*short design idea*

I wonder if the background (opaque black rounded rectangle) behind the events could be extended below the logos themselves? Something like the mashup I created and attached.

For the logos which do not fill the 16:9 frame with content (therefore can play with transparent parts around them), they look less "floating around" with the background behind them, therefore better, more attached to the event infos in my opinion. The middle poster-like logo of the RX champ looks worse but acceptable, though I would like to see events using their custom sized logos, and not going for filling the 16:9 frame with content at all costs. The third event on my mashup uses the sole RX logo, with a consistent width (like the fox friday logo).
Attached images
Right now twitch and youtube fields accept any links. Perhaps worth to include a check, so you can't enter other sites. Reduces the risk so it doesn't open any links in clients PC when you click the button in game.
Been out of LFS for 2 months just enjoying what life has outside Sim Racing. Have to say I now see why people might not want to attend leagues in the long run - consistency and results...

If I was not capable of reaching points, and had a busy schedule, there would be little incentive for me to continue racing. At least, that's the train of thought I have. There are much more things out there to do.

I believe the way forward is reliable stewarding, regular broadcasts for PR, interesting combos (to circumvent the lack of tracks at the mo)... and a (consistent) set of ballast to bring the field closer together.

That being said, ballast is a hot topic on its own so we have to find other ways to retain the participant rate. Hope someone else shares my point or is able to shed an alternate perspective.

Also with that being said above, Layout Racing League is heading into its 4th season. The first races always had close to 30 racers, but we've been able to maintain close to 20-ish throughout the season. I'm hoping that stays the same this year... New tracks, Indy events and classic combos from Season 1 remain, I really hope LRL S4 can hold its own this year. Props to Jp and Jp2 for sticking with it Smile
Quote from MandulAA :*short design idea*

I wonder if the background (opaque black rounded rectangle) behind the events could be extended below the logos themselves? Something like the mashup I created and attached.

For the logos which do not fill the 16:9 frame with content (therefore can play with transparent parts around them), they look less "floating around" with the background behind them, therefore better, more attached to the event infos in my opinion. The middle poster-like logo of the RX champ looks worse but acceptable, though I would like to see events using their custom sized logos, and not going for filling the 16:9 frame with content at all costs. The third event on my mashup uses the sole RX logo, with a consistent width (like the fox friday logo).

this does look better
Love the new landing screen ! Great change !
This is a bit of a revelation to me! I might just get the old dfgt out of the attic now, I just occasionally see what is going on with development and play with a mouse or gamepad, I've never really seen any proper races on servers these days, I really need to get back into it, not that I've ever been any good 😄. I'm really liking the progress that's being made, sometimes the simplest things make a massive difference. Good work scavier!
Quote from MandulAA :*short design idea*

Thanks for the suggestion. I've done what you said, but also made the vertical gaps match the old right-side buttons.

Quite nicely that automatically aligned 3 right-side buttons with one calendar box.

Also I've centrally aligned license button with the lowest calendar box (and the bottom line of the logo matches the top of that button).

Attached images
Test Patch B11

Improved appearance of entry screen upcoming events list
Can use up / down / page up / page down / home / end keys
FIX: Mods screen flickered while downloading mod images

Quote from Scawen :Thanks for the suggestion. I've done what you said, but also made the vertical gaps match the old right-side buttons.

Quite nicely that automatically aligned 3 right-side buttons with one calendar box.

Also I've centrally aligned license button with the lowest calendar box (and the bottom line of the logo matches the top of that button).

this is it right here, great addition, thank you for the great work scawen Smile
Note for organisers:

Quote from MandulAA :...though I would like to see events using their custom sized logos, and not going for filling the 16:9 frame with content at all costs. The third event on my mashup uses the sole RX logo, with a consistent width (like the fox friday logo).

You should now find that image uploads are no longer strictly 672x378. Instead, you can upload a range of image dimensions:
Width: 320 to 672
Height: 180 to 378

- maximum size event image 16:9 at 672x378
- wide logos with 672 width and less than 378 height
- round or square images max 378x378
- 4:3 images max 504x378
Just reposting also here...
Quote from Eclipsed :With this addition the leagues section must be better moderated now - previously there were plenty of fake/joke events around. Now with ingame visibility some might misuse the new opportunity to spread their nonsense or even spread some scam links,so I hope mods are ready to act and swing their hammers.

On a side-note, MRc RX champ was back up to 11 competitors, hope everybody enjoyed the broadcast, competing and helping to run this series with me, on to the next one in 2 weeks on a custom blackwood Config
Quote from timdecnodder :On a side-note, MRc RX champ was back up to 11 competitors, hope everybody enjoyed the broadcast, competing and helping to run this series with me, on to the next one in 2 weeks on a custom blackwood Config

It's yet a test patch. Expect results when everyone updates and not just the few on forum.
Quote from BlueFlame :

One problem with fun leagues these days [and its not just an LFS problem] is this demand to mandatorily join a discord server when all you wanted to do is to race.

id have to agree with you, in the past it's been something that had put me off joining events, not just on LFS but on other MP games also.
Quote from nexttime :It's yet a test patch. Expect results when everyone updates and not just the few on forum.

It wasn’t meant in sarcasm, we started the season with 11, dipped down to 7, and now back up to 10 drivers, so for me it’s a step back into the right direction today. Hope the new system brings even more drivers to participate
Quote from timdecnodder :It wasn’t meant in sarcasm, we started the season with 11, dipped down to 7, and now back up to 10 drivers, so for me it’s a step back into the right direction today. Hope the new system brings even more drivers to participate

I know. Just reminding that pretty much 95% of LFS users haven't installed the patch, so it should be better once updated
Quote from bishtop :id have to agree with you, in the past it's been something that had put me off joining events, not just on LFS but on other MP games also.

I mean at this point is fairly normal. No different to joining a TS/Mumble/Ventrilo server in the past. Main difference is that the server host doesn't get your IP or anything so you're more protected from attacks.
I would love a way to remind me of the events I sign up for so I don't miss them, a email could work. Like 10min before the event starts, it sends a email to the email address linked to your account.
Quote from Latvian Video :I would love a way to remind me of the events I sign up for so I don't miss them, a email could work. Like 10min before the event starts, it sends a email to the email address linked to your account.

Yeah! Maybe additionally an in-game chat message or a „pop-up“ button as additional reminder… At work Outlook and/or WebEx remind me of upcoming meetings/video conferences 15 minutes and 5 minutes before the start, as well as on time. I feel like it greatly helps to have the pop-up, the sound effect the pop-up is playing and that I have to manually close the pop-up to be punctual on time in the meeting/video conference.
Email is a possible option, though we have learned recently that some people simply do not check their email at all regularly. Would an SMS notification help? As a separate option.
I think as a separate option that helps for sure!
On the leagues section on the website there is a My Signups. Maybe Victor can add an iCalendar entry there with the signed up events that can be subscribed by any calender software (Outlook, iCal, etc.). Then there so no need for an email notification.
Quote from Scawen :Email is a possible option, though we have learned recently that some people simply do not check their email at all regularly. Would an SMS notification help? As a separate option.

SMS would work better but each to his own. It'd work even better if it was simple. Though I think the whole idea will make a marginal difference.

Like "Remind via [SMS] [MAIL]" buttons on LFS.exe next to each event - Not too long before the start so that they won't say "Alright Ima check in 20min" and forget again. I know there's no space there right now, but maybe the name of the server near join button isn't needed.

Wait there's space near signup button. Duh Rofl
Quote from Scawen :Email is a possible option, though we have learned recently that some people simply do not check their email at all regularly. Would an SMS notification help? As a separate option.

SMS Notification would be much better from my perspective, depending on how often people check their emails.
#150 - FIZ
Quote from Scawen :Email is a possible option, though we have learned recently that some people simply do not check their email at all regularly. Would an SMS notification help? As a separate option.

What about Telegram?
It is great for these kind of things.
Look at the Keepa bot on Telegram @keepa_bot
Once setup I can "follow" items on Amazon, then the bot alerts if there products notification.
It is very easy to use for the user, basically it is an alternative push system.