The online racing simulator
You could do this:

- load the new OBJ
- save it as an LFS object
- load your original LFS object with the cutouts and mappings
- delete all triangles and points
- create new subobject at 0,0,0
- load - as a subobject - your OBJ that you resaved as an LFS object
- merge subobject into main object

At this point you have all the points and triangles from your new obj, and you still have your cutouts and mappings.
Is there a way to set the height of the player-label above the car?

It's too low, inside my car, even on same height as my player helmet. I tried setting the bounding box for the main object. The collision box is also correct. No luck so far.
Is there any way to load a new .obj into the wheel spokes? i made some wheels to use with the old tweak, i still have the .obj of them but i cant load in the new program.
Quote from henricat2006 :Is there any way to load a new .obj into the wheel spokes? i made some wheels to use with the old tweak, i still have the .obj of them but i cant load in the new program.

check your dms here in the forum
Quote from Flame CZE :You have to scale down some of your textures or opitmize the way you use them (e.g. using a repeating pattern instead of one big texture).

haha figured it out a few minutes later! thanks for the quick reply tho flame Thumbs up
(Jake_Blasted) DELETED by Jake_Blasted : figured it out
Quote from Eclipsed :Rollcage is simple - in edit mode deselect main so only rollcage (and wheels) are shown. Then in tri menu ctrl+A to select whole rollcage and save it as suboject. Load the subobject on the car you want to add. More detailed steps are up to you to find out,I did that also without any previous modelling experience. Regarding rear wing - I guess you have to select all tris manually and then create subobject from selection. Aditional color mapping will be needed for wing,rollcage has it's own already.

ty man =)
hello Modellers !

i work on the 1930' Racing Car

and i have 2 build questions :

- how to add points in the rim windows to design a big drum ?
if i "duplicate point", it add an unlinked point ..

- pratically same question for adding point to the mesh (body): is it possible to add points to a mesh ? to "sculpt" by pulling them with "dragpoint"
Hello, I have noticed with the bike, the steering is reversed from 7kmh until around 14kmh, what could be the reason for that? In the video my gas was at 100% all the time, and steering was around the center, not being moved
any idea to create additionnal linked points in rim editor ?
Quote from Tomfuel :any idea to create additionnal linked points in rim editor ?

I think scawen answered this In another of his posts, search through his posts you will find it

Quote from Scawen :There are two ways to create a hub (wheel centre).

1) You can add extra points and lines to the cross-section in "Edit Rim".

2) Or you can build the hub using triangles in the spoke editor "Edit Spoke". You can build triangles between the white points and the magenta points, and these triangles will join from one "spoke" onto the next.

You can use the same method like this to build spokes, Good luck
Thank you ELDemon, i saw this post but incomplete (for me)
2 buttons in the rim editor :
[new point] (create a 0:0 point)
or [Dup point] ...
the 2 functions generate an unlinked point

i just found it by chance :
in point mode : create points (max 14 at all)
in surface mode : link points .... bit doesn't succeed ...

so i am blocked for the rim

what about in build mode for the body , is it possible to add point in a mesh ?
Quote from Tomfuel :
2 buttons in the rim editor :
[new point] (create a 0:0 point)
or [Dup point] ...
the 2 functions generate an unlinked point

i just found it by chance :
in point mode : create points (max 14 at all)
in surface mode : link points .... bit doesn't succeed ...

Hi, sorry there is no documentation for the rim editor.

But if you are in surface mode, you can select two points and a surface is created between them. There is a small line in the middle of the surface that points towards the visible side. So you can make sure you made the surface facing in the right direction.

Quote from Tomfuel :
what about in build mode for the body , is it possible to add point in a mesh ?

I'm not sure what you mean. There are quite a few ways to add new points to a mesh.
Hello Scawen

i found the "Reference point" flag for point and dont understand for what

i see bounding box and dont understand for what

for triangles found normal contribution levels and dont understand for what, because i change it but dont see any changes in editor and in game
Hello, im trying to make my first mod like most of us are, i watched all vids but didnt find the way to use object layers.
I had import and obj exported in 3ds, worked great, but i want to keep adding new sub objects such as interior, wing, etc... is it possible to build the model in parts? not exporting all at once?

As soon i import new .obj replace the existing one, and even if i select new layer it wont avoide this problem. I seen others using the layers but cant find the way myself.

tnx in advance.

share progress so far in the test mod im making... its an old 3d model just to get used to the LFS Editor.
Attached images
Quote from fangio86 :Hello, im trying to make my first mod like most of us are, i watched all vids but didnt find the way to use object layers.
I had import and obj exported in 3ds, worked great, but i want to keep adding new sub objects such as interior, wing, etc... is it possible to build the model in parts? not exporting all at once?

As soon i import new .obj replace the existing one, and even if i select new layer it wont avoide this problem. I seen others using the layers but cant find the way myself.

tnx in advance.

share progress so far in the test mod im making... its an old 3d model just to get used to the LFS Editor.

The editor is terribly inconvenient to create layers, you need to create each layer in the modeler, save it and import it already in the car editor.
I really hope that the import script will appear along with the layers from 3ds max.
how to adjust the top & lower dead point of suspension?
I try to adjust "Max Up" but nothing had change
Quote from scania :I try to adjust "Max Up" but nothing had change

Click "zero springs test",there you will see the difference of "max up".
You can use subobjects for that. There you can import a subobject from OBJ file and it will only replace that subobject, not the whole model.
Quote from scania :thx for moving

can the background colour change just like skin viewer?

You can change the sun position by holding CTRL and LEFT BUTTON MOUSE and dragging the mouse around.
Quote from scania :thx for moving

can the background colour change just like skin viewer?

Shift+o brings up options, which you can configure some of the editor colours.
Quote from denis-takumi :Hello Scawen

i found the "Reference point" flag for point and dont understand for what

i see bounding box and dont understand for what

for triangles found normal contribution levels and dont understand for what, because i change it but dont see any changes in editor and in game

It looks like the Skawen saw fit to answer a more "important" question.
Quote from Vladimir_nose :It looks like the Skawen saw fit to answer a more "important" question.

What are you trying to say? If you have something to say, speak up.

I can't answer every question here, and don't give extra priority when someone puts my name in their post. I have work to do. You know, bug fixes, improvement suggestions, the new submission system? That is, unless you think I should stop coding, and instead take up full time editor tutor? What do you think?
Quote from Scawen :What are you trying to say? If you have something to say, speak up.

I can't answer every question here, and don't give extra priority when someone puts my name in their post. I have work to do. You know, bug fixes, improvement suggestions, the new submission system? That is, unless you think I should stop coding, and instead take up full time editor tutor? What do you think?

I want to say that some of the most important questions regarding the editor are unanswered, but I notice the answers to minor questions that can be seen in the videos on the editor.
This is upsetting.
I think you need to find a team that will lead this very support and possibly make a series of tutorials on the editor and documentation for it.

Mods Technical Assistance
(415 posts, started )