.de/brk_internet/geobasis/3d_gebaeudemodelle/index.html
digital orthophotos: https://www.bezreg-koeln.nrw.de/brk_internet/geobasis/luftbildinformationen/aktuell/digitale_orthophotos/index.html
Data licence Germany - Zero - Version 2.0: https://www.govdata.de/dl-de/zero-2-0
I expect one problem off all such geodata is the scale as the ETRS89/UTM coordinates (and other geodetic/geographic coordinate systems) used for georeferencing are at a variable scale. It would probably best to transform an interesting data set into a localized cartesian coordinates first.
Using such data sources does not mean, you can get a 3D-race track from just combining a few data sources, but I believe they can be a good ground to start working with, by identifying interesting areas, getting a raw geometric representation of the real world and thus improving and densifying the data by designing the missing elements and pieces into an interesting unique yet also realistic track. Especially textures would need to be created, since the available public/open data files at best have 10cm per pixel resolutions (for privacy reasons).
Best regards
EDIT: I am happy to answer your questions here.
I know it's a big wall of text and partly without proper formulation.
one question that is on my mind for a couple of years now, is the amount of data needed to create race tracks. The current gold standard for racing simulations is the terrestrial laserscanning, which provides a quick technique to aquire large amounts of geometrical (and radiometrical) data at a very high accuracy. This comes at the cost of big data sets and a complex work flow to filter and clear the data to the customers needs. At this point the real work for the developers of digital models as used in racing games really only starts. A slightly less complex solution would be the use of UAV photogrammetry supplemented by terrestrial photogrammetry, which also creates large point clouds but is faster while slightly less accurate. Still both approaches need trained professionals and come with several challanges concerning among others the stable reference frames needed to create a correct representation of the real world structures. Both photogrammetry and laserscanning can be used complementary.
Due to the effort involved with both techniques, they might become expensive. However geodata sources are in fact more and more available, if at a very reduced information density. Some sources are even open to the public without any additional costs involved. With the view from my personal bubble I think that the following data sources might also be a good starting point for the development of race tracks with a basis on real life data.
Airborne Laserscanning provides elevation data over large areas. Unlike laserscanned racetracks with millions of points, the public data only provides 4 to 10 points per square meter with an irregular distribution and an accuracy of 30cm in position and 15cm in height. The point clouds are however processed to give rasterized data with 1m spacings across large landscapes as digital terrain models or digital elevation models. These are low-pass filtered representations of the real terrains. While it is too little in terms of accuracy and points to replicate the real-life appearance, it gives a good generalized representation of the topography in relative high detail. These data sets are provided in .csv ASCII files (terrain models) or in LAS-files and LAZ-archives (point clouds).
Especially when combined with digital orthophotos (especially true-orthophotos) from flight campaigns, they give a good impression of how the world looks. Orthophotos can be obtained in .jp2 format or as an online service via OGC-WMS standard.
For buildings especially 3D building models in the LOD2. LOD2 are untextured, where is LOD3 are textured 3D models in the CityGML format, sometimes also provided as an OGC-WFS service.

(combination of terrain and building models, city of Cologne example by Geobasis NRW)
The German state of North Rhine-Westphalia provide several datasets in open data under the so-called Data licence Germany - Zero - Version 2.0, which allows commercial of these data sets, so their use as a basis for an own commercial product is allowed (and encouraged). I put the links below, however they are in German.
terrain model: https://www.bezreg-koeln.nrw.de/brk_internet/geobasis/hoehenmodelle/digitale_gelaendemodelle/gelaendemodell/index.html
building models: https://www.bezreg-koeln.nrw.de/brk_internet/geobasis/3d_gebaeudemodelle/index.html
digital orthophotos: https://www.bezreg-koeln.nrw.de/brk_internet/geobasis/luftbildinformationen/aktuell/digitale_orthophotos/index.html
Data licence Germany - Zero - Version 2.0: https://www.govdata.de/dl-de/zero-2-0
I expect one problem off all such geodata is the scale as the ETRS89/UTM coordinates (and other geodetic/geographic coordinate systems) used for georeferencing are at a variable scale. It would probably best to transform an interesting data set into a localized cartesian coordinates first.
Using such data sources does not mean, you can get a 3D-race track from just combining a few data sources, but I believe they can be a good ground to start working with, by identifying interesting areas, getting a raw geometric representation of the real world and thus improving and densifying the data by designing the missing elements and pieces into an interesting unique yet also realistic track. Especially textures would need to be created, since the available public/open data files at best have 10cm per pixel resolutions (for privacy reasons).
Best regards
EDIT: I am happy to answer your questions here.