The online racing simulator
Test Patch A3 - Fixes and Improvements
(27 posts, closed, started )
Test Patch A3 - Fixes and Improvements

Hello Racers,

Here is a new test patch: 0.7A3

The changes are listed below.

0.7A3 is COMPATIBLE with 0.7A

- You CAN connect online with 0.7A
- You CAN play replays from 0.7A

Please back up or rename your LFS.exe from 0.7A so you can revert to it if necessary.

Changes from 0.7A2 to 0.7A3:

Mods page:

Added 'class' filter (e.g. saloon, buggy, kart, bike)
Click author name to see mods made by that author
Mod images are cached in a new LFS\cache folder


More updated translations - thank you translators!
FIX: Commands like /mustpit could disable mods in single player


FIX: Loss of sound due to excessive engine revs on remote mods
FIX: Warping (jittering) of mods downloaded after joining host

Changes from 0.7A to 0.7A2:

AI for Mods:

AI paths can be generated for mods with a drive system, excluding bikes
- Paths can only be generated in single player
- Simply add your AI and click GO
- You have to wait a while the first time the path is generated
- NOTE: If the vehicle can roll, the AI does not avoid rolling it

Regenerative braking for Electric Vehicles:

- Only for FWD and RWD vehicles
- Charging efficiency 90%
- Uses reverse motor torque as much as possible on drive axle
- Reduces brakes in accordance with the reverse motor torque
- NOTE: motor braking is affected by limited slip differential

Electric Vehicles:

Recharge rate is now 600kW * 0.9 charging efficiency
FIX: Karts and EVs could drive during pitstop (throttle now held at zero)


FIX: /car command required capital letters for SkinID
FIX: Crash when saving setup of a mod that was not yet loaded
FIX: Crash with live settings for a mod that was not yet loaded


A FULL version of LFS 0.7A must already be installed

To install the PATCH using the SELF EXTRACTING ARCHIVE:

1) Move or save the patch into your main LFS folder
2) Double click the patch to extract it to that folder
3) When you see "Confirm File Replace" select "Yes to All"
4) Now you can start LFS in the normal way

NOTE: You can see if the patch is correctly installed when you run
the program (LFS.exe). At the bottom of the entry screen: 0.7A3


PATCH 0.7A TO 0.7A3 (SELF EXTRACTING ARCHIVE) (If you already have 0.7A) ... e=LFS_PATCH_7A_TO_7A3.exe (1 MB)
As far as I understand, lap time of AI is calculated at various settings of car, for example, angle of wing.
And judging by log, algorithm does not see limitations of model.
When trying to start a race with AI, angle of attack of 18 degrees does not correspond to limitations of model (BLACKBIRD — 3 degrees max).
Attached images
how to translate mod classes?
where i can find "Display columns"?
still can't translate RO and LA configurations
Quote from muffler :When trying to start a race with AI, angle of attack of 18 degrees does not correspond to limitations of model (BLACKBIRD — 3 degrees max).

Thanks, I've fixed that in my version. When you get the next update, I would recommend deleting AI paths created for that car (in data\knw).

Quote from denis-takumi :how to translate mod classes?
where i can find "Display columns"?
still can't translate RO and LA configurations

The mods classes are not translatable yet, though it could be done.

Display columns was added in advance as I plan to make an option to allow the mods screen two show 2 columns or 4 columns, instead of the current single column.

Rockingham configurations I was never that keen to translate as they are real 'names' at that circuit. Meaning, in a sense they are unique names (Like "Blackwood" or "Rockingham") rather than descriptions that you see at other tracks. So in a lot of languages (most Latin based languages) I think translators would not really want to translate them. Though I realise it's a bit different when we are talking about Cyrillic text.
Quote from Racon :I've been testing the MOD AI generation, and have found that very heavy vehicles have trouble braking enough when going downhill.

The best example I've found for recreation is the Metro Bus mod on SO5 (it can't make the turn) and SO3 (hits the barrier so hard it flips over and falls into the underworld).

I see...

It looks crazy, keeping the throttle planted way beyond the braking point! Big grin
Quote :FIX: Karts and EVs could drive during pitstop (throttle now held at zero)

Although this is working locally, in multiplayer an EV stopped in the pits will still appear to move (and then be teleported back)
Thanks, made a note about that.
Well, once you are for filtering, how about adding info power/weight ratio, and ascending vehicle list by weight / power / engine size ... and so on.
The AI feature seems to be pretty good overall. A+
A little suggestion
Add a 'favorites' button so we can choose our favorite tools (where we can edit the content ourselves) So we can find the tools easily.
Quote :EV pitstops

If I make a pitstop with the TOYTRI mod, I'm barely able to accelerate out of the stop once it's complete. It will move very slowly and once out of the pitstop box it will accelerate normally.

Not sure if it's a problem with the mod though.
What function excactly does the button 3h_sml_setp "set" have? For translation.
Quote from PeterN :If I make a pitstop with the TOYTRI mod, I'm barely able to accelerate out of the stop once it's complete. It will move very slowly and once out of the pitstop box it will accelerate normally.

Not sure if it's a problem with the mod though.

It's because the brakes are very strong compared with the engine power. A very small braking force is maintained so the vehicle doesn't roll away. This is released when the vehicle reaches a low speed (I think 1 m/s). So I'd call this a problem with the mod - max brake force is so high that the "very small" brake force is already too high.

Quote from Gutholz :What function exactly does the button 3h_sml_setp "set" have? For translation.

That is in the host options. It is a button next to a password.

There is "clear" and "set" - as in "Set a password"

EDIT: I've added a comment in the translation for that now. And added one new word "RECHARGING".
Quote from Scawen :Though I realise it's a bit different when we are talking about Cyrillic text.

That's what I wrote back in 2007.

English equivalent of such mixture of scripts would be, say "Ancient Greeks lived in many πόλις of Ἑλλάς across islands of Αἰγεύς sea".

Only if the word is new and you introduce it, or in case of business journalism where it'll seem disrespectful to transcribe, you keep names in Latin in the middle of Cyrillic text.
Hello Scawen, I hope that you will read my post this time and do something about the request to implement some way of showing the current FFB magnitude, such that we can optimally set up our wheels and avoid clipping.

Would be good to use the space where you have the fps graph and add one more that will show the force, it does not have to be hi-res, the class you used for fps is good enough.

At the very least, any FFB clipping indicator like the one for audio is also a good start.
Quote from rane_nbg :Would be good to use the space where you have the fps graph and add one more that will show the force, it does not have to be hi-res, the class you used for fps is good enough.

Next to the pedal inputs display is another useful place. Other driving games have it there...
Quote from detail :English equivalent of such mixture of scripts would be, say "Ancient Greeks lived in many πόλις of Ἑλλάς across islands of Αἰγεύς sea".

I like your example! Big grin

But I don't think Russians are so bad at reading Latin text, as English are at reading Greek text. Smile
Temporarily removed Test Patch A4, awaiting fix from Victor, as the favourites lists isn't working correctly yet.
Quote from Scawen :Temporarily removed Test Patch A4

Just as I was writing reply to that thread... Tilt I'll do short version then:

Classes names doesn't correctly show some language specific symbols in mods browser.

And suggestion (at least for EVs) - show charge in digits rather than traditional fuel gauge in outside view(s).
Attached images
Ekrano nuotrauka 2022-01-17 220153.jpg
Ekrano nuotrauka 2022-01-17 220240.jpg
Scawen, is it possible to update translations for web site? I dont understand why Victor dont add new words to translate system and dont update exist translations? i wrote email to him and write post on forum.
no response since mid-December. I feel like a tumbleweed in the desert :-(
Quote from PitlaneRacer :Just as I was writing reply to that thread... Tilt I'll do short version then:

Classes names doesn't correctly show some language specific symbols in mods browser.

And suggestion (at least for EVs) - show charge in digits rather than traditional fuel gauge in outside view(s).

Thank you for the bug report! I'll get that fixed for tomorrow's version.

Quote from denis-takumi :Scawen, is it possible to update translations for web site? I dont understand why Victor dont add new words to translate system and dont update exist translations? i wrote email to him and write post on forum.
no response since mid-December. I feel like a tumbleweed in the desert :-(

Well... it is possible but you will need to try to think from our viewpoint. The mods system is not yet in its final state. I guess that as the changes are gradual, you don't realise how much is changing every week.

Every time we have to add translations, it is a lot of effort. Instead of just adding some text it has to be added to a special list of translatable strings. To keep doing that with a website that is still being developed, would be a real pain.

We are working all the time, every day, on trying to get the mods system to a sustainable system, so there just isn't time to stop that and work on translations which would then make development slower.

This is my guess at an explanation. I haven't discussed translating the new website changes with Victor, as I imagine he won't want to do that until it's stable.

But I would like to thank you very much for the translations! Are you also saying that you have updated existing ones for the existing pages, and Victor could update that (without adding new lines) ?
I completely understand you, as I have experienced all this myself. But I would like to point out that part of the site that was translated before the advent of mods.

for example, there is a Files menu. I see it not translated. but in the translation system it is translated.

Online section is not translated to.

see atachments.

I don't want to offend any of you, but I'm just sad about this approach, when messages are ignored. There is nothing worse than ignoring other people. It is best to give an answer, at least some, even if it says that everyone is busy and there is no time to answer =)

although to some extent I myself am to blame for my importunity. but it's all for good intentions.
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Quote from rane_nbg :Something like this would be great.

Agreed, a FFB graph would be splendid especially when testing out mods. Can be very handy to tell if something's wrong with steering/suspension geometry, particularly as quite a few mods end up clipping on FFB at settings levels that are fine for all stock cars.
Hi! I've found couple things related to electric cars.

I've attached couple screenshots as couple things caught my eye:

1) Is it necessary to display Shift Up-icon in virtual clock in a situation where car has just 1st, Neutral and Reverse gears? You really can't shift up Big grin

2) For those electric cars, F12-menu still does display texts about refueling instead of recharging. Also, shouldn't there be a text line informing that recharging is not allowed as well? Right now, you can find text "Refuelling allowed : no" from F12 menu, but not text "Recharging allowed : no"

I've also attached a SPR replay of one practice session where AIs used E-Challenger, Formula XR-E, Formula XR and Formula RC6. I decided to attach this as I found one potential bug when those AIs drove (I advise you to speed up that replay since they will start to run out of fuel/charge only after about 20 laps have been driven)

Potential bug: If AI driver driving electric motor car runs out of charge and eventually drives very slowly, that AI will not move out of the racing line. As in contrast to other type of cars who will move out of racing line if they run out of fuel. It will eventually just stay stationary on racing line.

Also one question: when watching (single player) replays that have modded AI cars, could it be possible to extend system of asking to download skins for replays to mods as well? What I'm suggesting is when starting to watch replay, LFS would ask user if they want to download mods used in that replay that haven't already been downloaded. Or LFS would at least inform user about what mods are used in replay that user hasn't already downloaded?

I'm asking this because when I watched SPR from another LFS instance (that also has 0.7A3 installed), it reported me about OOS error instantly. This happened because I hadn't download all those modded cars used in that replay into that instance. The problem I found is that LFS doesn't inform me which mods I need to download to watch that replay. Only after I downloaded those mods in that instance (at least I didn't need to generate those AI paths again), I could watch that replay.

I'm not sure does this happen with MPRs as well, but needless to say: I can already imagine someone upload SPR-file here when reporting a bug, only resulting no one else being able to watch that replay, since they haven't downloaded all required mods.
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Attached files
FuelTest.spr - 4.6 MB - 145 views
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Test Patch A3 - Fixes and Improvements
(27 posts, closed, started )