(17 posts, started )
Vehicle mod: ACE100 PICKUP
Details page:

Quote :70's Cab over pickup

Quote :a representation of a DodgeA100 customized.
the DOG Ace100.
Has a 5.2L v8 torque monster coupled to a 3speed transmission.
a mix between a muscle car, a van, and a pickup.

Intirely modeled by me in sketchup and converted into lfs with the much appreciated editor tips from JakeBlasted

Really fun to drive.
Great model
Power slide bliss.
Love the 3spd

Wondering whether it should be so understeery on entry (not a criticism, a genuine question)

Animation has driver's hand on the shifter

Edit: The LODs may need tweaking for this mod as well. The model turns very low poly and white at a distance.

Hope this sees further development, as there's so much potential here.
Best Mod!!
very nice mod thanks
It will be much better when the mirror is made visible
Drives nicer with 32% intake restriction -- gives it the 210 bhp that the real 5.2L (according to Wikipedia) had on these.

Lack of working mirrors caught me out too.

Suspect the weight distribution shouldn't be 50/50 though, everything is at the front!
I could not drive in a straight line, the one-handed steering animation was too confusing. Had to turn hands off. The arm also blocks view on the gauges.
I agree with PeterN that 367 bhp is too much.
At least with 47% intake restr. & 200 kg added mass this is very nice to drive. Smile But haven´t tried without restrictions...
The change to weight distro made a large and positive difference to handling. Much less understeer.
pliz make normal hand animation

mirrors is not work
Agree, I think this mod will quickly become approved with
- Working mirrors
- Improved driver animation
- Improved LODs

I'm hoping development continues, as it's a really fun and unique vehicle.
will not change the driver animation , that the big plus of this mod imo ,and most like it , mirrors i just learned how to do will update this weekend , as for lod i will look into this , i tought it was ok?
I really like it, just as you work a bit on it again: The dash, not all clocks have the same brightness. Its 2 brighter and

4 darker iirc. If thats fixable I appreciate, driver animation idc as my driver and wheel ingame are gone since ages. Wink
Quote from Drift ACE : as for lod i will look into this , i tought it was ok?

Here's what I meant.
It can be noticeable in a race, when it pops in and out of each LOD.

New rims look fantastic btw. Smile
Attached images
Default skin is lost! Cannot join online.
Still skin issues. Just slide colours, name it different and it wont join track.
Hello, I had a look and the Default skin is missing since version 5, was in before.

Can this please be solved, thank you.
Low LOD model changes color, which is noteable online when dynamic LOD reduction kicks in. The skin needs to be mapped to that model too, as Scawen suggests here.

Attached images

(17 posts, started )