What is happening in Ukraine?
(436 posts, closed, started )

Poll : Do you think Russia has the right to invade / defend Ukraine?

There are indeed many nationalists and even Nazis in Ukraine (mainly in Western Ukraine). They appeared there, among other things, thanks to Western "sponsors" of such movements, in particular Poland, for example, with which Russia has a long-standing enmity, which has been reinforced by NATO for the past few decades. Russophobia in Ukraine is very actively sponsored and activated by the West and NATO in particular. This is obvious and no one hides it.
I was in Ukraine in 2008 and 2010. Personally, I felt comfortable there, I encountered minimal Russophobia. But in recent years the situation has changed dramatically for the worse.
Let me remind you that there was an agreement with NATO on the non-proliferation of NATO to the east. And this NATO treaty was brazenly violated many times.
For the past few years, NATO and in particular the United States have been supplying Ukraine and the Ukrainian Nazis with weapons, almost officially, without hiding or embarrassed.
And yes, the problem of the LPR and the DPR has not gone away all these years.
Of course, I am against any war and do not support war. I do not condone Putin's actions, but NATO's pressure on Ukraine and Russia through Ukraine is obvious.
The real answer here is the concept of mu. Mu means that neither yes nor no answers the question correctly. To say yes validates Germany invading Poland, to say no means that a corrupt5 government is OK, as long as they were born there. The government is NOT a legitimate one, and does not help the people there, but how did North Korea fare after the US fled and left them in trouble?
Quote from Temych :
Let me remind you that there was an agreement with NATO on the non-proliferation of NATO to the east. And this NATO treaty was brazenly violated many times.

It is not a brand of personal hostility or Russophobia, but this agreement does not exist. The question was discussed several times when the Soviet Union existed. However, no such agreement has ever been signed.
On the other hand, the invasion of Ukraine and the non-respect of its territorial integrity violate several commitments signed by Russia between 1994 and 1997 ... but the truth weighs very little before the horrors of the war and its crimes.
Why are Georgians (from the country not the US state), fighting on the battlefields of Ukraine? The Georgian Legion was formed by ethnic Georgians in 2014, and was one of many volunteer battalions actively serving alongside the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the Donbas region against Russian-backed separatists. In this video, find out more about why Georgians bear a grudge against the Russian state and how they ended up in Ukraine, as well as their role in the 2022 Russian Invasion of Ukraine.

Quote from dfgjkl :Good question! Fascism, chauvinism and Russophobia in Ukraine is massively cultivated throughout the entire independence.
We are also wondering why Zelensky and his co. not remove from power by the Nazi gopniks who ran there?
Why does every trash arrange torchlight processions and glorify Bandera and his henchmen, who are known for their bloody deeds against their own fellow citizens!?
Why are they destroying their own history under the guise of some kind of "decommunization"? Or maybe your media doesn't show it?

Why do I not see unique thoughts from you, but only propaganda takes?

Quote from dfgjkl :not remove from power by the Nazi gopniks who ran there

Name these Nazis in power in Ukraine with proof or that is bullshit.

Quote from dfgjkl :Why does every trash arrange torchlight processions and glorify Bandera and his henchmen, who are known for their bloody deeds against their own fellow citizens!?

Because they have the freedom to protest, and there are not only Nazis, but also nationalists, conservatives, monarchists and and people of various views, as in Russia there were Russian marches "Русские марши" in which there were exactly the same people of various views including the Nazis. There are such protests and such people in any country. Nationalists in the Parliament of Ukraine has 1 seat out of about 450. In presidential elections 2014, they do not gain more than 1% of the vote. This is less than the European average. I understand that it may come as a shock to you that they were allowed to elections, but there are free elections and real politics in the country, this is what happens. People can vote for whoever they want, I understand it's hard for you to imagine.

Quote from dfgjkl : Why are they destroying their own history under the guise of some kind of "decommunization"? Or maybe your media doesn't show it?

Yes, this is history. And? Or do you think the history can only be good? Yes there were some good things too, but Communism claimed the lives of millions of Russians, Ukrainians, and many other peoples in the light of mass starvation due to incompetent management of the economy, Stalin's mass repression, Great Purge, Dekulakization, Сlerics repression, and other repression a huge number of people died.. Even if you could survive there is seizure of property acquired from citizens under the Russian Empire, totalitarianism, donositelstvo, deficit, сollectivization, iron curtain, lysenkovshchina, "Enemies of the people" who were repressed according to quotas, and which anyone could become.. and many such things does not very good life in this mode. I think you can understand them in the light of all this. I do not understand just how weak the people's memory which glorify this regime. Where the life of an individual human is worth nothing.

Quote from dfgjkl : So you think what happening in Ukraine destroyes Donbas last 8 years was ok?

You are in favor of war here. And for some reason you think this is an argument for Putin .. First of all, Putin himself did not care about it. For 8 years he did not recognize the DPR and LPR, he did not send troops there as they officially stated. So this is an argument against Putin if you think this war is right. Because all these 8 years people were dying and Putin did nothing. I understand that you are taking takes from propaganda without thinking with your head. And that's why you contradict yourself.
I don't think this war is right. It was a conflict within the territory of Ukraine. For example, in Russia there was a conflict on its territory with Chechnya in 90s-00s. This is an internal matter of the state in which no one should interfere. If the Russian people didn't like living there, they should have moved to Russia, but they didn't. And now, because of this war, both the Ukrainians and the rest of the world hate us. Our economy and politics are collapsing. Putin threatens with nuclear weapons and lie about "millions of people undergoing genocide" (Which I guess normal for you, because he constantly lies, everyone has long been accustomed to) and "Nazis with power in Ukraine" And at the same time people continue to die in Ukraine. And there are still people who continue to believe in propaganda and justify it all. Of course. it's always easier than thinking with your head.
You were told in propaganda only what they needed to tell you, and turn a blind eye to everything else in order to brainwash you, which they did remarkably well.

I answered your questions, I hope to get answers from you. Try to think with your head this time.
Yeah. The reason why you believe Russian leader is it was many, many many many years to build up.

Always be alerted if someone else from outside is saying things like they see it. It is up to you, whether you care, believe or take any actions or not.

There is no 100% trust. Just like there is no 100% free speech.

However, having no 100% trust doesn't mean it isn't enough trustful. It is what it is in humanity.

Like I have said, there is something deeper in this "conflict" what we don't currently see, if ever. I wouldn't trust in any propaganda now. According how this is reacted, seen and thought in everywhere, something doesn't match up at all.

There was a set-up for huge mistake...Or people were fooled out big time... Only because things were not set up correctly in first place... or in 2nd either.

Something doesn't match up. Whatever the case, war should be stopped now.

EDIT: There is chance getting slightly higher, little by little, that this conflict will spread out globally. Fear is cast... And in some point, there is no turning point anymore.
Quote from Temych :There are indeed many nationalists and even Nazis in Ukraine

Considering Zelenskyy is Jewish and had family members killed in concentration camps, you can rest assured he is not Nazi.

Also we've been supplying Ukraine weapons since the attacks started and rightfully so. The excuse of the possibility of Ukraine was going to join Nato is invalid. Its something that takes many years to do, ask georgia.

There was a battalion called the Asov Battalion whom some held views like that of Nazi's, they had been a volunteer non offical battalion, they had been disbanded and some had split into different battalions.

I had even wondered if even Putin had been fed wrongful intellegence, as he was so adamant that his forces would be welcomed with open arms by the civilians and seen as hereos which has not happened and is instead is the opposite. Or was this just to try and legitimize the war.

Maybe those around him being too scared to be honest with him, which we've already seen happen with other matters.

Quote from UnknownMaster21 :World War III chance has been increased ( although very, very slightly, but increased anyway )

The thing is we cannot let the threat of WW3 to allow such acts to happen. You must think further down the line, whats next ? Nato countries which then we're threatened with Nuclear Weapons ? , whether it escalates or not, we need more of a backbone
Quote from Aleksandr_124rus :Name these Nazis in power in Ukraine with proof or that is bullshit.

Имелось ввиду другое по англицки как то не так.Товарищь из UK аргументирет Зеленский еврей как он может быть нацистом? а бандерлогское движение в почете и нацистская идиология времен 2й мировой.

Quote from Aleksandr_124rus :Because they have the freedom to protest, and there are not only Nazis, but also nationalists, conservatives, monarchists and and people of various views, as in Russia there were Russian marches "Русские марши" in which there were exactly the same people of various views including the Nazis.

Ты кого из них оправдываешь или привел в премер?Давай сравним - одним дают право скакать в рамках дозволенного,другие доскакались!

Quote from Aleksandr_124rus :You are in favor of war here.

а вот тут ты все перевернул и поэтому идешь на фиг
Quote from dfgjkl :Имелось ввиду другое по англицки как то не так.Товарищь

а вот тут ты все перевернул и поэтому идешь на фиг

Выучи русский язык сначала, мамкин патриот.
@detail да есть такое начинаю забывать как это по русски Smile пагубное влияние запада.
А куда бегут стыдливые "русские"? Пащпорт уже сжег?
Quote from dfgjkl :Имелось ввиду другое по англицки как то не так.Товарищь из UK аргументирет Зеленский еврей как он может быть нацистом? а бандерлогское движение в почете и нацистская идиология времен 2й мировой.

What i stated was why would Zelenskyy be a Nazi, why would he take the ideology that killed his grandad and great uncle along with many more of his fellow people.

Just in case i have not already made it clear, i am not against the Russian People, in fact, there is a lot i admire about Russia, especially the contributions to art and culture. I just believe that Mr Putin has started to lose the plot(his mind) recently and is acting irrationally.

I do not think that Russia should become westernized as you would call it, because that takes away identity, but this is not about making Russia more western, its about stopping the actions of a dictator who is acting the sovereignty of another country.
Quote from bishtop :What i stated was why would Zelenskyy be a Nazi, why would he take the ideology that killed his grandad and great uncle along with many more of his fellow people.

Just in case i have not already made it clear, i am not against the Russian People, in fact, there is a lot i admire about Russia, especially the contributions to art and culture. I just believe that Mr Putin has started to lose the plot(his mind) recently and is acting irrationally.

I do not think that Russia should become westernized as you would call it, because that takes away identity, but this is not about making Russia more western, its about stopping the actions of a dictator who is acting the sovereignty of another country.

And i ask same question why Zelentsy is being jew doing nothing about banderlogs.So who is realy in charge? clearly not Zelenzy. pupet mupet who is he?

Yes i get that you not against rus ppl.
Quote from dfgjkl :Имелось ввиду другое по англицки как то не так.Товарищь из UK аргументирет Зеленский еврей как он может быть нацистом? а бандерлогское движение в почете и нацистская идиология времен 2й мировой.

Для того кто носит русский флаг у тебя очень плохой русский язык. Выглядит как гугл переводчик. Если так, то лучше пиши на английском, там у тебя получается лучше) Нацысты существуют во всех странах, это не является показателем вообще ничего. Количество нацыстов в стране как правило коррелирует с количеством представителей другого\их народа\ов и мигрантов внутри страны.

Я все еще не вижу примера нацистов во власти на Украине. Если ты не это имел в ввиду то ты сам признаешь что нацистов во власти на Уркаине нет? И ты признаешь что это был один примеров лжи Путина которая служила в качестве одного из поводов вторжения на Украину?

Quote from dfgjkl : Ты кого из них оправдываешь или привел в премер?Давай сравним - одним дают право скакать в рамках дозволенного,другие доскакались!

Я привел пример. Вроде это очевидно из контекста. Потому что такие движения существуют повсеместно во многих странах. Твои субьективные оценки того как эти двежения успешны мне не очень интересны. Я не знаю из каких интенций ты пишешь то что пишешь, я вижу только один правдоподобный вариант. Но меня по больешй части интересует моя страна. И что бы людям в моей стране жилось хорошо. Сейчас к сожалению это не так благодаря нашему руководству.

Quote from dfgjkl : а вот тут ты все перевернул и поэтому идешь на фиг

Я где то не прав? Ты против этой войны? И при этом оправдываешь эту войну? Разве это не самопротиворичво? Выскажи свою позицию напрямую.
Quote from bishtop :
The thing is we cannot let the threat of WW3 to allow such acts to happen. You must think further down the line, whats next ? Nato countries which then we're threatened with Nuclear Weapons ? , whether it escalates or not, we need more of a backbone

That's why I see our country should stay as neutral. But then again...conflict should not then start?

Therefore nothing is completely neutral...

This nazi discussion... I am aware and most likely there are nazis in Ukraine... but I am pretty sure Russia could have taken them out. Perhaps with force... perhaps one of the reasons...

...but this massively? whole country can't be full of nazis. There must be something more than that. Therefore removing nazis also falls into excuse category as well.

I see Russia as pretty weak as a whole. That doesn't include citizens ( excluding some, as what I have seen and read... there is 0% of honor, immoral actions ).

...but at same time, I feel Russia is not weak at all. Struggling it will though. That's another one which does not match up at all. This is probably yet another shady business, similar to western countries.

So.. who is really pulling some strings? Something is seriously f*cked up... and in somepoint, it will be an ultimate, last words to shout out with oncoming nuclear winter.

With all respect, Ukraine is far from perfect country, and they as we know that. In some cases, pretty powerless. That is not much different to Finland... in here, there is also something stupid going on, with stupid NATO discussion...

...but attacking into one country was never a solution... absolute maniac move! Absolutely there is something else than we see, I am now positive of it... but what?

If people just say things what we currently see from both sides, from both perspectives... while it may be partially true, the whole truth is still hidden...And this bullshit propaganda ain't helping for anyone. Not gonna buy it.

EDIT: if Kreml wants Soviet Union back... or if Putin wants to be into history books as hero... or something else, that failed. Perhaps not so thought in Russia and that is understandable... but making this conflict under the start of globalism, which whole world definitely is not yet ready, it surely starts weakening whole country a lot. Even if whole Ukraine is lost and destroyed, Russia will be somewhat vulnerable on certain cases... that causes fear and even more conflicts arises... which leads whole total world destruction... whoever fears most, attacks first ( if not fleeing, or compromise if found )

If whole earth is shattered into pieces... so be it.

Buuut.... there is still a lot to save!

EDIT: Same thing would happen other way around... Trump was good example.
Quote from Aleksandr_124rus :Для того кто носит русский флаг у тебя очень плохой русский язык. Выглядит как гугл переводчик. Если так, то лучше пиши на английском, там у тебя получается лучше) Нацысты существуют во всех странах, это не является показателем вообще ничего. Количество нацыстов в стране как правило коррелирует с количеством представителей другого\их народа\ов и мигрантов внутри страны.

пишу с ашипками каюсьSmile. при регистрации акк лфс нет пункта национальность я русский живу не в россии. ещё пока пишеш теряю половины мысли, получется малость бред, ну как есть...

Quote from Aleksandr_124rus :Я все еще не вижу примера нацистов во власти на Украине. Если ты не это имел в ввиду то ты сам признаешь что нацистов во власти на Уркаине нет? И ты признаешь что это был один примеров лжи Путина которая служила в качестве одного из поводов вторжения на Украину?

Ты ждешь имена фамилии и адрес?Ну так у меня их нет.С чего тогда я взял? ну так от самих Украинцев.Нет,это не мои друзья/знакомые просто я подглядываю один форум где все это обсуждается с 2004 года.

Quote from Aleksandr_124rus :Я привел пример. Вроде это очевидно из контекста. Потому что такие движения существуют повсеместно во многих странах. Твои субьективные оценки того как эти двежения успешны мне не очень интересны. Я не знаю из каких интенций ты пишешь то что пишешь, я вижу только один правдоподобный вариант. Но меня по больешй части интересует моя страна. И что бы людям в моей стране жилось хорошо. Сейчас к сожалению это не так благодаря нашему руководству.

Ну правильно всегда было виновато рукаводство да?

Quote from Aleksandr_124rus :Я где то не прав? Ты против этой войны? И при этом оправдываешь эту войну? Разве это не самопротиворичво? Выскажи свою позицию напрямую.

Ты не прав по поводу что россия и путин не предпринемали ничего для урегулирования конфликта на протяжении 8 лет. Вот не надо меня обвинять в оправдывании войны!Свою позицию я уже высказал.
dfgjkl Hey! This is international platform! Уважай это, или катись на русскоязычные форумы.

Russophobia? I don't like -phobia part. Me, personaly, I feel hate, not phobia.

Joking about migrated russians and teared down passports? And then you telling us that you live in different country. Wtf is wrong with you?

All yoor posts are full of mainstream media clichés. With attitude like that you will face 'rusophobia' contstantly. And BTW, "rusofobia" is a term, planted by russian media long before 2014, but wich helped them further with justifying their actions in Crimea and Donbass.
Quote from Racer X NZ :https://youtu.be/cCroxbTnh08

We are all telling Russia that this war is wrong and taking action to stop this war aren't we ?????
Aren't we ????

Sorry, my bad, clearly money is more important.

This is a very complex issue which requires a very deep discussion to actually reach a workable outcome to stop this war.
We all need to appreciate that to avoid WW part 3 we all need to listen to all points of view, communicate, and hopefully try to agree on a workable outcome.
Please try to listen to other peoples points of view, propoganda driven or whatever, just please try to be open, on both sides, and communicate so we the people, rather than those driven by financial outcomes, can work together to resolve and end this war.
Quote from dfgjkl :пишу с ашипками каюсьSmile. при регистрации акк лфс нет пункта национальность я русский живу не в россии. ещё пока пишеш теряю половины мысли, получется малость бред, ну как есть...
Ты ждешь имена фамилии и адрес?Ну так у меня их нет.С чего тогда я взял? ну так от самих Украинцев.Нет,это не мои друзья/знакомые просто я подглядываю один форум где все это обсуждается с 2004 года
Ну правильно всегда было виновато рукаводство да?

He's talking nonsense..I was naive when I expected reasonable answers from a brainwashed man.
Quote from dfgjkl :And i ask same question why Zelentsy is being jew doing nothing about banderlogs.So who is realy in charge? clearly not Zelenzy. pupet mupet who is he?

Yes i get that you not against rus ppl.

What makes you think zelensky is not in charge ?

Also does your media show stuff happening like in the following video

Quote from bishtop :What makes you think zelensky is not in charge ?

This is called "cognitive dissonance" and is the confusion experienced when someone is presented with a truth which is incompatible with a belief. In order to maintain the belief, an ancillary belief is required.

My favourite example from recent history was during Brexit. My friend believed that Nigel Farage was a xenophobe AND a hypocrite. He believed absolutely that Farage hated foreign people, especially Europeans. When confronted with the fact that Farage had married a German, the only viable explanation was that not only was Farage a xenophobe, he was also a hypocrite.

For this reason, Zelenskyy cannot be in charge, because it is not possible for a Jew to be in charge of a nation of Nazis.
Quote from Lotesdelere :On the powerful russian TV Pervy Kanal, Vremia TV show, on Monday evening:

Live broadcast is suddenly being cut. It's not allowed to think different than the official line.

You are more correct than even you think. It's really a global issue........

We, the people, need to say enough, She was incredibly brave to stand up the way she did, that's what we all need to do to stop ALL wars, they are generally only focused on the elites financial interests and we are the ones who get to suffer and die to support their financial ambitions and desire for control.

Just pointing out that criticising the West's warmongering tends to produce the same result.
Quote from dfgjkl :just my opinion


The telegram channel and telegram itself has long known for the place to spread misinformation and has been for the past 2 years.
Not one post on that channel shows any evidence and is the same as listening to what is said on the chan boards.

Quote from Lotesdelere :On the powerful russian TV Pervy Kanal, Vremia TV show, on Monday evening:

Live broadcast is suddenly being cut. It's not allowed to think different than the official line.

That confirms what i've always believed, there's many brave(really brave) Russian people who will speak out regardless of the consequences to themselves.

Quote from Racer X NZ :

You are more correct than even you think. It's really a global issue........

We, the people, need to say enough, She was incredibly brave to stand up the way she did, that's what we all need to do to stop ALL wars, they are generally only focused on the elites financial interests and we are the ones who get to suffer and die to support their financial ambitions and desire for control.

Just pointing out that criticising the West's warmongering tends to produce the same result.

We can speakout against our governments and not have to fear harm.
This thread is closed

What is happening in Ukraine?
(436 posts, closed, started )