Hello everyone.
After days being frustrated to get the new insimpacket sizes not to work. I can finally start release something that actually works.
Thanks to all who gave me advice.
I will try to add the new stuff Scawen is releasing during the test phases of the game.
Every new test version of LFSLapper will be uploaded in the first post.
NOTE: LFSLapper V7.0.9.0 DOES NOT WORK in LFS version V or older!!!
EDIT: Released Testversion #6 , Works on LFS W47 and higher
Download the test version and let me know if something isn't working. I might take a couple of days to fix stuff.
After days being frustrated to get the new insimpacket sizes not to work. I can finally start release something that actually works.
Thanks to all who gave me advice.
I will try to add the new stuff Scawen is releasing during the test phases of the game.
Every new test version of LFSLapper will be uploaded in the first post.
NOTE: LFSLapper V7.0.9.0 DOES NOT WORK in LFS version V or older!!!
EDIT: Released Testversion #6 , Works on LFS W47 and higher
Download the test version and let me know if something isn't working. I might take a couple of days to fix stuff.

|Changes from to TEST #6
1: [Playervar]: "SkinName". GetPlayerVar("SkinName");
2: [LapperFunction]: SetListAllowedMods(); Set allowed mods. Max 120 mods allowed
CASE "!setmodlist":
#SetAllowedMods(""); #Allow all mods.
3: [LapperFunction]: GetListAllowedMods(); Get list of allowed mods.
CASE "!getmodlist":
$List = getlistallowedmods();
$NrOfMods = ToNum($List["NrOfAllowedMods"]);
privmsg("^7===== ^3List of Allowed mods ^7(".$NrOfMods.") ^3mods ^7=====");
IF($NrOfMods == 0) THEN
privmsg("^3All mods are allowed!");
FOR ( $i = 0; $i < $NrOfMods ; $i = $i + 1)
privmsg("^7Mod ^0[^3".$i+1."^0]^7: ".$List[$i,"SkinID"]);
4: LFS Rest API (request info about a certain mod) Test #1
-Register your LFSLapper @ https://www.lfs.net/account/api
-Fill in your ClientID and ClientSecret in myInc.LPR (includes/myinc.lpr)
-2 differend ways to request modinfo , by username(must be on track!!!) or by SkinID
$modinfo = getmoddedcarinfo("Bass-Driver");
$modinfo = getmoddedcarinfo("E25059");
-Variables in testscript below or in (includes/optional/lfsrestapi_Info.lpr)
1: LFSLapper Insim version changed to version 9. Only compatible with LFS W43 and higher
2: Update: Event OnObjectHit() New argument to get contactspeed when hit an object:
3: PlayerVar: GetPlayerVar("Car"); , Will now display the SkinID, if you've selected a mod.
4: Updated trackList.cfg
1: Some autoX objects didnt match with their objectindex number
2: [Lappercrash] when loading more than 30 objects at once
3: [Event]: OnPlayerSelectCar() didnt displayed the name of the car correctly
4: [Event]: Several Events like (OnDist, OnDriftScore) didnt execute when more than 8 players on the track
Caused by MCI packets when more than 8 player are on the track