Hi guys, Live for speed 0.5 Z run on raspberrypi

(S307A run also but little laggy)!
If you have a raspberry pi 4:
# Take Twister OS (best OS for nostalgeek) :https://twisteros.com/index.html
# in terminal go to the LFS folder and type : wine LFS.exe (If first run of wine, the software launch config before launch)
# Reduce some graphics details if you have lag, reduce FPS limit at 30FPS
# Enjoy!Some pics in attachement.Choose "Twisteros" not "Twisteroslite"(because :Wine/EmulationStation/Libreoffice/BOX86:Pikiss preinstalled...)

(S307A run also but little laggy)!
If you have a raspberry pi 4:
# Take Twister OS (best OS for nostalgeek) :https://twisteros.com/index.html
# in terminal go to the LFS folder and type : wine LFS.exe (If first run of wine, the software launch config before launch)
# Reduce some graphics details if you have lag, reduce FPS limit at 30FPS
# Enjoy!Some pics in attachement.Choose "Twisteros" not "Twisteroslite"(because :Wine/EmulationStation/Libreoffice/BOX86:Pikiss preinstalled...)