JW 350
(4 posts, started )
JW 350
Vehicle mod: JW 350
Details page: https://www.lfs.net/files/vehmods/60E4D7

Quote :Custom Bike JW 350

Quote :Java ( Jawa ) is a brand of road motorcycles manufactured in Tinec nad Sazavou (Czechoslovakia) by the concern of the same name . Jawa motorcycles were available for sale in the USSR

I have found that the bottom of the bike hits on the ground when I take corners quickly and with a lot of angle, just slightly reducing the width of the lod 3 near the bottom should fix that
Quote from Latvian Video :I have found that the bottom of the bike hits on the ground when I take corners quickly and with a lot of angle, just slightly reducing the width of the lod 3 near the bottom should fix that

ok bro, i fix it
Bike runs great but when lifting a bit, so i can lean more and have better cornering, since bike is low and scratch easy.

Btw, i dont know about this possibility, about installing any kind of dashboard to the bike, or at least a smol speedometer, no gear indicator neither anything like that. Just speedo.

Something like this: https://prnt.sc/o-4aYsIu791N

Also change license plate instead of tha whole panel, make that side panel on a third colourable piece on the bike, and moving license plate to a small side mount holder like in a few bobbers and hard tail styled bikes.
Adding to near the license plate a tiny brake light, like just a dot, or a bullet shaped one like the own headlight of the bike.

Something like this: https://prnt.sc/726GVx6Ftu88

And if is it there any kind of make it have a lil bit more of cc, so she's a bit spicy xD <3

JW 350
(4 posts, started )