I'm not sure if the unmoderated test servers should just allow any mods, although the thought did occur to me the other day.
I was hoping that we would approve more mods, but we still need more voting on the existing mods, and more time to get more mods that are good enough to approve. That system is not yet finalised, along with other parts of the acceptance and approval process.
I always assumed that anyone who wants to test unapproved mods at any of the world wide servers, could do so simply by starting their own server which is ridiculously easy and only takes a few seconds. I guess the hardest part must be thinking of a name for your temporary server!
So the answer is, I don't yet know if it's the best idea, to allow unapproved mods at our test servers. If we remove any need or encouragement for mods to be approved, will anyone bother to try to get them approved? But I think that mods approval system needs to be considered in conjunction with the initial acceptance system which has left our reviewers somewhat drained by the work level (and abuse of the system by a minority of submitters) and now there is a backlog of mods awaiting initial acceptance.