The online racing simulator
I think as it stands previous layouts are still valid - because the racing line hasnt changed at all , i think its just to prevent cheating during the proper races etc - but ill ask to make sure mate
Quote from f1r3b4ll :I think as it stands previous layouts are still valid - because the racing line hasnt changed at all , i think its just to prevent cheating during the proper races etc - but ill ask to make sure mate

Quote from f1r3b4ll :I think as it stands previous layouts are still valid - because the racing line hasnt changed at all , i think its just to prevent cheating during the proper races etc - but ill ask to make sure mate

I hoped so. So where exactly is my miraculously driven 1.08.63 then (How I did that I still don't know;>)?
If you uploaded it to OLFSL site, it's there.
Hotlap deadline postponed!!
New deadline is Saturday 18:00 GMT.
I am haveing problems upload my new time keeps saying Check the SPR-file again. (invalid track!) and i can not write anything in the chatterbox
Webhotel again.. sorry
Congtratulations !!!

Congratulations to our SkillDriving Champion FOX 2!

An amazing final lap in the LX4 gives Fox 2 the title, his nearest rival 3 seconds away!!

Well done to all participants, you all drove really well, it was a very tough track and the pressure was very high to deliver a fast time with no penalties.

I must apologize for some of my hosting blunders, but my excuse is that I didn't realize I was hosting until just a couple of hours beforehand, thus I was a little unprepared!

Great commentary by Fireball as always!

Hope you all had fun and liked my layout. If you are interested in another event like this next season and would like me to design again (or prefer FienDi to do it next time), let us know on the forum, you're feedback is always welcome!
Congrats to RRT.Fox2
I must say whadda time he made with LX4 in the final
Youre definetly the man this time =)

I had ok run in final...just that final very twisty place just before finnishline could been better...with better that i could do only aprox 1s faster time, but who cares, im in top3 and im happy =D

Thnx to OLFSL staff for organizing things like this. Layout was just great and this new format (two different cars / two races) were also a good idea!!
OLFSL TV with Fireball commentary rocked =)

RRT.Fox2...could u be so nice and share your setup with us now ?)