New Version 0.7A - Mods Support
(173 posts, closed, started )
In this very thread. Sorry for the noise!
Quote from BeNoM :Awesome, thanks! I'll definitely give this a try Smile

Edit: It worked perfectly, thanks! I was also able to set the deadzones using this program, so all controller issues are sorted Smile Great suggestion!

Nice to hear! i use it at every sim i have these kind of problems Smile
Is there a way to downgrade to the old menu´s font? Cuz I really miss it xd
@Scawen : in the "installed mods" menu, it is a bit difficult to find out a particular mod => would it be possible to have the same kind of menu like the "browse" menu ? or at least having a thumb in front to diagnose quickly what kind of vehicle it is about ?
If I am not clear I can take some snapshots ...
Quote from xpablousky :Is there a way to downgrade to the old menu´s font? Cuz I really miss it xd

I'm not sure if this would work but if you really want a less readable font, I guess you could try backing up your (in data\abc) and renaming (front from from the old version) to If that does work, I'm not sure how much of a problem it would be that the new font uses kerning, which the old font didn't, and now the kerning for the new font would be applied to the old font.

Quote from Flotch :@Scawen : in the "installed mods" menu, it is a bit difficult to find out a particular mod => would it be possible to have the same kind of menu like the "browse" menu ? or at least having a thumb in front to diagnose quickly what kind of vehicle it is about ?
If I am not clear I can take some snapshots ...

I'm not sure about keeping the "installed" mode at all. Maybe it should be more like a favourites list, and that favourites list should not be any mod you ever selected, but instead you would have to manually add a mod to favourites, then it would appear in that list (that would look just like the normal list but filtered for favourites only).
New font is awesome, much better than old
Quote from Scawen :I'm not sure about keeping the "installed" mode at all. Maybe it should be more like a favourites list, and that favourites list should not be any mod you ever selected, but instead you would have to manually add a mod to favourites, then it would appear in that list (that would look just like the normal list but filtered for favourites only).

I think this is a great idea, and would be much more practical as the Mods library increases.
I like the installed mode, having both installed and favorites would be nice. The more categories, the better 🥰
Sensational update!

A few suggestions :

• IS_CIM doesn't include the new "Mods" selection page. But wouldn't it make more sense to have only 1 car selection screen? Basically, integrating "Car" to the new "Mods". Furthermore, with the amount of Mods being added, a view filter ("Grid") in order to display more than 5 cars, maybe by excluding the mod info and resizing the image for example seems useful. Screenshot attached clarifies.
• The "Browse" button, at first glance, doesn't seem intuitive to me. I suggest a refresh button.
• In V0.6 the welcome message at connection had some uses to display server info dynamically. I used filewatching to display server features. Are there still ways of using /welcome=X.txt duly?
• Would it make sense to make "new guest connecting" message (and perhaps others such as "Scawen pitted" and "Scawen left the pits (UF1)") optional?

Quote :I'm not sure about keeping the "installed" mode at all. Maybe it should be more like a favourites list, and that favourites list should not be any mod you ever selected, but instead you would have to manually add a mod to favourites, then it would appear in that list (that would look just like the normal list but filtered for favourites only).

Would it clutter things to much to just add a "Favourites only" button with the ability to make a mod "favourite"? And perhaps also the ability to delete a mod directly from the list.
Attached images
I keep seeing the message "Your vehicle is not known on this host" on my server for new or recently updated mods.

Do I need to restart my host? Is this normal?

EDIT: I see this is happening on other servers too.
Quote from PeterN :I keep seeing the message "Your vehicle is not known on this host" on my server for new or recently updated mods.

Do I need to restart my host? Is this normal?

Global LFS server issue it seems Frown
I've contacted Victor. That means the system that puts new mods on servers when updated has stopped working.
Victor has restarted that system (which crashed for some reason) so hopefully the problem is resolved.
Merry Christmas to all. will we have dcon for this version?
(Xenix74) DELETED by Xenix74
Quote from Xenix74 :I am sure that it has already been asked ... I just don't find anything.

Can we use the AI ​​with the mods soon. Could be fun.

You can hack it while we wait for official support:

+ select a track and a mod
+ add just one AI
+ go to the race
+ you will see a message about a missing file, for example data/knw/SO1_B67665.knw
+ exit the game
+ open a file explorer and go to LFS/data/knw
+ find another SO1_*.kwn, for example SO1_RB4.kwn, and make a copy
+ rename the copy as the missing file from the previous error message
+ start the game
+ go to the race and have fun*

*Note not all existing kwn files will work with all the mods, you may need to try several until you find one that works. Sometimes the file will get deleted when starting the race, and sometimes it will seem to work, but the AI's will not start.
Yes, thanks I found it a short moment beforehand and deleted my post.
Will we be able to browse setups for mods the same way we browse setups for regular cars in future?

I tried to upload a setup for mod car and succeded, but that setup wont be seen anywhere in short time.
Also - changing setup version to 0.7A deletes it.
Is it possible to make something like "favourite" mod list where you can put only mods who you like because everytime i want to switch to other mod have to scroll all?
hello again. Can we use Airio in this version?
Quote from NumberTwo :Also - changing setup version to 0.7A deletes it.

Is this like a website bug? I don't know anything about the setups page but could mention it to Victor, but first I would like to check if your description is good enough to reproduce the bug (if it is a bug).

Quote from BorislavB :Is it possible to make something like "favourite" mod list where you can put only mods who you like because everytime i want to switch to other mod have to scroll all?

We've discussed this a bit on another thread. I think it would be good. For now, there is the "Installed" mods which you can use as a favourites list. But it shows every mod you ever clicked on and has no pictures on it, so it's not ideal. But you can freely delete mods from that list and therefore use it as a favourites list for now. Another thing to mention is if you know the name of a mod, you can use the search function to find it quickly by entering a few characters.

Quote from lllpanoslll :hello again. Can we use Airio in this version?

Yes you can but it will not be hosted on our own server. You must host it yourself (maybe at home or on a web server if you have one). When you start a host, you can see the InSim IP and port and connect any external InSim program to your server.

To see the InSim port after starting a host, you can visit

Or if you start an in-game host, you can look in the "options" screen and the InSim info is displayed there.
Quote from Scawen :Is this like a website bug? I don't know anything about the setups page but could mention it to Victor, but first I would like to check if your description is good enough to reproduce the bug (if it is a bug).

1. Upload a setup for a mod car
2. Go and change some setting on that setup, then save it
3. Setup is no more - and you also cant upload new setup with same name

I did it twice...happened both times.
plsss mods for demo acounts
This thread is closed

New Version 0.7A - Mods Support
(173 posts, closed, started )