The online racing simulator
1920' Racing car
(92 posts, started )
1920' Racing car
imagine these reckless racers on their Racing cars in 1920 years !
no abs, no safebelt, no cage, no breaks, no suspensions
an engine, a seat and 4 wheels

i submit a revival during oldtimers racing cars event with this granny.

the base is from Mike_hbrt
creative commons licence.
edit : i remodeller the back, and the front, the original model is a cycle Kart, i turn it in a 1920 racing car i draw a grid and add clocks , anim of the driver in the vintage reckless spirit
i add a motor wich can be views inside
i also draw wired wheel rim

i don't know if i will succeed to release this mod cause this is my first time in 3D !
i have Blender since few days and i am drowning a little in LFS editor too

the body has been rescale and adjust in LFSEditor. i choose buggy base because it seems offer the best possibility for rim diameter and skinny tyres but ... i just saw it do not allow road tyres :-/

what to do :

- take an aspirin
- find how to fix thes naked wheels !
- find how to add suspensions attachments !
- find how to add a wheel
- try to find infos and select appropriate engine

any helps are welcome ! no problem for a community work on it Big grin

ok .. old vintage wheels fixed .. i would prefer rims in grey clear but ..step by step
Nice, i love the concept Smile
great car! what power unit it will be?
suspension attachements are not aesthetic .. i am blocked at this point ..
engine settings is a problem too, 4 flat LX4 based to find a cool sound
Most of those old cars had a inline 8 big engines with low power and low redlines. Super cool idea!
i will try ! this project could be cooperative and open to suggests
i try the XRT engine in flat conf for the moment... and 3 cyl Big grin
i try to find oldtimers feeling
i also like to get the Hadraplan wheels but i don"t know how ..
copy veh to your lfs_editor folder Wink After you can edit rim etc... Maybe he place a mesh with a special attachement?
If you need help with blender I can help you Wink I speak French, that can help (you can contact me by email if you want: [email protected])
Thumbs up ok, suis partant pour une collab FrancoBelge !

si tu as Discord, je peux ouvrir un salon rien que ce projet :
fais moi un petit coucou Wink
what is missing :
- vintage exhaust tubes
- rear Axle
- something to hide Front suspension attachements
- a wheel steering ..
heeha !! today is a great day !
i succeed to add a Steer wheel on the 1930 Oltimer racing car !

SchwitzBig grin
Nice dude! I've sent a message on discord Wink
replied this morning !
Your engine based on Bugattis from the 30s
It is based on the Type 59 race car just no super charger. Most 1930s Grand Prix regulations required a super charger, none lfs yet... Paired with a 4speed long gears. Let me Know if you want any changes
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Attached files
Type35.eng - 320.1 KB - 340 views

slowly cause i must learn absolutely all
i just understand how works maps and cutouts, and the model is on the way

(well i see the chrome defaut mapping on the frame and it will be fixed Wink

Nene87 is helpul and Martin18 set the engine Thumbs up
I think this is more like it. inline8_Buick is the engine file, then insert 1920sbuick_iL8 in the
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sound options.JPG
Attached files
Inline8_Buick.eng - 317.6 KB - 319 views
1920sBuick_iL8.eng - 317.6 KB - 323 views
Excited to try this, Would love to race these around Rockingham like the goodwood festival!

EDIT: Just thought that for the animation you can make the driver lean in the car the harder you turn haha, would be a cool addition to add and not to hard to do!
This is great idea, must be alot of fun! Good work, im axous to test it.
Quote from Jake_Blasted :EDIT: Just thought that for the animation you can make the driver lean in the car the harder you turn haha, would be a cool addition to add and not to hard to do!

for sure ! LFSBig grin
some news about 1920 car

- i rename it cause it match more with the kind of engine i expect
thanks to MArtin to give me a 8inline with tractor like sound
- i restart the project cause i found many bugs in the mesh due to my unexperienced skill about the editor, so many mech and points in double and messy tri ..
now i work it all in half and the main+sub will be mirrored at the end
- i learn how to built and i succeed to have a car grille, lights attachements and a windscreen in option
- i also set a engine look like and learn about maps cutouts etc ..
- i also give the model the Hadraplan's wheel steer wich match perfectly and i thank to FlameCZE to give me the authorization

and the must for me is to succeed build vintage tiny spokes
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Really nice! Take your time to make this car perfect Wink
Sad to hear you had to start over😢 but wow it looks amazing! Great update looks soo smooth!
do not be sad Martin Wink

few 3Dnoob errors made a messy mesh hard to work. this reboot is neat now, and working on half body is really more easy in building parts.

this version is 100x better !

1920' Racing car
(92 posts, started )