well, if a server is set to allow such unfinished cars then it is not really the creators fault.
Currently the car deserves its low rating for the reason Eclipsed explained.
However, this is a self-made model and most technical stuff is there. (all lights, steering, wheel, license plate, coloring, mirrors, cockpit gauges etc) As far I see, only skin support is missing.
So you get my respect for getting that far!
It is nice to see the progress of modders and how many people are experimenting with the mod system. Personally I find this car more interessting/impressive than yet another XRT with tweaked stats.
On one hand, I would not like the mods list to be cluttered with lots of low quality entries.
But I also think these cars should have their place in LFS. Not everyone had experience with modeling before LFS mod support came out. People need to be able to share their work. Maybe learning modders should just keep all their early work on their computer or delete it...but why not share it? What is the worst that could happen? This model's origin story is perfect example: It was made for another game, but that game was never finished. It collected virtual dust on some forgotten HDD for years and now it finally comes to life in LFS. So beautiful, much wow, very car!
On the car itself:
This is likely never to be a super pretty car, but the low-polygon-look has its own charme. It fits the aesthics of some layout tracks tracks, the ones with lots of blocky concrete elements. Like an old video game but in LFS.

Blocky cars for blocky roads! Interstate '76 feel.
I suggest to add some finishing touches, like bit better cockpit displays, but overall keep the style. Not sure if more textures would actually improve it. Add some fitting rims, maybe.
Some things:
-license plate is sometimes flickering from certain angles/distances
(Looks like Z-fighting
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Z-fighting , is it maybe be too far back into the chasis instead of on top?)
-more normal steering-wheel instead of..this plane-style yoke thing?
-engine is bit high RPM?
-chasis casts no shadows but the wheels do