The online racing simulator
Cars we don't drive?
(122 posts, started )
I just wanted to pop in and say that few hours ago I had some great racing in RAC on South city. Imho, people should really sometimes try to like new cars, take the LX6 for example. I hated it before the patch, hated pretty much after the patch but when I did my first races on OCC (LRF&BL1R) I started to really like the car. Same thing with the RAC. Once I got more used to it and had few more races, it was pure love. The RAC is now my favourite car, while in the past I have been almost exclusively racing the big GTRs and FOX pretty much all the time. With a good setup the RA is no longer twitchy, LX6 is still some much but both can be very enjoyable rides

Hell, I have even raced XRG recently, the most boring car ever seen in racing sim. And I even liked it! Next I'm gonna tease myself with XFG or even XFR. The boring, unpowered washing machine and the tintop, flip-flop tompty-pop.

Don't say that you hate some car if you haven't properly tried it. I won't make that mistake anymore
Quote from Hyperactive :I just wanted to pop in and say that few hours ago I had some great racing in RAC on South city. Imho, people should really sometimes try to like new cars, take the LX6 for example. I hated it before the patch, hated pretty much after the patch but when I did my first races on OCC (LRF&BL1R) I started to really like the car. Same thing with the RAC. Once I got more used to it and had few more races, it was pure love. The RAC is now my favourite car, while in the past I have been almost exclusively racing the big GTRs and FOX pretty much all the time. With a good setup the RA is no longer twitchy, LX6 is still some much but both can be very enjoyable rides

Hell, I have even raced XRG recently, the most boring car ever seen in racing sim. And I even liked it! Next I'm gonna tease myself with XFG or even XFR. The boring, unpowered washing machine and the tintop, flip-flop tompty-pop.

Don't say that you hate some car if you haven't properly tried it. I won't make that mistake anymore

Do you have some of those "good setups" so I could learn loving this car, to share ?
Quote from alland44 :Do you have some of those "good setups" so I could learn loving this car, to share ?

This is the set I've been using lately. Understeery but surprizingly stable at higher speeds, like the fast corners on south city. Not sure where I did get it or is it my own making but I've done my pbs on Fe green and So4R with it.

I would defenately like to see more people racing the LRF cars
Attached files
RA_racerace.set - 132 B - 226 views
Quote from alland44 :Xfg should be the easiest car to drive, of the RWD`s. I drove it yesterday on Aston north rev - A track I know reasonably. It took me 15 minutes, to beat my own uf1000 pb on that track

FOX is easily the easiest RWD to ease around in. Try this at BLGP.
Attached files
FORMULA XR_TBlGP8_81R1.set - 132 B - 215 views
Quote from Hyperactive :This is the set I've been using lately. Understeery but surprizingly stable at higher speeds, like the fast corners on south city. Not sure where I did get it or is it my own making but I've done my pbs on Fe green and So4R with it.

I would defenately like to see more people racing the LRF cars


I`ll try that out.


I could do three laps, without chrashes, on my worst track (Fe Green) That`s very promissing
I drive on all cars in lfs ^_^
Quote from Hyperactive :(LRF&BL1R)

for some reason the STCC server was running this a while back and loved it, for the next two days the [MG] server had it, but people just didnt turn up
I'm pretty sure I've messed around with all of the cars at some point or another, but my current project is to practice with every car on every track/config. I didn't realize how long it was going to take at first

I do most of my LFS at work (I work a night shift answering phones, and there's a lot of free time in the last half of my evening) hotlapping online on a hidden server. I don't have broadband here and I have to afk often enough to make actual racing pretty hopeless. I only get to do that for a small window of time after work before sleep and even then I'm not quite confident enough with many of the combos that seem to be popular online.

I made a list of the cars sorted by hp/ton and I'm slowly working my way up from the bottom of the bin. Basically I just drive each combo in quali mode with Kegetys fantastic ghost mod until I feel that I'm driving a smooth consistent lap - some of them take a lot longer to "master" (hehe, something like that ) than others. I made up a pretty slick Excel app that downloads all the WRs and my PBs and charts them against each other and shows the % difference so I can see which combos I'm doing relatively well on and which ones need a lot more practice.

So far I've done the UF1, XFG, and XRG, and I'm up to Fern Bay in the RB4. Each car has been my favorite car for the week or so while I was practicing with it - they're all a blast in their own respective ways. The UF1 and XFG were a good intro to LFS and helped me learn the tracks at low speeds. The XRG though... wow that was a surprise. It took me sooo long to get that ass under control. In retrospect, I think a big part of my problem was that I was trying to learn the RWD with really twitchy setups from teaminferno. When I finally dove into making my own setups with the help of Bob's guide and Colcob's analyser I ended up with a much looser and easier to control vehicle. It's much more fun actually being able to go a lap without doing 360s on every turn . The RB4 is a ton of fun too; I love chucking it around SO Long.

Anyway, to make a long story short, the notion of removing unpopular cars is ridiculous. They're all fun (to someone): slow, fast, RWD, FWD, 4WD, whatever! LFS FTW!
I just went through and did the Main Hotlap Rank. Boy, that was a lesson. I realized there are some cars I hate. (There are in RL too.) Most of the FWDs drive me buggy. The FXO is ridiculous. illepall That XRT is a real pain to drive.

On the other hand, the FXR was a wonderful surprise. And all the single seaters are terrific. I'm really stoked to go out and find MRT and FO8 races now. What exceptional racing vehicles.
Quote from orre :IMO then only boring car in LFs is BF1 and might FZ50

I don't see why people find the BF1 boring to drive. In fact, I think the car is so difficult, on any average server the difference between the top and the slower driver might be up to 7 seconds! So it's not really an easy car, and when you're on the limit, it feels awsome. The FOX feels boring, on the long straights.
Quote from Darkone55 :I don't see why people find the BF1 boring to drive. In fact, I think the car is so difficult, on any average server the difference between the top and the slower driver might be up to 7 seconds! So it's not really an easy car, and when you're on the limit, it feels awsome. The FOX feels boring, on the long straights.

There is so much more tigth race in the fox, than this Bf1.

But if you don`t like to race - Choose that Bf1
I don't feel there would be any good reason to retire any motors from LFS. They all make up the glorious tapestry that is the world of LFS.

Remember that just because you don't drive a certain track/car combo doesn't mean that other people don't. I was a FZR As.NAt man, as well as Kyoto but I know many people hated that 'the same as everyone else' feeling. But I can't stand the single seaters, many poeple won't hear a word said against them. That's what makes LFS the way it is, that is how good LFS is. That we can enter into a discussion about whether a car has merits or not in a way that you would never get in any other racing games/simulations.

And for the record . . . RWD got the soul and the groove with some stink thrown in for good measure and not only James Brown behind the wheel but with Howling Wolf, Stevie Wonder and the cool slippery slidy blues undertones of BB king riding shotgun.

Fwd . . . .well, thats got more of your chemical brothers, Aphex Twin, Orbital and Sneaker Pimps feel. Alright for a night out and a blast around town but most likely leave you with a headache in the morning.

AWD . . . See, no thats your safe option. Middle of the road with Dido fronting metallica. Massive attack playing backing to Def Leppard. Eric Clapton playing the lead guitar in AC/DC. It's got a bit of bark but you know it won't turn and stab you in the back. AWD is something you would take home to meet your mom.

I'm most definatly a RWD man. Mid engined preferable.
I'm aiming for that whole Lightning Hopkins approach where the car is so cool and laid back that it drives you.
Quote from alliennas :Hi racers.
Few days earlier, I decided to check what cars people drives most.. So here it is :reallyattached). For example we have XR GT Turbo and XR GTR, and no one drives the old XR GT. Why? Because everybody drives XR GT Turbo. Same story with LX4 and LX6. Actually I have never seen someone to drive the LX4.

Formula V8 is "dead" like MRT atm. But I do like these two cars, but no one drives it, because BF1 came in . Yeap, BF1 is very popular recent days, and it killed the old good FO8. Ok that's a bit off topic.

My point is: do we really need such cars like XR GT, LX4 ? (don't blame me for my opinion)
Sorry for english


kthx. point made.
Cars we don't drive? LX8 GTR, unfortunately.
While there are cars we don't use as much, i don't think we should get rid
of any existing one either. They all have a little something and i think the
servers are more to blame for which cars are popular. I've been hanging in
the SR server lately and it's always the FOX on AS club (something like
that). That has to affect the stats a bit

Seems to me the FOX is the preferred open-wheel/single-seater. Now that
we have the BF1, the FO8 is a bit ignored, but after racing that BF1 in a
server the other day, i switched to the FO8 and god was it more fun to
drive. I was only 2 seconds off the pace of the BF1 but enjoyed it much more.
Good point. Like I said, everycar in LFS atm is a piece of history. And as have been so eloquently put over the past posts is that each car has something very individual to offer. LFS isn't about racing just GT's, or just Open wheelers or just FWD's. It's got everything for everyone and it simulates to such a good degree that every car is what you would expect. Even though I am a GT RWD FZR fanatic I shall still go and drive a UF1 every once in a while just because I can. UF1 races are some of the best races I've ever had. It's somehtthing you can only really appreaciate once you've got competetative and race the highter classes that what the lower powered cars give you (Apart from good learning) is honest to goodness fun. And fun is where it's at. LFS really is that good.
heres mine
Attached images
cars we dont drive.JPG
Weird, you went to cross out the F1 car and got the lovely Formula 3000 instead. Oh well, your loss.
no its right but I think you had 1 too many beers if you think that haha no 8)
Quote from Captain Slow :WHAT!!! ONE ONE ELEVEN the fox is soooooooooo fun. especially with steering damage.


Cars we don't drive?
(122 posts, started )