Look, mate. I'm sure there are Nazis in Ukraine, just like there are in any other country. Who knows, there may even be more of a problem with Nazis in Ukraine than in other places. I really have no idea but I think it is *extremely unlikely* that so many of them are Nazis that it has become a good idea to destroy huge parts of several Ukrainian cities. We all want to get rid of Nazis. It's completely crazy that such morons exist in the modern world. We thought that was over after the second world war. But some dickheads think it's a good think to carry on with.
Are you even aware of what is happening in Ukraine?
Take a look at this BBC page.
Sure, the BBC will report in a way that is in favour of "The West"'s view, but it is careful to verify facts. It is not a rogue organisation, like the Russian government.
I don't think you have any idea of the destruction your government is causing at the moment. You can't argue in its favour, unless you are grossly misinformed.