As a long-time member of FM Fox Friday organizers, I am very pleased to read this topic. Here are some of my thoughts about handy fixes that would probably make it easier for just to race. Feel free to pick any into development!
With Playername, there should be an option to type down your racing number and it could be visible beside your name, and perhaps on the car. The host could then let several ppl with same number take a part in a race, or force to have only one dedicated number per attendant (like in some events there are, and they should go by registration!).
Skin sharing platform: like mods, there could be a platform for user-created skins you could just use straight from the pit window, as easy as changing your car or mod. Pick what you like - I bet there would be several users who would share their skins that way. There could be even a box for race number that appears on top of a skin when you enter one.
Also same thing with setups: if you are in SO4r and have Fox, there should be a button for public sets that are uploaded to setups section (in this case into FOX-SO4r). All newcomers would have setup immediately in use without downloading it from lfs.net and finding right folder to save it etc... The host could even force racers to race with a forced setup etc. If there'd be an opportunity to force a dedicated set for all racers, or a possibility to choose between just a few options without modding them.
Forced restriction on server: Like if we are racing GT2 and there are rules of restriction, host should be able to put these automatically on on top of any setup player is using. If a newcomer joins the server, but is not cabable of setting the right air intake, he will never get to track and leave for good from that server.
Damage repair: in pits, you should be able to choose which damage to fix and which to leave. Also tyre wear should be shown as a percentage, so that you could adjust which tyres to change and which to leave.
Right to let your team mate change your setups or refuel rate while you are racing - makes team managers more useful.
Refuel bar to show how many laps will that last - and the number of lap when you would have to pit next time helps calculating tactics while doing endurance. Also showing estimated amount of laps with current fuel (LFS LAZY feature).
Adding info about who has pitted and on which lap into spectate view. And which tyre compound is in use etc. For the viewers and spectators. Also intelligent spec to show where are battles going on - yeah there are insims for that but building them inside LFS.
Buddy list online is used in LFS Lazy. All features of Lazy including buddy list online should be built into LFS instead of having an insim. Like live timing on track while driving and comparison to your best speed and time which is the best Lazy feature to improve driving! Helps newcomers who do not know what insims are.
Also building AIRIO tracker features into LFS.
LFS remote build into LFS where you could just spec without joining the server.
Host be able to close and open pits like insims do. Also host to use custom starting lights. Maybe AI SC to ease the pain of event organizing =)
Pre-built !rc commands for admins / hosts.
Timing tracker (like NDR tracker) built into LFS.net under leagues and game. (perhaps this and some other tools for a small fee from host

Option to automatically copy sign-in to forum and perhaps add forced reply field into forum for sign in purposes.
Showing LFS race results, statistics and replays in Leagues section? Perhaps even points count.
And finally last but definitely not least: retro environment that includes at least old Westhill as it was left! (How much ££ do you want from us to include that??
