Test Patch B2 (now B12)
(70 posts, closed, started )
Test Patch B2 (now B12)



Hello Racers,

Here is a new test patch: 0.7B12

The changes are listed below.

0.7B12 is COMPATIBLE with 0.7B

- You CAN connect online with 0.7B
- You CAN play replays from 0.7B

Please back up or rename your LFS.exe from 0.7B so you can revert to it if necessary.

Changes from 0.7B11 to 0.7B12:

Command /eventlist=no to disable list of events
Corrected opacity of background buttons in mods screen
Can receive one more text field to show beside "Sign up"
Updated translations - thank you translators!

Changes from 0.7B10 to 0.7B11:

Improved appearance of entry screen upcoming events list
Can use up / down / page up / page down / home / end keys
FIX: Mods screen flickered while downloading mod images

Changes from 0.7B8 to 0.7B10:

List of upcoming events is displayed on the entry screen
- click event name to visit the event page at lfs.net
- signup and live stream links are provided if relevant
- a "Join" button is also available if the host is running

Changes from 0.7B7 to 0.7B8:

Input language support:

Text dialog can now get wider if long string typed with IME open
FIX: Characters from click in code page were wrongly interpreted
FIX: Composition string disappeared if you clicked another window
FIX: Composition interpreted in wrong language if language changed
FIX: Composition text could change language of characters after it

Changes from 0.7B6 to 0.7B7:

LFS is no longer a "non-unicode program" which helps a few things:

You can type into LFS with any input language supported in LFS
- Latin 1 / Central European / Turkish / Baltic / Cyrillic / Greek
- Japanese / Traditional Chinese / Simplified Chinese / Korean
You can change the input language at any time and continue typing
To paste text from elsewhere you must select correct input language
NOTE: code pages are still used internally - change is text entry

Changes from 0.7B3 to 0.7B6:

New selected text system (for editors, but works in LFS):

If text dialog is initialised the text is shown as selected
Selected text will be replaced by the next character entered
Use left/right arrow or home/end if you want to edit the text
You can now use the mouse to click to position the text cursor
Right click slider initialises dialog with the current value
Use CTRL+A to select all text in the dialog (e.g. to delete)
NOTE: There is no partial selection - it's all or nothing


More translations updated - thank you, translators
Maximum force feedback setting reduced to 100% (was 200%)
Force feedback adjustment keys (,/.) now move in steps of 1%
Some fixes for IME (Input Method Editors for East Asian languages)
FIX: Could not play MPR if server had been in game over 24.8 days
FIX: Error message using IME - "UpdateCandidates : No candidates"

Changes from 0.7B2 to 0.7B3:

A message shown for each mod downloaded while joining (like skins)
Removed message "You have the latest version" when selecting a mod
A few more lines on the mods screen can be translated
More translations updated - thanks to translators

Changes from 0.7B to 0.7B2:


Mods in use will be downloaded while you are joining a B2 host


New option "wireframe" in garage viewer mode
More translation updates - thank you translators
SHIFT+F now toggles force display in garage (F is front view)
FIX: CTRL key reduced size of favourites stars in mods screen
FIX: Rating numbers from previous mod were shown on local test mod


Objects with high CoG (e.g. football) retain shadow a bit higher
Reduced maximum lag to process a position packet to half a second
FIX: Wheels could penetrate vertical wall objects when wall riding
FIX: Rare crash if not yet loaded remote mod did pit damage repair


A FULL version of LFS 0.7B must already be installed

To install the PATCH using the SELF EXTRACTING ARCHIVE:

1) Move or save the patch into your main LFS folder
2) Double click the patch to extract it to that folder
3) When you see "Confirm File Replace" select "Yes to All"
4) Now you can start LFS in the normal way

NOTE: You can see if the patch is correctly installed when you run
the program (LFS.exe). At the bottom of the entry screen: 0.7B12


PATCH 0.7B TO 0.7B12 (SELF EXTRACTING ARCHIVE) (If you already have 0.7B)
EDIT: Link removed, full version is now available (1.3 MB)
Oh,you guys still working on the mods...
Thought its graphics update time Frown
Quote from Viperakecske :Oh,you guys still working on the mods...
Thought its graphics update time Frown

They probably are working on both, cant work on one thing all the time, its so easy to get burned out doing that
Well... seeing as you are interested... it might be helpful for people to understand the thinking behind the patch, some info about how things actually go in the real world as opposed to some imagined perfect world where I can continue coding full time without any issue. And what the plans are as I see them.

Since version B was released, first I did some finishing work that week and put a little time into a special version that can really help with events such as the football (Soccar) event. As the ball can run on the host, it works so much better. It's a special server version that could be used for some special cases in future. Something I really wanted to do, even since before the first public version of mods. It's an interesting concept. The reason I even *do* this job, is so that I can follow interesting concepts and get them done!

Then I got Covid, and it was the kids half term. So not much done that week.

As you know, we have a public review system now, and it has been fairly common for people to submit mods from other games, usually by mistake (e.g. they got it from a supposedly legitimate website but the person who uploaded it there didn't actually make it). We can't host such mods, so it's important to have the wireframe view that helps people to examine the model and see if it has come from an illegitimate source.

I don't like the fact that there was a crash in the version. Even if rare... there's one reason that LFS doesn't crash much. It's not because it's 'old' or 'can run on a toaster' etc. It's because I always try to fix every crash, and respond when community members report one.

A couple of other bugs and issues were spotted in the football event so I did a quick fix for them. The shadow bug and the wall riding. Good to fix them. Then when fixed, why hold them back? You guys can have the fix too!

One important thing, for people with worse internet connections, is the ability to download mods while joining a host, instead of after you have joined. It was on my sheet for months, long before the first public test patch of the mods system was ever released. I actually did that in a day yesterday. It has been a little hard to get right back to work after Covid.

Although my Covid was classed as 'mild' I can tell you that for me it was a lot worse than a normal cold. I had some rough nights, weird aching muscles and all sorts of symptoms, separately and sequentially. For info I'm 50 years old and semi-fit meaning I run and ride bikes a bit and walk a few km nearly every day if I don't run or ride. I eat a healthy diet, do not smoke (for 10 years) and rarely drink (and if I do, it's one glass). I actually thought Covid would hit me less hard. As I work from home, I was not vaccinated. I got the Covid from Leo who brought it back from school. I'm not asking for sympathy, it was my choice. I have my reasons.

So the download mods thing was a real good day of work yesterday. I had been somewhat distracted by the war and programming seemed very confusing. It's hard to explain to a non-programmer, quite how hard programming can be and how organised you have to be and have a good short term memory and sometimes keep notes as you go. Even in this case, when I wasn't really doing something entirely new and inspirational, there's data collection, packet sending, list processing, and it's quite simply a lot more involved than you might imagine!

I want to call a stop to working on mods, as you know, with a solid version out there. So that's what this test patch is all about. A simple update that allows me to get on with the tyre physics. There are a lot more things I could do with mods but I want to stop, because when we get the new physics and graphics out, it'll be easier to work on things as I won't have to merge two separate versions.
Would it possible to add untrained AI mod to an online host? Currently I have to run a single player race with AI, so that it create rough knowledge file then I can use it online...
I am glad that COVID was only mild (even if tough).
I don't think this is related to downloading mods, but when someone in server joins the track with a mod (even if already in use by others, the game stutters quite badly, this might be cause by high poly or maybe high res dds but can't this stutter be fixed somehow or is there a cause ? When multiple cars join and leave track with a mod during practice it gets very bad. I know it's a vague request but considering that lfs is heading towards higher quality everything, such stutters for a car shouldn't be this bad in my opinion.
The game also stutters when a skin is downloaded but compared to what i've experienced with mods its very minor.
Hi Scawen!

Awesome work as always. Would it be possible to re-instate having wheel track adjustments within LFS? Some of the cars that we are currently producing are quite high-tech and would have this adjustment in real life as well.
It's been some years since it was in LFS, like what since 2005-6, so I'm not sure it even is possible anymore... Thanks for making us able to do this anyway.
Quote from Scawen :Well... seeing as you are interested... it might be helpful for people to understand the thinking behind the patch, some info about how things actually go in the real world as opposed to some imagined perfect world where I can continue coding full time without any issue. And what the plans are as I see them.

Since version B was released, first I did some finishing work that week and put a little time into a special version that can really help with events such as the football (Soccar) event. As the ball can run on the host, it works so much better. It's a special server version that could be used for some special cases in future. Something I really wanted to do, even since before the first public version of mods. It's an interesting concept. The reason I even *do* this job, is so that I can follow interesting concepts and get them done!

Then I got Covid, and it was the kids half term. So not much done that week.

As you know, we have a public review system now, and it has been fairly common for people to submit mods from other games, usually by mistake (e.g. they got it from a supposedly legitimate website but the person who uploaded it there didn't actually make it). We can't host such mods, so it's important to have the wireframe view that helps people to examine the model and see if it has come from an illegitimate source.

I don't like the fact that there was a crash in the version. Even if rare... there's one reason that LFS doesn't crash much. It's not because it's 'old' or 'can run on a toaster' etc. It's because I always try to fix every crash, and respond when community members report one.

A couple of other bugs and issues were spotted in the football event so I did a quick fix for them. The shadow bug and the wall riding. Good to fix them. Then when fixed, why hold them back? You guys can have the fix too!

One important thing, for people with worse internet connections, is the ability to download mods while joining a host, instead of after you have joined. It was on my sheet for months, long before the first public test patch of the mods system was ever released. I actually did that in a day yesterday. It has been a little hard to get right back to work after Covid.

Although my Covid was classed as 'mild' I can tell you that for me it was a lot worse than a normal cold. I had some rough nights, weird aching muscles and all sorts of symptoms, separately and sequentially. For info I'm 50 years old and semi-fit meaning I run and ride bikes a bit and walk a few km nearly every day if I don't run or ride. I eat a healthy diet, do not smoke (for 10 years) and rarely drink (and if I do, it's one glass). I actually thought Covid would hit me less hard. As I work from home, I was not vaccinated. I got the Covid from Leo who brought it back from school. I'm not asking for sympathy, it was my choice. I have my reasons.

So the download mods thing was a real good day of work yesterday. I had been somewhat distracted by the war and programming seemed very confusing. It's hard to explain to a non-programmer, quite how hard programming can be and how organised you have to be and have a good short term memory and sometimes keep notes as you go. Even in this case, when I wasn't really doing something entirely new and inspirational, there's data collection, packet sending, list processing, and it's quite simply a lot more involved than you might imagine!

I want to call a stop to working on mods, as you know, with a solid version out there. So that's what this test patch is all about. A simple update that allows me to get on with the tyre physics. There are a lot more things I could do with mods but I want to stop, because when we get the new physics and graphics out, it'll be easier to work on things as I won't have to merge two separate versions.

Hi Scawen

I don't think you are the other guys hear this enough, THANKS! Thank you for what you have produced over the years, a sim that is truly awesome and doesn't require the latest and greatest gaming rig to enjoy. I think far too few people take time to simply appreciate what a team of 3 has actually achieved over the last 2 decades. We as consumers quickly get caught up in consuming and take little time to reflect on what we consume and the work that goes into it. So once again, thank you, keep up the good work and all the best with your post Covid recovery, we are thankful that you have survived it and I am sure you family is too!

Me and up to 5-6 other players that I've discussed this with are having issues playing MPR. I saved a 30 hour replay just now. When viewing the replay, all I'm seeing is a black screen. I am not able to use the timeline at the bottom, its like the entire MPR is just frozen.

I am happy to give you any logs, or files to figure out how this issue can be solved.
I'm using 0.7B.
Thanks for the report. I have heard of this bug from one other person, but I haven't seen it myself. If I do a quick test to save a MPR locally, it seems fine. Is it only in super-long replays? Was the replay saved on the server or client?

I'd like to see a replay that shows this bug to see if I can work out what the problem is. Preferably I'd like to use the smallest replay that has the bug, but if it has to be a massive one then that is OK too.
Easy and intuitive to install, works perfectly and improved load time compared to loading mods the old way. A+.
Hello,Mr Scawen!
Can we hope to add different wheel offsets for different configurations of the same car?

Sometimes I add pretty wide body kits to my mods and unfortunately the rims are still in wheel arches. I would like to be able to make both a city and a track car from one mod.
Hi, how can i contribute to translate some mods descriptions? I see it pretty handy for people who dont understand a lot of english.

And also. There's any possibility to fix setups on our mods? or limit what racers can tweak on the setup or not.
Hi i can't find the viewer on the 0.7B patch :s maybe add virtual keyboard for searching mod in vr?
Would be nice to be able to see the collaborators, full description and changelog within the ingame-mod-browser.
Thanks for the feedback.

I don't expect everyone to read my long post, but it is quite amusing that my post said, in short, "I want to stop working on mods for now" but quite a few people have taken it as a request for mod-related suggestions. The exact opposite of what I said! Big grin

Sorry but these suggestions won't happen now! I'm trying to stop working on mods now, so I'm just fixing a few important things, and leaving a lot of things that *could* be done, on a list for the future.

Quote from kristofferandersen :When viewing the replay, all I'm seeing is a black screen. I am not able to use the timeline at the bottom, its like the entire MPR is just frozen.

I am happy to give you any logs, or files to figure out how this issue can be solved.
I'm using 0.7B.

I really would like to hear from anyone who has seen this bug, I'd like to have an example replay with this problem so I can find out what causes this bug.

Quote from HighSpeedGarage :Hello,Mr Scawen!
Can we hope to add different wheel offsets for different configurations of the same car?

Sometimes I add pretty wide body kits to my mods and unfortunately the rims are still in wheel arches. I would like to be able to make both a city and a track car from one mod.

It's a good suggestion but that won't be done now. As mentioned before, I want to finish the updated tyre physics so we can release the new graphics version.

Quote from Facu23 :Hi, how can i contribute to translate some mods descriptions? I see it pretty handy for people who dont understand a lot of english.

And also. There's any possibility to fix setups on our mods? or limit what racers can tweak on the setup or not.

I don't think we'll ever support translations for mod descriptions. It would really be too difficult to manage such a system.

Fixed setups might be interesting. But as for all the suggestions, it'll be a whole lot easier to imlpemet new ideas when I only have to implement them into one version instead of two, so that's why I'm trying to stop working on mods now.

Quote from NENE87 :Hi i can't find the viewer on the 0.7B patch :s maybe add virtual keyboard for searching mod in vr?

No the viewer isn't visible in VR. It would be cool to see the 3D car there but such a system doesn't exist and as with all these things, very hard to have to implement it into two separate versions of LFS. The garage car in VR is like an image, it is drawn flat onto a texture so it works in VR but that is not the case for the viewer.

You can see the virtual keyboard when searching for mods if you press the virtual keyboard button on your controller. If using mouse you'd better press backspace before clicking the search field.

Quote from Amynue :Would be nice to be able to see the collaborators, full description and changelog within the ingame-mod-browser.

This is probably impractical and certainly will not be done now. At least it's really easy to get to the web page by clicking a link in-game.

OK everyone, I only really want to hear about bugs or issues now. No suggestions please. There is a separate suggestions thread.
Quote from Scawen :Thanks for the feedback ...

I really would like to hear from anyone who has seen this bug, I'd like to have an example replay with this problem so I can find out what causes this bug.

Alright, I've reached out to a few people for their broken replays. I've made a folder in my Google Disk, they'll be appearing there. I've put mine in there for now, that was the very long one.

for the man of ski - 5 ish hours
Thanks, I'll see if I get the same issue.

At the moment I have access denied when I click the google link but I have requested access by clicking the link. I haven't used google drive before but I guess you have to give me access?
#19 - FIZ
Quote from Scawen :OK everyone, I only really want to hear about bugs or issues now.

Issue: Need to click "Go" two times to play against AI and that text is ugly.
In Single mode, when playing against AI in a new "track+mod" combination, the path generation calculation is very ugly on screen overlaying everything, it is not really useful and so annoying because I just clicked GO and then I have to click again GO after the calculation.
I just wish the GO button to be clicked once and I'd remove the calculation texts as it seems debug mode.
I understand a popup to be clicked if there were an error during the path calculation, but if everything is fine I just want to race quickly as possible.

Bug: cannot quit LFS if I disconnect the G29.
If I disconnect/power off the wheel (since I plug it in only when I play) while still in game, I cannot quit the program anymore.
Windows 10, Logitech G29.
LFS do not freeze immediately, only when I quit it and is then stuck at the last exit/credits image, not responding anymore.
The first time it happened I could not correlate the issue to the fact I disconnected the wheel, as I did it minutes before exiting the game and no error is displayed.
Only fix is the old classic process terminating via Task Manager.
I got used to it so much I even forgot bout it, a minor yet annoying interface bug.
TL;DR: not really "plug & play" while in game.
Quote from Scawen :Thanks, I'll see if I get the same issue.

At the moment I have access denied when I click the google link but I have requested access by clicking the link. I haven't used google drive before but I guess you have to give me access?

Oops my bad, fixed it now.
Quote from kristofferandersen :Oops my bad, fixed it now.

OK, I've found the cause and a solution that lets me run the replays.

It looks as if this would happen if the server is actually in-game for more than 24.8 days and you join it after that point.

It seems surprising that this could happen, as my understanding is that if the server is empty at any point, it will return to the game setup screen and the clock will be reset.

With my fix this problem should not arise, although I think that LFS will go wrong if it is in-game for more than 49.7 days (double the 24.8 days figure above). I don't know what will actually happen at that point.
Quote from Scawen :With my fix this problem should not arise, although I think that LFS will go wrong if it is in-game for more than 49.7 days (double the 24.8 days figure above). I don't know what will actually happen at that point.

Seems only cruise servers will be having this problem. They always have people online, and if they're asleep irl they'll be parked up in some carpark. Tbh, i don't think 50 days is enough since cruise servers don't restart unless they really have to. I'm sure this fix is more than enough, thanks!
Just for your info, that has always been the case, it's nothing new.

49.7 days is what you get from the highest number available in a 32 bit integer.

The largest 32-bit binary number: 11111111111111111111111111111111

Expressed in decimal is 4294967295. When regarded as a number of milliseconds, that is 49.7 days.

So it's pretty hard to change without some quite extensive changes which there is no chance I'll be getting into at this point. Anyway no-one complained about the 49.7 day limit for the last 20 years so I guess we're OK for now. Big grin

And to be clear, the server doesn't have to actually be restarted, it only has to be empty at some point within 49.7 days. Tilt


Old versions of Windows (like Windows 95 and 98) used to crash after 49.7 days for a similar reason. But it was extremely unlikely to ever happen because Windows used to randomly crash so often anyway, maybe a few times a day. I wonder if the people of today would be surprised to know that back then you could be doing something seemingly simple like editing a document, then the computer would suddenly get a blue screen and you would be forced to restart. Then, as if you weren't already upset enough from having lost all your work through no fault of your own, after restarting, Windows would tell you off and instruct you that you should always shut down correctly. Schwitz Big grin
Quote from Scawen :I wonder if the people of today would be surprised to know that back then you could be doing something seemingly simple like editing a document, then the computer would suddenly get a blue screen and you would be forced to restart.

That's the exact reason why I switched to Linux 22 years ago! Big grin
Quote from Scawen :Just for your info, that has always been the case, it's nothing new.
So it's pretty hard to change without some quite extensive changes which there is no chance I'll be getting into at this point. Anyway no-one complained about the 49.7 day limit for the last 20 years so I guess we're OK for now. Big grin

And to be clear, the server doesn't have to actually be restarted, it only has to be empty at some point within 49.7 days. Tilt ...

Thank you for clearing that up. If that always has been a thing for all that time I've been very lucky to not be experiencing it until now. I just assumed it had something to do with the recent updates (0.7A/B). Nothing to worry about then, and good luck with the future updates!
This thread is closed

Test Patch B2 (now B12)
(70 posts, closed, started )