Quote from michal 1279 :You can use temporary free server option.

They still can host old LFS version servers afaik.

Noone want to host old servers after the new version is out lol
Hello Skawen, how about boost controller for alternative setup GTR class?
I guessed right! Now I'm curious what the community can come up with. Are there any plans for track mods?
Quote from Bass-Driver :Noone want to host old servers after the new version is out lol

FragMasters apparently do.
Another question, what was reason on decision to first release mods, instead of trying to finish graphic and tyre update and then work on mods?
Quote from michal 1279 :FragMasters apparently do.

There is a big difference between this version and the upcoming one.
Not the difference in versions we have now. Which some is still in use
Quote from Bass-Driver :
Wasn't it possible to change the dedicated server with more protection:

-You will not be able to start a dedicated server without a valid LFS website user/pass and license.

It's not like those who are pirating are using legitimate LFS usernames/passwords. By distributing those binaries, you're making whatever protection circumventable. At one point, a group had created their own re-implementation of the Master Server
Quote from michal 1279 :FragMasters apparently do.

To be fair its only me talking, we still didnt do any internal talk about it.

I need few days to wrap my head around the fact that we are not nearer, but further away from any meaningfull update to the racing side of the game than i thought.
Quote from NumberTwo :To be fair its only me talking, we still didnt do any internal talk about it.

I need few days to wrap my head around the fact that we are not nearer, but further away from any meaningfull update to the racing side of the game than i thought.

How are we any further away Uhmm
Quote from Scawen :The change to hosting is a big change. But it shouldn't really cause many problems. We've been making sure of that.

The reason for it... many people are aware that piracy is operating, attracting many people to a separate community. This has been possible because of the way we gave out server code. It is a serious problem and it has got to the point where the business doesn't earn enough to live on. So we need to prevent piracy, or there will be no LFS.

Freely available server code was convenient, but it could also cause the end of LFS. So we need to provide something new and not allow pirates access to it.

Unfortunately that will not be possible, when using the new version. The old version will still be available though, but not maintained.

Yep, that's how it works. Our hosting system allows access to an InSim port.

Quote :We want the community to have the new version so we are trying to get to that point as quickly as possible. To do that, some things we want to do can wait until after the release. For the first version, Eric plans to focus on finishing South City and Kyoto while Scawen works on the tyre physics. Fern Bay and further graphical improvements can be done after the big update.

I understand the change of priorities (piracy), just curious - is the 'big update' test patch something we can expect within the next 12 months (my guess and hope is yes, if not then you wouldn't mention the plan for postponing the Fern Bay rework until after the first test patch).
Quote from Pathseeker :Another question, what was reason on decision to first release mods, instead of trying to finish graphic and tyre update and then work on mods?

I think I thought the mods support could be done in a few weeks and would be a bit of fun while Eric finished some tracks and I did the tyre physics.

But the mods support turned into a much bigger project. It wasn't an easy task to turn development editors into ones that are suitable for public use, and the way that mods work with automatic in-game download and have version support and so on... these are pretty big systems.

Also it was becoming painfully clear that we needed a way to prevent piracy. Seeing your business melt away due to continual theft isn't a great feeling. Just putting out the updated tracks with the old system would have been a nice gift for the pirates and we simply can't do that any more. Our servers are linked with the mods system too.
Quote from k_badam :How are we any further away Uhmm

"further away than i thought".

read young padawan, read Tongue

And i thought we are closer as i was under impression graphics and physics are being worked on fully in last year or so, but this update shows that is not the case.
That's a very understandable reason - change server system before releasing the big update with refreshed tracks and day/night cycle (and maybe even new tyres),which was a hard work from your side.
The updated server system might be a pinch to those used to hosting servers on own or rented machines,but that's just something they have to get used to it. I suppose some better insim app support from the hosting side would eliminate most problems.
Quote from pajkul :I understand the change of priorities (piracy), just curious - is the 'big update' test patch something we can expect within the next 12 months (my guess and hope is yes, if not then you wouldn't mention the plan for postponing the Fern Bay rework until after the first test patch).

I would like to say yes that is certainly my hope. In my mind, after we get through the public testing of the mods system and it becomes the official version, I should be on the completion of the tyre physics system and Eric will finalise some tracks. So then we can put that together and release the new graphics and tyre physics.

That's how I see it. But plans can change and do change all the time. And apparently every task takes longer than I can possibly imagine. An alternative scenario is to re-implement the old tyre physics into the new graphics system (it was deleted years ago from that branch of the source code). But how much time would be wasted doing that? Maybe it's only a week's work, I don't know. The new tyre physics has a better feeling, which is encouraging as it is based on physical principles. So maybe some good solid work on fixing the link between heating, slip, load, pressure and grip could be sorted out and we'd be ready to go. I prefer this option, though the other way might be quicker to get the graphics to you.
Quote from Eclipsed :I suppose some better insim app support from the hosting side would eliminate most problems.

I would really appreciate it if people think about this a bit. Do you really need to host insim applications on the gaming machine itself? I've thought about this for quite a while - I can make it work of course, using containers for example. But that also opens up a whole other can of worms, if I allow anyone to just run any arbitrary application. For a few euros per month you could rent an ssh host then basically (= the game server in a container with you having SSH access) with which you can do anything. And that is for me not an acceptable situation.

You can always connect your insim application to your game server, but you'll have to host the insim application yourself, either at home or elsewhere.

I'll gladly make other improvements to the hosting system btw. Please note them down and save them for later. We'll probably make a separate thread on this topic later.
I can't say i'm not interested about this progress, but certainly to me, it would be more interesting to drive the new updated tracks Big grin I'm curious to see what possibilities this can open though. I'll definitely see if i can create anything with the tools once it comes out.

I got a question pop up into my mind regarding the "object" status though, with the football for example, is this intended to be a layout object, or just a separate object you choose from the mod car menu? Would it be possible to model your own layout objects too?
Quote from Scawen :I would like to say yes that is certainly my hope. In my mind, after we get through the public testing of the mods system and it becomes the official version, I should be on the completion of the tyre physics system and Eric will finalise some tracks. So then we can put that together and release the new graphics and tyre physics.

That's how I see it. But plans can change and do change all the time. And apparently every task takes longer than I can possibly imagine. An alternative scenario is to re-implement the old tyre physics into the new graphics system (it was deleted years ago from that branch of the source code). But how much time would be wasted doing that? Maybe it's only a week's work, I don't know. The new tyre physics has a better feeling, which is encouraging as it is based on physical principles. So maybe some good solid work on fixing the link between heating, slip, load, pressure and grip could be sorted out and we'd be ready to go. I prefer this option, though the other way might be quicker to get the graphics to you.

Please, dont. Dont do extra work that will add extra time for making old tyres for new graphics as new kerbs and old tyres dont work together at all. Myself and others(i think) would preffer to wait for new tyres than let u waste another 2 weeks, month or who knows how long on making old tyres work here. An example https://youtu.be/g3HlxKZiucU
Quote from Scawen :The change to hosting is a big change. But it shouldn't really cause many problems. We've been making sure of that.

The reason for it... many people are aware that piracy is operating, attracting many people to a separate community. This has been possible because of the way we gave out server code. It is a serious problem and it has got to the point where the business doesn't earn enough to live on. So we need to prevent piracy, or there will be no LFS.

Freely available server code was convenient, but it could also cause the end of LFS. So we need to provide something new and not allow pirates access to it.

Unfortunately that will not be possible, when using the new version. The old version will still be available though, but not maintained.

Yep, that's how it works. Our hosting system allows access to an InSim port.

I believe there is a way to solve this scaew you could split the game in two parts who uses mod could use in a previous version than you updated

how much players loyal to the original game enjoy the original version that you are updating with graphics and other benefits so those who like real competition use the s3 pro mode
others who like clandestine mode would use mod mode so you would have time to work on new projects for the original lfs
it's just an idea you can use from what i'm trying to say
in the matter of servers, you can do the same to create the mod server
as long as players continue to buy the license to have this benefit
this idea came from aseto corsa, which uses two platforms one asseto corsa,,, and asseto corsa competizione
are separate games
Quote from nikopdr :Football for example, is this intended to be a layout object, or just a separate object you choose from the mod car menu? Would it be possible to model your own autocross objects too?

static car-like object. Can be used as an autocross decoration, but needs a player to exist.
great news! keep up the good work
Noo way am i looking forward to it
Quote from Victor :I would really appreciate it if people think about this a bit. Do you really need to host insim applications on the gaming machine itself?

That's something that can only be answered by cruise server hosters with their custom insims. Shrug And maybe also NDR,who uses the custom start app.

For me full access to all Airio config and data files (that are already on the host here) is enough,don't care about exe file as I don't intend to modify that. Then again - car mods update most likely will break the Airio support with it's 6-figure car IDs anyway,so that might be a very shortly usable solution.
Quote from Victor : Do you really need to host insim applications on the gaming machine itself?

Yes, i host couple of LFSLapper insims which i edit/add/delete/move scripts/files daily .Its for development as for normal use.

Connecting LFSLapper from my PC to the server will cause delays. Which is not ideal for insim connections. Especially with alot of players on the server.

Same for cruise servers aswell. They might have a database (SQL/Files) they have to edit daily/weekly).
Very cool
Great news! With mod support and graphics & physics updates i can't wait to see the revival of LFS in the racing sims world.
This thread is closed

LFS Mods Support - Coming Soon!
(330 posts, closed, started )